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v 8.5.0 (unreleased)
  - Add "visibility" flag to GET /projects api endpoint
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.4.0 (unreleased)
  - Allow LDAP users to change their email if it was not set by the LDAP server
  - Ensure Gravatar host looks like an actual host
  - Consider re-assign as a mention from a notification point of view
  - Add pagination headers to already paginated API resources
  - Properly generate diff of orphan commits, like the first commit in a repository
  - Improve the consistency of commit titles, branch names, tag names, issue/MR titles, on their respective project pages
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Autocomplete data is now always loaded, instead of when focusing a comment text area
  - Improved performance of finding issues for an entire group
  - Added custom application performance measuring system powered by InfluxDB
  - Gracefully handle invalid UTF-8 sequences in Markdown links (Stan Hu)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Bump fog to 1.36.0 (Stan Hu)
  - Add user's last used IP addresses to admin page (Stan Hu)
  - Add housekeeping function to project settings page
  - The default GitLab logo now acts as a loading indicator
  - Fix caching issue where build status was not updating in project dashboard (Stan Hu)
  - Accept 2xx status codes for successful Web hook triggers (Stan Hu)
  - Fix missing date of month in network graph when commits span a month (Stan Hu)
  - Expire view caches when application settings change (e.g. Gravatar disabled) (Stan Hu)
  - Don't notify users twice if they are both project watchers and subscribers (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Remove gray background from layout in UI
  - Fix signup for OAuth providers that don't provide a name
  - Implement new UI for group page
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Implement search inside emoji picker
  - Let the CI runner know about builds that this build depends on
  - Add API support for looking up a user by username (Stan Hu)
  - Add project permissions to all project API endpoints (Stan Hu)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Link to milestone in "Milestone changed" system note
  - Only allow group/project members to mention `@all`
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Expose Git's version in the admin area (Trey Davis)
  - Add "Frequently used" category to emoji picker
  - Add CAS support (tduehr)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Add link to merge request on build detail page
  - Fix: Problem with projects ending with .keys (Jose Corcuera)
  - Revert back upvote and downvote button to the issue and MR pages
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Swap position of Assignee and Author selector on Issuables (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Add system hook messages for project rename and transfer (Steve Norman)
  - Fix version check image in Safari
  - Show 'All' tab by default in the builds page
  - Add Open Graph and Twitter Card data to all pages
  - Fix API project lookups when querying with a namespace with dots (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Enable forcing Two-Factor authentication sitewide, with optional grace period
  - Import GitHub Pull Requests into GitLab
  - Change single user API endpoint to return more detailed data (Michael Potthoff)
  - Update version check images to use SVG
  - Validate README format before displaying
  - Enable Microsoft Azure OAuth2 support (Janis Meybohm)
  - Properly set task-list class on single item task lists
  - Add file finder feature in tree view (Kyungchul Shin)
  - Ajax filter by message for commits page
Robert Schilling's avatar
Robert Schilling committed
  - API: Add support for deleting a tag via the API (Robert Schilling)
  - Allow subsequent validations in CI Linter
  - Show referenced MRs & Issues only when the current viewer can access them
Jason Lee's avatar
Jason Lee committed
  - Fix Encoding::CompatibilityError bug when markdown content has some complex URL (Jason Lee)
Tomasz Maczukin's avatar
Tomasz Maczukin committed
  - Add API support for managing project's builds
  - Add API support for managing project's build triggers
  - Add API support for managing project's build variables
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Allow broadcast messages to be edited
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Autosize Markdown textareas
  - Import GitHub wiki into GitLab
  - Add reporters ability to download and browse build artifacts (Andrew Johnson)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Autofill referring url in message box when reporting user abuse.
  - Remove leading comma on award emoji when the user is the first to award the emoji (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Add build artifacts browser
  - Improve UX in builds artifacts browser
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Increase default size of `data` column in `events` table when using MySQL
  - Expose button to CI Lint tool on project builds page
  - Fix: Creator should be added as a master of the project on creation
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Added X-GitLab-... headers to emails from CI and Email On Push services (Anton Baklanov)
v 8.3.4
  - Use gitlab-workhorse 0.5.4 (fixes API routing bug)

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.3.3
  - Preserve CE behavior with JIRA integration by only calling API if URL is set
  - Fix duplicated branch creation/deletion events when using Web UI (Stan Hu)
  - Add configurable LDAP server query timeout
  - Get "Merge when build succeeds" to work when commits were pushed to MR target branch while builds were running
  - Suppress e-mails on failed builds if allow_failure is set (Stan Hu)
  - Fix project transfer e-mail sending incorrect paths in e-mail notification (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Better support for referencing and closing issues in Asana service (Mike Wyatt)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Enable "Add key" button when user fills in a proper key (Stan Hu)
  - Fix error in processing reply-by-email messages (Jason Lee)
  - Fix Error 500 when visiting build page of project with nil runners_token (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Use WOFF versions of SourceSansPro fonts
  - Fix regression when builds were not generated for tags created through web/api interface
  - Fix: maintain milestone filter between Open and Closed tabs (Greg Smethells)
  - Fix missing artifacts and build traces for build created before 8.3
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.3.2
  - Disable --follow in `git log` to avoid loading duplicate commit data in infinite scroll (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Add support for Google reCAPTCHA in user registration
  - Fix Error 500 when global milestones have slashes (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Fix Error 500 when doing a search in dashboard before visiting any project (Stan Hu)
  - Fix LDAP identity and user retrieval when special characters are used
  - Move Sidekiq-cron configuration to gitlab.yml
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.3.0
  - Bump rack-attack to 4.3.1 for security fix (Stan Hu)
  - API support for starred projects for authorized user (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Add open_issues_count to project API (Stan Hu)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Expand character set of usernames created by Omniauth (Corey Hinshaw)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Add button to automatically merge a merge request when the build succeeds (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Add unsubscribe link in the email footer (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Provide better diagnostic message upon project creation errors (Stan Hu)
  - Bump devise to 3.5.3 to fix reset token expiring after account creation (Stan Hu)
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Remove api credentials from link to build_page
  - Deprecate GitLabCiService making it to always be inactive
  - Bump gollum-lib to 4.1.0 (Stan Hu)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Fix broken group avatar upload under "New group" (Stan Hu)
  - Update project repositorize size and commit count during import:repos task (Stan Hu)
  - Fix API setting of 'public' attribute to false will make a project private (Stan Hu)
  - Handle and report SSL errors in Web hook test (Stan Hu)
  - Bump Redis requirement to 2.8 for Sidekiq 4 (Stan Hu)
  - Fix: Assignee selector is empty when 'Unassigned' is selected (Jose Corcuera)
Zeger-Jan van de Weg's avatar
Zeger-Jan van de Weg committed
  - Add rake tasks for git repository maintainance (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Fix 500 error when update group member permission
  - Fix: As an admin, cannot add oneself as a member to a group/project
  - Trim leading and trailing whitespace of milestone and issueable titles (Jose Corcuera)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Recognize issue/MR/snippet/commit links as references
Drew Blessing's avatar
Drew Blessing committed
  - Backport JIRA features from EE to CE
  - Add ignore whitespace change option to commit view
  - Fire update hook from GitLab
  - Allow account unlock via email
  - Style warning about mentioning many people in a comment
  - Fix: sort milestones by due date once again (Greg Smethells)
  - Migrate all CI::Services and CI::WebHooks to Services and WebHooks
  - Don't show project fork event as "imported"
  - Add API endpoint to fetch merge request commits list
  - Don't create CI status for refs that doesn't have .gitlab-ci.yml, even if the builds are enabled
  - Expose events API with comment information and author info
  - Fix: Ensure "Remove Source Branch" button is not shown when branch is being deleted. #3583
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Run custom Git hooks when branch is created or deleted.
  - Fix bug when simultaneously accepting multiple MRs results in MRs that are of "merged" status, but not merged to the target branch
  - Add languages page to graphs
  - Block LDAP user when they are no longer found in the LDAP server
  - Improve wording on project visibility levels (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Fix editing notes on a merge request diff
  - Automatically select default clone protocol based on user preferences (Eirik Lygre)
  - Make Network page as sub tab of Commits
  - Add copy-to-clipboard button for Snippets
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Add indication to merge request list item that MR cannot be merged automatically
  - Default target branch to patch-n when editing file in protected branch
  - Add Builds tab to merge request detail page
  - Allow milestones, issues and MRs to be created from dashboard and group indexes
  - Use new style for wiki
  - Use new style for milestone detail page
  - Fix sidebar tooltips when collapsed
  - Prevent possible XSS attack with award-emoji
Gabriel Mazetto's avatar
Gabriel Mazetto committed
  - Upgraded Sidekiq to 4.x
  - Accept COPYING,COPYING.lesser, and licence as license file (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Fix emoji aliases problem
Grzegorz Bizon's avatar
Grzegorz Bizon committed
  - Fix award-emojis Flash alert's width
  - Fix deleting notes on a merge request diff
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Display referenced merge request statuses in the issue description (Greg Smethells)
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Implement new sidebar for issue and merge request pages
  - Emoji picker improvements
Grzegorz Bizon's avatar
Grzegorz Bizon committed
  - Suppress warning about missing `.gitlab-ci.yml` if builds are disabled
  - Do not show build status unless builds are enabled and `.gitlab-ci.yml` is present
  - Persist runners registration token in database
  - Fix online editor should not remove newlines at the end of the file
  - Expose Git's version in the admin area
  - Show "New Merge Request" buttons on canonical repos when you have a fork (Josh Frye)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.2.3
  - Fix application settings cache not expiring after changes (Stan Hu)
  - Fix Error 500s when creating global milestones with Unicode characters (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Update documentation for "Guest" permissions
  - Properly convert Emoji-only comments into Award Emojis
  - Enable devise paranoid mode to prevent user enumeration attack
  - Webhook payload has an added, modified and removed properties for each commit
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Fix 500 error when creating a merge request that removes a submodule
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.2.2
  - Fix 404 in redirection after removing a project (Stan Hu)
  - Ensure cached application settings are refreshed at startup (Stan Hu)
  - Fix Error 500 when viewing user's personal projects from admin page (Stan Hu)
  - Fix: Raw private snippets access workflow
  - Prevent "413 Request entity too large" errors when pushing large files with LFS
  - Fix invalid links within projects dashboard header
  - Make current user the first user in assignee dropdown in issues detail page (Stan Hu)
  - Fix: duplicate email notifications on issue comments
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.2.1
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Forcefully update builds that didn't want to update with state machine
  - Fix: saving GitLabCiService as Admin Template
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed

v 8.2.0
  - Improved performance of finding projects and groups in various places
  - Improved performance of rendering user profile pages and Atom feeds
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Expose build artifacts path as config option
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Fix grouping of contributors by email in graph.
  - Improved performance of finding issues with/without labels
  - Fix Drone CI service template not saving properly (Stan Hu)
  - Fix avatars not showing in Atom feeds and project issues when Gravatar disabled (Stan Hu)
  - Added a GitLab specific profiling tool called "Sherlock" (see GitLab CE merge request #1749)
  - Upgrade gitlab_git to 7.2.20 and rugged to 0.23.3 (Stan Hu)
  - Improved performance of finding users by one of their Email addresses
  - Add allow_failure field to commit status API (Stan Hu)
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Commits without .gitlab-ci.yml are marked as skipped
  - Save detailed error when YAML syntax is invalid
  - Since GitLab CI is enabled by default, remove enabling it by pushing .gitlab-ci.yml
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Added build artifacts
  - Improved performance of replacing references in comments
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Show last project commit to default branch on project home page
  - Highlight comment based on anchor in URL
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Adds ability to remove the forked relationship from project settings screen. (Han Loong Liauw)
  - Improved performance of sorting milestone issues
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Allow users to select the Files view as default project view (Cristian Bica)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Show "Empty Repository Page" for repository without branches (Artem V. Navrotskiy)
  - Fix: Inability to reply to code comments in the MR view, if the MR comes from a fork
  - Use git follow flag for commits page when retrieve history for file or directory
  - Show merge request CI status on merge requests index page
  - Send build name and stage in CI notification e-mail
  - Extend yml syntax for only and except to support specifying repository path
  - Enable shared runners to all new projects
  - Bump GitLab-Workhorse to 0.4.1
  - Allow to define cache in `.gitlab-ci.yml`
  - Fix: 500 error returned if destroy request without HTTP referer (Kazuki Shimizu)
  - Remove deprecated CI events from project settings page
  - Use issue editor as cross reference comment author when issue is edited with a new mention.
  - Add graphs of commits ahead and behind default branch (Jeff Stubler)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Improve personal snippet access workflow (Douglas Alexandre)
  - [API] Add ability to fetch the commit ID of the last commit that actually touched a file
  - Fix omniauth documentation setting for omnibus configuration (Jon Cairns)
  - Add "New file" link to dropdown on project page
  - Include commit logs in project search
  - Add "added", "modified" and "removed" properties to commit object in webhook
  - Rename "Back to" links to "Go to" because its not always a case it point to place user come from
  - Allow groups to appear in the search results if the group owner allows it
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Add email notification to former assignee upon unassignment (Adam Lieskovský)
  - New design for project graphs page
  - Remove deprecated dumped yaml file generated from previous job definitions
  - Show specific runners from projects where user is master or owner
  - MR target branch is now visible on a list view when it is different from project's default one
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Improve Continuous Integration graphs page
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Make color of "Accept Merge Request" button consistent with current build status
  - Add ignore white space option in merge request diff and commit and compare view
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Ability to add release notes (markdown text and attachments) to git tags (aka Releases)
  - Relative links from a repositories now link to the default branch
  - Fix trailing whitespace issue in merge request/issue title
  - Fix bug when milestone/label filter was empty for dashboard issues page
  - Add ability to create milestone in group projects from single form
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Add option to create merge request when editing/creating a file (Dirceu Tiegs)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Prevent the last owner of a group from being able to delete themselves by 'adding' themselves as a master (James Lopez)
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Add Award Emoji to issue and merge request pages
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.1.4
  - Fix bug where manually merged branches in a MR would end up with an empty diff (Stan Hu)
  - Prevent redirect loop when home_page_url is set to the root URL
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Fix incoming email config defaults
  - Remove CSS property preventing hard tabs from rendering in Chromium 45 (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Force update refs/merge-requests/X/head upon a push to the source branch of a merge request (Stan Hu)
  - Spread out runner contacted_at updates
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Use issue editor as cross reference comment author when issue is edited with a new mention
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Add Facebook authentication
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.1.2
  - Fix cloning Wiki repositories via HTTP (Stan Hu)
  - Add migration to remove satellites directory
  - Fix specific runners visibility
  - Fix 500 when editing CI service
  - Require CI jobs to be named
  - Fix CSS for runner status
  - Fix CI badge
  - Allow developer to manage builds

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.1.1
  - Removed, see 8.1.2

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.1.0
  - Ensure MySQL CI limits DB migrations occur after the fields have been created (Stan Hu)
  - Fix duplicate repositories in GitHub import page (Stan Hu)
  - Redirect to a default path if HTTP_REFERER is not set (Stan Hu)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Adds ability to create directories using the web editor (Ben Ford)
  - Cleanup stuck CI builds
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Send an email to admin email when a user is reported for spam (Jonathan Rochkind)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Show notifications button when user is member of group rather than project (Grzegorz Bizon)
  - Fix bug preventing mentioned issued from being closed when MR is merged using fast-forward merge.
  - Fix nonatomic database update potentially causing project star counts to go negative (Stan Hu)
  - Don't show "Add README" link in an empty repository if user doesn't have access to push (Stan Hu)
  - Fix error preventing displaying of commit data for a directory with a leading dot (Stan Hu)
  - Speed up load times of issue detail pages by roughly 1.5x
  - Fix CI rendering regressions
  - If a merge request is to close an issue, show this on the issue page (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Add a system note and update relevant merge requests when a branch is deleted or re-added (Stan Hu)
  - Make diff file view easier to use on mobile screens (Stan Hu)
  - Improved performance of finding users by username or Email address
  - Fix bug where merge request comments created by API would not trigger notifications (Stan Hu)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Add support for creating directories from Files page (Stan Hu)
  - Allow removing of project without confirmation when JavaScript is disabled (Stan Hu)
  - Support filtering by "Any" milestone or issue and fix "No Milestone" and "No Label" filters (Stan Hu)
  - Improved performance of the trending projects page
  - Remove CI migration task
  - Improved performance of finding projects by their namespace
  - Fix bug where transferring a project would result in stale commit links (Stan Hu)
  - Fix build trace updating
  - Include full path of source and target branch names in New Merge Request page (Stan Hu)
  - Add user preference to view activities as default dashboard (Stan Hu)
Pavel Forkert's avatar
Pavel Forkert committed
  - Add option to admin area to sign in as a specific user (Pavel Forkert)
  - Show CI status on all pages where commits list is rendered
  - Automatically enable CI when push .gitlab-ci.yml file to repository
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Move CI charts to project graphs area
  - Fix cases where Markdown did not render links in activity feed (Stan Hu)
  - Add first and last to pagination (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Added Commit Status API
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Added Builds View
  - Added when to .gitlab-ci.yml
  - Show CI status on commit page
  - Added CI_BUILD_TAG, _STAGE, _NAME and _TRIGGERED to CI builds
  - Show CI status on Your projects page and Starred projects page
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Remove "Continuous Integration" page from dashboard
  - Add notes and SSL verification entries to hook APIs (Ben Boeckel)
  - Fix grammar in admin area "labels" .nothing-here-block when no labels exist.
  - Move CI runners page to project settings area
  - Move CI variables page to project settings area
  - Move CI triggers page to project settings area
  - Move CI project settings page to CE project settings area
  - Fix bug when removed file was not appearing in merge request diff
  - Show warning when build cannot be served by any of the available CI runners
  - Note the original location of a moved project when notifying users of the move
  - Improve error message when merging fails
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Add support of multibyte characters in LDAP UID (Roman Petrov)
  - Show additions/deletions stats on merge request diff
  - Remove footer text in emails (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Ensure code blocks are properly highlighted after a note is updated
  - Fix wrong access level badge on MR comments
  - Hide password in the service settings form
  - Move CI web hooks page to project settings area
  - Fix User Identities API. It now allows you to properly create or update user's identities.
  - Add user preference to change layout width (Peter Göbel)
  - Use commit status in merge request widget as preferred source of CI status
  - Integrate CI commit and build pages into project pages
  - Move CI services page to project settings area
  - Add "Quick Submit" behavior to input fields throughout the application. Use
    Cmd+Enter on Mac and Ctrl+Enter on Windows/Linux.
  - Fix position of hamburger in header for smaller screens (Han Loong Liauw)
  - Fix bug where Emojis in Markdown would truncate remaining text (Sakata Sinji)
  - Persist filters when sorting on admin user page (Jerry Lukins)
  - Update style of snippets pages (Han Loong Liauw)
  - Allow dashboard and group issues/MRs to be filtered by label
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Add spellcheck=false to certain input fields
  - Invalidate stored service password if the endpoint URL is changed
  - Project names are not fully shown if group name is too big, even on group page view
  - Apply new design for Files page
  - Add "New Page" button to Wiki Pages tab (Stan Hu)
  - Only render 404 page from /public
  - Hide passwords from services API (Alex Lossent)
  - Fix: Images cannot show when projects' path was changed
  - Let gitlab-git-http-server generate and serve 'git archive' downloads
  - Optimize query when filtering on issuables (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Fix padding of outdated discussion item.
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Animate the logo on hover
Maurice Mohlek's avatar
Maurice Mohlek committed
v 8.0.5
  - Correct lookup-by-email for LDAP logins
  - Fix loading spinner sometimes not being hidden on Merge Request tab switches

v 8.0.4
  - Fix Message-ID header to be RFC 2111-compliant to prevent e-mails being dropped (Stan Hu)
  - Fix referrals for :back and relative URL installs
  - Fix anchors to comments in diffs
  - Remove CI token from build traces
  - Fix "Assign All" button on Runner admin page
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Fix search in Files
  - Add full project namespace to payload of system webhooks (Ricardo Band)
v 8.0.3
  - Fix URL shown in Slack notifications
  - Fix bug where projects would appear to be stuck in the forked import state (Stan Hu)
  - Fix Error 500 in creating merge requests with > 1000 diffs (Stan Hu)
  - Add work_in_progress key to MR web hooks (Ben Boeckel)
  - Fix default avatar not rendering in network graph (Stan Hu)
  - Skip check_initd_configured_correctly on omnibus installs
  - Prevent double-prefixing of help page paths
  - Clarify confirmation text on user deletion
  - Make commit graphs responsive to window width changes (Stan Hu)
  - Fix top margin for sign-in button on public pages
  - Fix LDAP attribute mapping
  - Remove git refs used internally by GitLab from network graph (Stan Hu)
  - Use standard Markdown font in Markdown preview instead of fixed-width font (Stan Hu)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Fix Reply by email for non-UTF-8 messages.
  - Add option to use StartTLS with Reply by email IMAP server.
  - Allow AWS S3 Server-Side Encryption with Amazon S3-Managed Keys for backups (Paul Beattie)
v 8.0.1
  - Improve CI migration procedure and documentation

v 8.0.0
  - Fix Markdown links not showing up in dashboard activity feed (Stan Hu)
  - Remove milestones from merge requests when milestones are deleted (Stan Hu)
  - Fix HTML link that was improperly escaped in new user e-mail (Stan Hu)
  - Fix broken sort in merge request API (Stan Hu)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Bump rouge to 1.10.1 to remove warning noise and fix other syntax highlighting bugs (Stan Hu)
  - Gracefully handle errors in syntax highlighting by leaving the block unformatted (Stan Hu)
  - Add "replace" and "upload" functionalities to allow user replace existing file and upload new file into current repository
  - Fix URL construction for merge requests, issues, notes, and commits for relative URL config (Stan Hu)
  - Fix emoji URLs in Markdown when relative_url_root is used (Stan Hu)
  - Omit filename in Content-Disposition header in raw file download to avoid RFC 6266 encoding issues (Stan HU)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Fix broken Wiki Page History (Stan Hu)
  - Import forked repositories asynchronously to prevent large repositories from timing out (Stan Hu)
  - Prevent anchors from being hidden by header (Stan Hu)
  - Fix bug where only the first 15 Bitbucket issues would be imported (Stan Hu)
  - Sort issues by creation date in Bitbucket importer (Stan Hu)
  - Prevent too many redirects upon login when home page URL is set to external_url (Stan Hu)
  - Improve dropdown positioning on the project home page (Hannes Rosenögger)
  - Upgrade browser gem to 1.0.0 to avoid warning in IE11 compatibilty mode (Stan Hu)
  - Remove user OAuth tokens from the database and request new tokens each session (Stan Hu)
  - Restrict users API endpoints to use integer IDs (Stan Hu)
  - Only show recent push event if the branch still exists or a recent merge request has not been created (Stan Hu)
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Remove satellites
  - Better performance for web editor (switched from satellites to rugged)
  - Faster merge
  - Ability to fetch merge requests from refs/merge-requests/:id
  - Allow displaying of archived projects in the admin interface (Artem Sidorenko)
  - Allow configuration of import sources for new projects (Artem Sidorenko)
  - Search for comments should be case insensetive
  - Create cross-reference for closing references on commits pushed to non-default branches (Maël Valais)
  - Ability to search milestones
  - Gracefully handle SMTP user input errors (e.g. incorrect email addresses) to prevent Sidekiq retries (Stan Hu)
  - Move dashboard activity to separate page (for your projects and starred projects)
  - Improve performance of git blame
  - Limit content width to 1200px for most of pages to improve readability on big screens
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Fix 500 error when submit project snippet without body
  - Improve search page usability
  - Bring more UI consistency in way how projects, snippets and groups lists are rendered
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Make all profiles and group public
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Fixed login failure when extern_uid changes (Joel Koglin)
  - Don't notify users without access to the project when they are (accidentally) mentioned in a note.
  - Retrieving oauth token with LDAP credentials
  - Load Application settings from running database unless env var USE_DB=false
Kirilll Zaitsev's avatar
Kirilll Zaitsev committed
  - Added Drone CI integration (Kirill Zaitsev)
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Allow developers to retry builds
  - Hide advanced project options for non-admin users
  - Fail builds if no .gitlab-ci.yml is found
  - Refactored service API and added automatically service docs generator (Kirill Zaitsev)
Kirilll Zaitsev's avatar
Kirilll Zaitsev committed
  - Added web_url key project hook_attrs (Kirill Zaitsev)
  - Add ability to get user information by ID of an SSH key via the API
  - Fix bug which IE cannot show image at markdown when the image is raw file of gitlab
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Add support for Crowd
  - Global Labels that are available to all projects
  - Fix highlighting of deleted lines in diffs.
  - Project notification level can be set on the project page itself
  - Added service API endpoint to retrieve service parameters (Petheő Bence)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Add FogBugz project import (Jared Szechy)
  - Sort users autocomplete lists by user (Allister Antosik)
  - Webhook for issue now contains repository field (Jungkook Park)
  - Add ability to add custom text to the help page (Jeroen van Baarsen)
  - Add pg_schema to backup config
  - Fix references to target project issues in Merge Requests markdown preview and textareas (Francesco Levorato)
Francesco Levorato's avatar
Francesco Levorato committed
  - Redirect from incorrectly cased group or project path to correct one (Francesco Levorato)
  - Removed API calls from CE to CI
v 7.14.3
  - No changes

v 7.14.2
  - Upgrade gitlab_git to 7.2.15 to fix `git blame` errors with ISO-encoded files (Stan Hu)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Allow configuration of LDAP attributes GitLab will use for the new user account.
v 7.14.1
  - Improve abuse reports management from admin area
  - Fix "Reload with full diff" URL button in compare branch view (Stan Hu)
  - Disabled DNS lookups for SSH in docker image (Rowan Wookey)
  - Only include base URL in OmniAuth full_host parameter (Stan Hu)
  - Fix Error 500 in API when accessing a group that has an avatar (Stan Hu)
  - Ability to enable SSL verification for Webhooks
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
v 7.14.0
  - Fix bug where non-project members of the target project could set labels on new merge requests.
  - Update default robots.txt rules to disallow crawling of irrelevant pages (Ben Bodenmiller)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Fix redirection after sign in when using auto_sign_in_with_provider
  - Upgrade gitlab_git to 7.2.14 to ignore CRLFs in .gitmodules (Stan Hu)
  - Clear cache to prevent listing deleted branches after MR removes source branch (Stan Hu)
  - Provide more feedback what went wrong if HipChat service failed test (Stan Hu)
  - Fix bug where backslashes in inline diffs could be dropped (Stan Hu)
  - Disable turbolinks when linking to Bitbucket import status (Stan Hu)
  - Fix broken code import and display error messages if something went wrong with creating project (Stan Hu)
  - Fix corrupted binary files when using API files endpoint (Stan Hu)
  - Bump Haml to 4.0.7 to speed up textarea rendering (Stan Hu)
  - Show incompatible projects in Bitbucket import status (Stan Hu)
  - Fix coloring of diffs on MR Discussion-tab (Gert Goet)
  - Fix "Network" and "Graphs" pages for branches with encoded slashes (Stan Hu)
  - Fix errors deleting and creating branches with encoded slashes (Stan Hu)
  - Always add current user to autocomplete controller to support filter by "Me" (Stan Hu)
  - Fix multi-line syntax highlighting (Stan Hu)
  - Fix network graph when branch name has single quotes (Stan Hu)
  - Add "Confirm user" button in user admin page (Stan Hu)
  - Upgrade gitlab_git to version 7.2.6 to fix Error 500 when creating network graphs (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Add support for Unicode filenames in relative links (Hiroyuki Sato)
  - Fix URL used for refreshing notes if relative_url is present (Bartłomiej Święcki)
  - Fix commit data retrieval when branch name has single quotes (Stan Hu)
  - Check that project was actually created rather than just validated in import:repos task (Stan Hu)
  - Fix full screen mode for snippet comments (Daniel Gerhardt)
  - Fix 404 error in files view after deleting the last file in a repository (Stan Hu)
  - Fix the "Reload with full diff" URL button (Stan Hu)
  - Fix label read access for unauthenticated users (Daniel Gerhardt)
  - Fix access to disabled features for unauthenticated users (Daniel Gerhardt)
  - Fix OAuth provider bug where GitLab would not go return to the redirect_uri after sign-in (Stan Hu)
  - Fix file upload dialog for comment editing (Daniel Gerhardt)
  - Set OmniAuth full_host parameter to ensure redirect URIs are correct (Stan Hu)
  - Return comments in created order in merge request API (Stan Hu)
  - Disable internal issue tracker controller if external tracker is used (Stan Hu)
  - Expire Rails cache entries after two weeks to prevent endless Redis growth
  - Add support for destroying project milestones (Stan Hu)
  - Allow custom backup archive permissions
  - Add project star and fork count, group avatar URL and user/group web URL attributes to API
  - Show who last edited a comment if it wasn't the original author
  - Send notification to all participants when MR is merged.
  - Add ability to manage user email addresses via the API.
  - Show buttons to add license, changelog and contribution guide if they're missing.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Tweak project page buttons.
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Disabled autocapitalize and autocorrect on login field (Daryl Chan)
  - Mention group and project name in creation, update and deletion notices (Achilleas Pipinellis)
  - Update gravatar link on profile page to link to configured gravatar host (Ben Bodenmiller)
  - Remove redis-store TTL monkey patch
  - Add support for CI skipped status
  - Fetch code from forks to refs/merge-requests/:id/head when merge request created
  - Remove comments and email addresses when publicly exposing ssh keys (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Add "Check out branch" button to the MR page.
  - Improve MR merge widget text and UI consistency.
  - Improve text in MR "How To Merge" modal.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Cache all events
  - Order commits by date when comparing branches
  - Fix bug causing error when the target branch of a symbolic ref was deleted
  - Include branch/tag name in archive file and directory name
  - Add dropzone upload progress
  - Add a label for merged branches on branches page (Florent Baldino)
  - Detect .mkd and .mkdn files as markdown (Ben Boeckel)
  - Fix: User search feature in admin area does not respect filters
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Set max-width for README, issue and merge request description for easier read on big screens
  - Update Flowdock integration to support new Flowdock API (Boyan Tabakov)
  - Remove author from files view (Sven Strickroth)
  - Fix infinite loop when SAML was incorrectly configured.
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed

Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
v 7.13.5
  - Satellites reverted

v 7.13.4
  - Allow users to send abuse reports

Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
v 7.13.3
  - Fix bug causing Bitbucket importer to crash when OAuth application had been removed.
  - Allow users to send abuse reports
  - Link username to profile on Group Members page (Tom Webster)
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed

Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
v 7.13.2
  - Fix randomly failed spec
  - Create project services on Project creation
  - Add admin_merge_request ability to Developer level and up
  - Fix Error 500 when browsing projects with no HEAD (Stan Hu)
  - Fix labels / assignee / milestone for the merge requests when issues are disabled
  - Show the first tab automatically on MergeRequests#new
  - Add rake task 'gitlab:update_commit_count' (Daniel Gerhardt)
  - Fix Gmail Actions
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
v 7.13.1
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Fix: Label modifications are not reflected in existing notes and in the issue list
  - Fix: Label not shown in the Issue list, although it's set through web interface
  - Fix: Group/project references are linked incorrectly
  - Improve documentation
  - Fix of migration: Check if session_expire_delay column exists before adding the column
  - Fix: ActionView::Template::Error
  - Fix: "Create Merge Request" isn't always shown in event for newly pushed branch
  - Fix bug causing "Remove source-branch" option not to work for merge requests from the same project.
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Render Note field hints consistently for "new" and "edit" forms
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed

Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
v 7.13.0
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Remove repository graph log to fix slow cache updates after push event (Stan Hu)
  - Only enable HSTS header for HTTPS and port 443 (Stan Hu)
  - Fix user autocomplete for unauthenticated users accessing public projects (Stan Hu)
  - Fix redirection to home page URL for unauthorized users (Daniel Gerhardt)
  - Add branch switching support for graphs (Daniel Gerhardt)
  - Fix external issue tracker hook/test for HTTPS URLs (Daniel Gerhardt)
  - Remove link leading to a 404 error in Deploy Keys page (Stan Hu)
  - Add support for unlocking users in admin settings (Stan Hu)
  - Add Irker service configuration options (Stan Hu)
  - Fix order of issues imported from GitHub (Hiroyuki Sato)
  - Bump rugments to 1.0.0beta8 to fix C prototype function highlighting (Jonathon Reinhart)
  - Fix Merge Request webhook to properly fire "merge" action when accepted from the web UI
  - Add `two_factor_enabled` field to admin user API (Stan Hu)
  - Fix invalid timestamps in RSS feeds (Rowan Wookey)
  - Fix downloading of patches on public merge requests when user logged out (Stan Hu)
  - Fix Error 500 when relative submodule resolves to a namespace that has a different name from its path (Stan Hu)
  - Extract the longest-matching ref from a commit path when multiple matches occur (Stan Hu)
  - Update maintenance documentation to explain no need to recompile asssets for omnibus installations (Stan Hu)
  - Support commenting on diffs in side-by-side mode (Stan Hu)
  - Fix JavaScript error when clicking on the comment button on a diff line that has a comment already (Stan Hu)
  - Return 40x error codes if branch could not be deleted in UI (Stan Hu)
  - Remove project visibility icons from dashboard projects list
  - Rename "Design" profile settings page to "Preferences".
  - Allow users to customize their default Dashboard page.
  - Update ssl_ciphers in Nginx example to remove DHE settings. This will deny forward secrecy for Android 2.3.7, Java 6 and OpenSSL 0.9.8
  - Admin can edit and remove user identities
  - Convert CRLF newlines to LF when committing using the web editor.
  - API request /projects/:project_id/merge_requests?state=closed will return only closed merge requests without merged one. If you need ones that were merged - use state=merged.
  - Allow Administrators to filter the user list by those with or without Two-factor Authentication enabled.
  - Show a user's Two-factor Authentication status in the administration area.
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Explicit error when commit not found in the CI
  - Improve performance for issue and merge request pages
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Users with guest access level can not set assignee, labels or milestones for issue and merge request
  - Reporter role can manage issue tracker now: edit any issue, set assignee or milestone and manage labels
  - Better performance for pages with events list, issues list and commits list
  - Faster automerge check and merge itself when source and target branches are in same repository
  - Correctly show anonymous authorized applications under Profile > Applications.
catatsuy's avatar
catatsuy committed
  - Query Optimization in MySQL.
  - Allow users to be blocked and unblocked via the API
  - Use native Postgres database cleaning during backup restore
  - Redesign project page. Show README as default instead of activity. Move project activity to separate page
  - Make left menu more hierarchical and less contextual by adding back item at top
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - A fork can’t have a visibility level that is greater than the original project.
  - Faster code search in repository and wiki. Fixes search page timeout for big repositories
  - Allow administrators to disable 2FA for a specific user
  - Add error message for SSH key linebreaks
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Store commits count in database (will populate with valid values only after first push)
  - Rebuild cache after push to repository in background job
  - Fix transferring of project to another group using the API.
v 7.12.2
  - Correctly show anonymous authorized applications under Profile > Applications.
  - Faster automerge check and merge itself when source and target branches are in same repository
  - Audit log for user authentication
  - Allow custom label to be set for authentication providers.
v 7.12.1
  - Fix error when deleting a user who has projects (Stan Hu)
  - Fix post-receive errors on a push when an external issue tracker is configured (Stan Hu)
  - Add SAML to list of social_provider (Matt Firtion)
  - Fix merge requests API scope to keep compatibility in 7.12.x patch release (Dmitriy Zaporozhets)
  - Fix closed merge request scope at milestone page (Dmitriy Zaporozhets)
  - Revert merge request states renaming
  - Fix hooks for web based events with external issue references (Daniel Gerhardt)
  - Improve performance for issue and merge request pages
  - Compress database dumps to reduce backup size
Jacob Vosmaer's avatar
Jacob Vosmaer committed
v 7.12.0
  - Fix Error 500 when one user attempts to access a personal, internal snippet (Stan Hu)
  - Disable changing of target branch in new merge request page when a branch has already been specified (Stan Hu)
  - Fix post-receive errors on a push when an external issue tracker is configured (Stan Hu)
  - Update oauth button logos for Twitter and Google to recommended assets
  - Update browser gem to version 0.8.0 for IE11 support (Stan Hu)
  - Fix timeout when rendering file with thousands of lines.
  - Add "Remember me" checkbox to LDAP signin form.
  - Add session expiration delay configuration through UI application settings
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Don't notify users mentioned in code blocks or blockquotes.
  - Omit link to generate labels if user does not have access to create them (Stan Hu)
  - Show warning when a comment will add 10 or more people to the discussion.
  - Disable changing of the source branch in merge request update API (Stan Hu)
  - Shorten merge request WIP text.
  - Add option to disallow users from registering any application to use GitLab as an OAuth provider
  - Support editing target branch of merge request (Stan Hu)
  - Refactor permission checks with issues and merge requests project settings (Stan Hu)
  - Fix Markdown preview not working in Edit Milestone page (Stan Hu)
  - Fix Zen Mode not closing with ESC key (Stan Hu)
  - Allow HipChat API version to be blank and default to v2 (Stan Hu)
  - Add file attachment support in Milestone description (Stan Hu)
  - Fix milestone "Browse Issues" button.
  - Set milestone on new issue when creating issue from index with milestone filter active.
  - Make namespace API available to all users (Stan Hu)
  - Add web hook support for note events (Stan Hu)
  - Disable "New Issue" and "New Merge Request" buttons when features are disabled in project settings (Stan Hu)
  - Remove Rack Attack monkey patches and bump to version 4.3.0 (Stan Hu)
  - Fix clone URL losing selection after a single click in Safari and Chrome (Stan Hu)
  - Fix git blame syntax highlighting when different commits break up lines (Stan Hu)
  - Add "Resend confirmation e-mail" link in profile settings (Stan Hu)
  - Allow to configure location of the `.gitlab_shell_secret` file. (Jakub Jirutka)
  - Disabled expansion of top/bottom blobs for new file diffs
  - Update Asciidoctor gem to version 1.5.2. (Jakub Jirutka)
  - Fix resolving of relative links to repository files in AsciiDoc documents. (Jakub Jirutka)
  - Use the user list from the target project in a merge request (Stan Hu)
  - Default extention for wiki pages is now .md instead of .markdown (Jeroen van Baarsen)
  - Add validation to wiki page creation (only [a-zA-Z0-9/_-] are allowed) (Jeroen van Baarsen)
  - Fix new/empty milestones showing 100% completion value (Jonah Bishop)
  - Add a note when an Issue or Merge Request's title changes
  - Consistently refer to MRs as either Merged or Closed.
  - Add Merged tab to MR lists.
  - Prefix EmailsOnPush email subject with `[Git]`.
  - Group project contributions by both name and email.
  - Clarify navigation labels for Project Settings and Group Settings.
  - Move user avatar and logout button to sidebar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - You can not remove user if he/she is an only owner of group
  - User should be able to leave group. If not - show him proper message
  - User has ability to leave project
  - Add SAML support as an omniauth provider
Marin Jankovski's avatar
Marin Jankovski committed
  - Allow to configure a URL to show after sign out
  - Add an option to automatically sign-in with an Omniauth provider
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - GitLab CI service sends .gitlab-ci.yml in each push call
  - When remove project - move repository and schedule it removal
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Improve group removing logic
Marin Jankovski's avatar
Marin Jankovski committed
  - Trigger create-hooks on backup restore task
  - Add option to automatically link omniauth and LDAP identities
  - Allow special character in users bio. I.e.: I <3 GitLab
v 7.11.4
  - Fix missing bullets when creating lists
  - Set rel="nofollow" on external links

v 7.11.3
  - no changes
Martins Polakovs's avatar
Martins Polakovs committed
  - Fix upgrader script (Martins Polakovs)
Patricio Cano's avatar
Patricio Cano committed
v 7.11.2
  - no changes

v 7.11.0
  - Fall back to Plaintext when Syntaxhighlighting doesn't work. Fixes some buggy lexers (Hannes Rosenögger)
  - Get editing comments to work in Chrome 43 again.
  - Fix broken view when viewing history of a file that includes a path that used to be another file (Stan Hu)
  - Don't show duplicate deploy keys
  - Fix commit time being displayed in the wrong timezone in some cases (Hannes Rosenögger)
  - Make the first branch pushed to an empty repository the default HEAD (Stan Hu)
  - Fix broken view when using a tag to display a tree that contains git submodules (Stan Hu)
  - Make Reply-To config apply to change e-mail confirmation and other Devise notifications (Stan Hu)
  - Add application setting to restrict user signups to e-mail domains (Stan Hu)
  - Don't allow a merge request to be merged when its title starts with "WIP".
  - Add a page title to every page.
  - Allow primary email to be set to an email that you've already added.
  - Fix clone URL field and X11 Primary selection (Dmitry Medvinsky)
  - Ignore invalid lines in .gitmodules
  - Fix "Cannot move project" error message from popping up after a successful transfer (Stan Hu)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Redirect to sign in page after signing out.
  - Fix "Hello @username." references not working by no longer allowing usernames to end in period.
  - Fix "Revspec not found" errors when viewing diffs in a forked project with submodules (Stan Hu)
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Improve project page UI
  - Fix broken file browsing with relative submodule in personal projects (Stan Hu)
  - Add "Reply quoting selected text" shortcut key (`r`)
  - Fix bug causing `@whatever` inside an issue's first code block to be picked up as a user mention.
  - Fix bug causing `@whatever` inside an inline code snippet (backtick-style) to be picked up as a user mention.
  - When use change branches link at MR form - save source branch selection instead of target one
  - Improve handling of large diffs
  - Added GitLab Event header for project hooks
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Add Two-factor authentication (2FA) for GitLab logins
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Show Atom feed buttons everywhere where applicable.
  - Add project activity atom feed.
  - Don't crash when an MR from a fork has a cross-reference comment from the target project on one of its commits.
  - Explain how to get a new password reset token in welcome emails
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Include commit comments in MR from a forked project.
  - Group milestones by title in the dashboard and all other issue views.
  - Query issues, merge requests and milestones with their IID through API (Julien Bianchi)
Vinnie Okada's avatar
Vinnie Okada committed
  - Add default project and snippet visibility settings to the admin web UI.
  - Show incompatible projects in Google Code import status (Stan Hu)
  - Fix bug where commit data would not appear in some subdirectories (Stan Hu)
  - Task lists are now usable in comments, and will show up in Markdown previews.
  - Fix bug where avatar filenames were not actually deleted from the database during removal (Stan Hu)
  - Fix bug where Slack service channel was not saved in admin template settings. (Stan Hu)
  - Protect OmniAuth request phase against CSRF.
  - Don't send notifications to mentioned users that don't have access to the project in question.
  - Add search issues/MR by number
Josef Kufner's avatar
Josef Kufner committed
  - Change plots to bar graphs in commit statistics screen
  - Move snippets UI to fluid layout
  - Improve UI for sidebar. Increase separation between navigation and content
  - Improve new project command options (Ben Bodenmiller)
  - Add common method to force UTF-8 and use it to properly handle non-ascii OAuth user properties (Onur Küçük)
  - Prevent sending empty messages to HipChat (Chulki Lee)
  - Improve UI for mobile phones on dashboard and project pages
  - Add room notification and message color option for HipChat
  - Allow to use non-ASCII letters and dashes in project and namespace name. (Jakub Jirutka)
  - Add footnotes support to Markdown (Guillaume Delbergue)
  - Add current_sign_in_at to UserFull REST api.
  - Make Sidekiq MemoryKiller shutdown signal configurable
  - Add "Create Merge Request" buttons to commits and branches pages and push event.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Show user roles by comments.
  - Fix automatic blocking of auto-created users from Active Directory.
  - Call merge request web hook for each new commits (Arthur Gautier)
  - Use SIGKILL by default in Sidekiq::MemoryKiller
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Fix mentioning of private groups.
  - Add style for <kbd> element in markdown
  - Spin spinner icon next to "Checking for CI status..." on MR page.
  - Fix reference links in dashboard activity and ATOM feeds.
  - Ensure that the first added admin performs repository imports
v 7.10.4
  - Fix migrations broken in 7.10.2
  - Make tags for GitLab installations running on MySQL case sensitive
  - Get Gitorious importer to work again.
  - Fix adding new group members from admin area
  - Fix DB error when trying to tag a repository (Stan Hu)
  - Fix Error 500 when searching Wiki pages (Stan Hu)
  - Unescape branch names in compare commit (Stan Hu)
  - Order commit comments chronologically in API.
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
v 7.10.2
  - Fix CI links on MR page

  - Ignore submodules that are defined in .gitmodules but are checked in as directories.
  - Allow projects to be imported from Google Code.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Remove access control for uploaded images to fix broken images in emails (Hannes Rosenögger)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Allow users to be invited by email to join a group or project.
  - Don't crash when project repository doesn't exist.
  - Add config var to block auto-created LDAP users.
  - Don't use HTML ellipsis in EmailsOnPush subject truncated commit message.
  - Set EmailsOnPush reply-to address to committer email when enabled.
  - Fix broken file browsing with a submodule that contains a relative link (Stan Hu)
  - Fix persistent XSS vulnerability around profile website URLs.
  - Fix project import URL regex to prevent arbitary local repos from being imported.
  - Fix directory traversal vulnerability around uploads routes.
  - Fix directory traversal vulnerability around help pages.
  - Don't leak existence of project via search autocomplete.
  - Don't leak existence of group or project via search.
  - Fix bug where Wiki pages that included a '/' were no longer accessible (Stan Hu)
  - Fix bug where error messages from Dropzone would not be displayed on the issues page (Stan Hu)
Vinnie Okada's avatar
Vinnie Okada committed
  - Add a rake task to check repository integrity with `git fsck`
  - Add ability to configure Reply-To address in gitlab.yml (Stan Hu)
  - Move current user to the top of the list in assignee/author filters (Stan Hu)
  - Fix broken side-by-side diff view on merge request page (Stan Hu)
  - Set Application controller default URL options to ensure all url_for calls are consistent (Stan Hu)
  - Allow HTML tags in Markdown input
  - Fix code unfold not working on Compare commits page (Stan Hu)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Fix generating SSH key fingerprints with OpenSSH 6.8. (Sašo Stanovnik)
  - Fix "Import projects from" button to show the correct instructions (Stan Hu)
  - Fix dots in Wiki slugs causing errors (Stan Hu)
  - Make maximum attachment size configurable via Application Settings (Stan Hu)
  - Update poltergeist to version 1.6.0 to support PhantomJS 2.0 (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Fix cross references when usernames, milestones, or project names contain underscores (Stan Hu)
  - Disable reference creation for comments surrounded by code/preformatted blocks (Stan Hu)
  - Reduce Rack Attack false positives causing 403 errors during HTTP authentication (Stan Hu)
  - enable line wrapping per default and remove the checkbox to toggle it (Hannes Rosenögger)
  - Fix a link in the patch update guide
  - Add a service to support external wikis (Hannes Rosenögger)
  - Omit the "email patches" link and fix plain diff view for merge commits
  - List new commits for newly pushed branch in activity view.
Vinnie Okada's avatar
Vinnie Okada committed
  - Add sidetiq gem dependency to match EE
  - Add changelog, license and contribution guide links to project tab bar.
  - Fix alignment of navbar toggle button (Cody Mize)
Vinnie Okada's avatar
Vinnie Okada committed
  - Fix checkbox rendering for nested task lists
  - Identical look of selectboxes in UI
  - Upgrade the gitlab_git gem to version 7.1.3
  - Move "Import existing repository by URL" option to button.
  - Improve error message when save profile has error.
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Passing the name of pushed ref to CI service (requires GitLab CI 7.9+)
  - Add location field to user profile
  - Fix print view for markdown files and wiki pages
  - Fix errors when deleting old backups
  - Improve GitLab performance when working with git repositories
  - Add tag message and last commit to tag hook (Kamil Trzciński)
  - Restrict permissions on backup files
  - Improve oauth accounts UI in profile page
  - Add ability to unlink connected accounts
  - Replace commits calendar with faster contribution calendar that includes issues and merge requests
  - Add inifinite scroll to user page activity
  - Don't include system notes in issue/MR comment count.
  - Don't mark merge request as updated when merge status relative to target branch changes.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Link note avatar to user.
  - Make Git-over-SSH errors more descriptive.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Fix EmailsOnPush.
  - Refactor issue filtering
  - AJAX selectbox for issue assignee and author filters
  - Fix issue with missing options in issue filtering dropdown if selected one
  - Prevent holding Control-Enter or Command-Enter from posting comment multiple times.
  - Prevent note form from being cleared when submitting failed.
  - Improve file icons rendering on tree (Sullivan Sénéchal)
  - Get issue links in notification mail to work again.
  - Don't show commit comment button when user is not signed in.
  - Fix admin user projects lists.
  - Don't leak private group existence by redirecting from namespace controller to group controller.
  - Ability to skip some items from backup (database, respositories or uploads)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Archive repositories in background worker.
  - Import GitHub, Bitbucket or projects owned by authenticated user into current namespace.
  - Project labels are now available over the API under the "tag_list" field (Cristian Medina)
  - Fixed link paths for HTTP and SSH on the admin project view (Jeremy Maziarz)
  - Fix and improve help rendering (Sullivan Sénéchal)
  - Fix final line in EmailsOnPush email diff being rendered as error.
  - Prevent duplicate Buildkite service creation.
  - Fix git over ssh errors 'fatal: protocol error: bad line length character'
  - Automatically setup GitLab CI project for forks if origin project has GitLab CI enabled
  - Bust group page project list cache when namespace name or path changes.
  - Explicitly set image alt-attribute to prevent graphical glitches if gravatars could not be loaded
  - Allow user to choose a public email to show on public profile
  - Remove truncation from issue titles on milestone page (Jason Blanchard)
Ben Bodenmiller's avatar
Ben Bodenmiller committed
  - Fix stuck Merge Request merging events from old installations (Ben Bodenmiller)
  - Fix merge request comments on files with multiple commits
  - Fix Resource Owner Password Authentication Flow
v 7.9.4
  - Security: Fix project import URL regex to prevent arbitary local repos from being imported
  - Fixed issue where only 25 commits would load in file listings
  - Fix LDAP identities  after config update

Patricio Cano's avatar
Patricio Cano committed
v 7.9.3
  - Contains no changes
  - Add icons to Add dropdown items.
  - Allow admin to create public deploy keys that are accessible to any project.
  - Warn when gitlab-shell version doesn't match requirement.
  - Skip email confirmation when set by admin or via LDAP.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Only allow users to reference groups, projects, issues, MRs, commits they have access to.
v 7.9.3
  - Contains no changes

v 7.9.2
  - Contains no changes
v 7.9.1
  - Include missing events and fix save functionality in admin service template settings form (Stan Hu)
  - Fix "Import projects from" button to show the correct instructions (Stan Hu)
  - Fix OAuth2 issue importing a new project from GitHub and GitLab (Stan Hu)
  - Fix for LDAP with commas in DN
  - Fix missing events and in admin Slack service template settings form (Stan Hu)
  - Don't show commit comment button when user is not signed in.
  - Downgrade gemnasium-gitlab-service gem

Robert Schilling's avatar
Robert Schilling committed
v 7.9.0
  - Add HipChat integration documentation (Stan Hu)
  - Update documentation for object_kind field in Webhook push and tag push Webhooks (Stan Hu)
  - Fix broken email images (Hannes Rosenögger)
  - Automatically config git if user forgot, where possible (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Fix mass SQL statements on initial push (Hannes Rosenögger)
  - Add tag push notifications and normalize HipChat and Slack messages to be consistent (Stan Hu)
  - Add comment notification events to HipChat and Slack services (Stan Hu)
  - Add issue and merge request events to HipChat and Slack services (Stan Hu)
  - Fix merge request URL passed to Webhooks. (Stan Hu)
  - Fix bug that caused a server error when editing a comment to "+1" or "-1" (Stan Hu)
  - Fix code preview theme setting for comments, issues, merge requests, and snippets (Stan Hu)
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Move labels/milestones tabs to sidebar
Vinnie Okada's avatar
Vinnie Okada committed
  - Upgrade Rails gem to version 4.1.9.
  - Improve error messages for file edit failures
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Improve UI for commits, issues and merge request lists
  - Fix commit comments on first line of diff not rendering in Merge Request Discussion view.
  - Allow admins to override restricted project visibility settings.
  - Move restricted visibility settings from gitlab.yml into the web UI.
Bugagazavr's avatar
Bugagazavr committed
  - Improve trigger merge request hook when source project branch has been updated (Kirill Zaitsev)
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Save web edit in new branch
  - Fix ordering of imported but unchanged projects (Marco Wessel)
  - Mobile UI improvements: make aside content expandable
  - Expose avatar_url in projects API
  - Fix checkbox alignment on the application settings page.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Generalize image upload in drag and drop in markdown to all files (Hannes Rosenögger)
  - Fix mass-unassignment of issues (Robert Speicher)
  - Fix hidden diff comments in merge request discussion view
  - Allow user confirmation to be skipped for new users via API
Aorimn's avatar
Aorimn committed
  - Add a service to send updates to an Irker gateway (Romain Coltel)
  - Add brakeman (security scanner for Ruby on Rails)
  - Slack username and channel options
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Add grouped milestones from all projects to dashboard.
  - Web hook sends pusher email as well as commiter
  - Add Bitbucket omniauth provider.
  - Add Bitbucket importer.
  - Support referencing issues to a project whose name starts with a digit
  - Condense commits already in target branch when updating merge request source branch.
  - Send notifications and leave system comments when bulk updating issues.
  - Automatically link commit ranges to compare page: sha1...sha4 or sha1..sha4 (includes sha1 in comparison)
  - Move groups page from profile to dashboard
  - Starred projects page at dashboard
  - Blocking user does not remove him/her from project/groups but show blocked label
  - Change subject of EmailsOnPush emails to include namespace, project and branch.
  - Change subject of EmailsOnPush emails to include first commit message when multiple were pushed.
  - Remove confusing footer from EmailsOnPush mail body.
  - Add list of changed files to EmailsOnPush emails.
  - Add option to send EmailsOnPush emails from committer email if domain matches.
  - Add option to disable code diffs in EmailOnPush emails.
  - Wrap commit message in EmailsOnPush email.
  - Send EmailsOnPush emails when deleting commits using force push.
  - Fix EmailsOnPush email comparison link to include first commit.
  - Fix highliht of selected lines in file
  - Reject access to group/project avatar if the user doesn't have access.
  - Add database migration to clean group duplicates with same path and name (Make sure you have a backup before update)
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Add GitLab active users count to rake gitlab:check
  - Starred projects page at dashboard
  - Make email display name configurable
  - Improve json validation in hook data
  - Use Emoji One
  - Updated emoji help documentation to properly reference EmojiOne.
  - Fix missing GitHub organisation repositories on import page.
  - Added blue theme
  - Remove annoying notice messages when create/update merge request
  - Allow smb:// links in Markdown text.
  - Filter merge request by title or description at Merge Requests page
  - Block user if he/she was blocked in Active Directory
  - Fix import pages not working after first load.
  - Use custom LDAP label in LDAP signin form.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Execute hooks and services when branch or tag is created or deleted through web interface.
  - Block and unblock user if he/she was blocked/unblocked in Active Directory
  - Raise recommended number of unicorn workers from 2 to 3
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Use same layout and interactivity for project members as group members.
  - Prevent gitlab-shell character encoding issues by receiving its changes as raw data.
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Ability to unsubscribe/subscribe to issue or merge request
  - Delete deploy key when last connection to a project is destroyed.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Fix invalid Atom feeds when using emoji, horizontal rules, or images (Christian Walther)
  - Backup of repositories with tar instead of git bundle (only now are git-annex files included in the backup)
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Add canceled status for CI
Marin Jankovski's avatar
Marin Jankovski committed
  - Send EmailsOnPush email when branch or tag is created or deleted.
  - Faster merge request processing for large repository