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Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
v 8.9.0 (unreleased)
  - Fix Error 500 when using closes_issues API with an external issue tracker
  - Add more information into RSS feed for issues (Alexander Matyushentsev)
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - Bulk assign/unassign labels to issues.
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - Ability to prioritize labels !4009 / !3205 (Thijs Wouters)
  - Fix endless redirections when accessing user OAuth applications when they are disabled
  - Allow enabling wiki page events from Webhook management UI
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Bump rouge to 1.11.0
  - Fix issue with arrow keys not working in search autocomplete dropdown
  - Fix an issue where note polling stopped working if a window was in the
    background during a refresh.
  - Make EmailsOnPushWorker use Sidekiq mailers queue
  - Fix wiki page events' webhook to point to the wiki repository
  - Don't show tags for revert and cherry-pick operations
  - Fix issue todo not remove when leave project !4150 (Long Nguyen)
  - Allow customisable text on the 'nearly there' page after a user signs up
  - Bump recaptcha gem to 3.0.0 to remove deprecated stoken support
  - Fix SVG sanitizer to allow more elements
  - Allow forking projects with restricted visibility level
  - Added descriptions to notification settings dropdown
  - Improve note validation to prevent errors when creating invalid note via API
  - Reduce number of fog gem dependencies
  - Implement a fair usage of shared runners
  - Remove project notification settings associated with deleted projects
  - Fix 404 page when viewing TODOs that contain milestones or labels in different projects
  - Add a metric for the number of new Redis connections created by a transaction
  - Fix Error 500 when viewing a blob with binary characters after the 1024-byte mark
  - Redesign navigation for project pages
  - Added shortcut 'y' for copying a files content hash URL #14470
  - Fix groups API to list only user's accessible projects
Fatih Acet's avatar
Fatih Acet committed
  - Fix horizontal scrollbar for long commit message.
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Add Environments and Deployments
  - Redesign account and email confirmation emails
  - Don't fail builds for projects that are deleted
  - Support Docker Registry manifest v1
  - `git clone https://host/namespace/project` now works, in addition to using the `.git` suffix
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Bump nokogiri to 1.6.8
  - Use gitlab-shell v3.0.0
  - Upgrade to jQuery 2
  - Use Knapsack to evenly distribute tests across multiple nodes
  - Add `sha` parameter to MR merge API, to ensure only reviewed changes are merged
  - Don't allow MRs to be merged when commits were added since the last review / page load
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Add DB index on users.state
  - Add rake task 'gitlab:db:configure' for conditionally seeding or migrating the database
Aran Koning's avatar
Aran Koning committed
  - Changed the Slack build message to use the singular duration if necessary (Aran Koning)
  - Fix race condition on merge when build succeeds
  - Links from a wiki page to other wiki pages should be rewritten as expected
  - Add option to project to only allow merge requests to be merged if the build succeeds (Rui Santos)
  - Added navigation shortcuts to the project pipelines, milestones, builds and forks page. !4393
  - Fix issues filter when ordering by milestone
  - Added artifacts:when to .gitlab-ci.yml - this requires GitLab Runner 1.3
  - Bamboo Service: Fix missing credentials & URL handling when base URL contains a path (Benjamin Schmid)
  - TeamCity Service: Fix URL handling when base URL contains a path
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - Todos will display target state if issuable target is 'Closed' or 'Merged'
  - Fix bug when sorting issues by milestone due date and filtering by two or more labels
  - Add support for using Yubikeys (U2F) for two-factor authentication
  - Link to blank group icon doesn't throw a 404 anymore
Josh Frye's avatar
Josh Frye committed
  - Remove 'main language' feature
  - Toggle whitespace button now available for compare branches diffs #17881
  - Pipelines can be canceled only when there are running builds
  - Use downcased path to container repository as this is expected path by Docker
  - Projects pending deletion will render a 404 page
  - Measure queue duration between gitlab-workhorse and Rails
  - Make Omniauth providers specs to not modify global configuration
  - Make authentication service for Container Registry to be compatible with < Docker 1.11
  - Add Application Setting to configure Container Registry token expire delay (default 5min)
  - Cache assigned issue and merge request counts in sidebar nav
  - Use Knapsack only in CI environment
Josh Frye's avatar
Josh Frye committed
  - Cache project build count in sidebar nav
Fatih Acet's avatar
Fatih Acet committed
  - Add milestone expire date to the right sidebar
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
  - Manually mark a issue or merge request as a todo
  - Fix markdown_spec to use before instead of before(:all) to properly cleanup database after testing
  - Reduce number of queries needed to render issue labels in the sidebar
James Lopez's avatar
James Lopez committed
  - Improve error handling importing projects
  - Remove duplicated notification settings
  - Put project Files and Commits tabs under Code tab
  - Decouple global notification level from user model
Connor Shea's avatar
Connor Shea committed
  - Replace Colorize with Rainbow for coloring console output in Rake tasks.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Add workhorse controller and API helpers
Connor Shea's avatar
Connor Shea committed
  - An indicator is now displayed at the top of the comment field for confidential issues.
Fatih Acet's avatar
Fatih Acet committed
  - Show categorised search queries in the search autocomplete
  - RepositoryCheck::SingleRepositoryWorker public and private methods are now instrumented
Alejandro Rodríguez's avatar
Alejandro Rodríguez committed
  - Improve issuables APIs performance when accessing notes !4471
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - External links now open in a new tab
  - Prevent default actions of disabled buttons and links
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - Markdown editor now correctly resets the input value on edit cancellation !4175
  - Toggling a task list item in a issue/mr description does not creates a Todo for mentions
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
  - Improved UX of date pickers on issue & milestone forms
  - Cache on the database if a project has an active external issue tracker.
  - Put project Labels and Milestones pages links under Issues and Merge Requests tabs as subnav
  - All classes in the Banzai::ReferenceParser namespace are now instrumented
  - Remove deprecated issues_tracker and issues_tracker_id from project model
  - Allow users to create confidential issues in private projects
  - Measure CPU time for instrumented methods
  - Instrument private methods and private instance methods by default instead just public methods
  - Only show notes through JSON on confidential issues that the user has access to
  - Updated the allocations Gem to version 1.0.5
  - The background sampler now ignores classes without names
Annabel Dunstone's avatar
Annabel Dunstone committed
  - Update design for `Close` buttons
  - New custom icons for navigation
  - Horizontally scrolling navigation on project, group, and profile settings pages
  - Hide global side navigation by default
Fatih Acet's avatar
Fatih Acet committed
  - Fix project Star/Unstar project button tooltip
Annabel Dunstone's avatar
Annabel Dunstone committed
  - Remove tanuki logo from side navigation; center on top nav
  - Include user relationships when retrieving award_emoji
  - Various associations are now eager loaded when parsing issue references to reduce the number of queries executed
  - Set inverse_of for Project/Service association to reduce the number of queries
v 8.8.5
  - Import GitHub repositories respecting the API rate limit !4166
  - Fix todos page throwing errors when you have a project pending deletion !4300
  - Disable Webhooks before proceeding with the GitHub import !4470
  - Fix importer for GitHub comments on diff !4488
  - Adjust the SAML control flow to allow LDAP identities to be added to an existing SAML user !4498
  - Fix incremental trace upload API when using multi-byte UTF-8 chars in trace !4541
  - Prevent unauthorized access for projects build traces
  - Forbid scripting for wiki files
  - Only show notes through JSON on confidential issues that the user has access to

v 8.8.4
  - Fix LDAP-based login for users with 2FA enabled. !4493
  - Added descriptions to notification settings dropdown
  - Due date can be removed from milestones
James Lopez's avatar
James Lopez committed
v 8.8.3
  - Fix 404 page when viewing TODOs that contain milestones or labels in different projects. !4312
  - Fixed JS error when trying to remove discussion form. !4303
  - Fixed issue with button color when no CI enabled. !4287
  - Fixed potential issue with 2 CI status polling events happening. !3869
  - Improve design of Pipeline view. !4230
  - Fix gitlab importer failing to import new projects due to missing credentials. !4301
  - Fix import URL migration not rescuing with the correct Error. !4321
  - Fix health check access token changing due to old application settings being used. !4332
  - Make authentication service for Container Registry to be compatible with Docker versions before 1.11. !4363
  - Add Application Setting to configure Container Registry token expire delay (default 5 min). !4364
  - Pass the "Remember me" value to the 2FA token form. !4369
  - Fix incorrect links on pipeline page when merge request created from fork.  !4376
  - Use downcased path to container repository as this is expected path by Docker. !4420
  - Fix wiki project clone address error (chujinjin). !4429
  - Fix serious performance bug with rendering Markdown with InlineDiffFilter.  !4392
  - Fix missing number on generated ordered list element. !4437
  - Prevent disclosure of notes on confidential issues in search results.
James Lopez's avatar
James Lopez committed

v 8.8.2
  - Added remove due date button. !4209
  - Fix Error 500 when accessing application settings due to nil disabled OAuth sign-in sources. !4242
  - Fix Error 500 in CI charts by gracefully handling commits with no durations. !4245
  - Fix table UI on CI builds page. !4249
  - Fix backups if registry is disabled. !4263
  - Fixed issue with merge button color. !4211
  - Fixed issue with enter key selecting wrong option in dropdown. !4210
  - When creating a .gitignore file a dropdown with templates will be provided. !4075
  - Fix concurrent request when updating build log in browser. !4183
v 8.8.1
  - Add documentation for the "Health Check" feature
  - Allow anonymous users to access a public project's pipelines !4233
  - Fix MySQL compatibility in zero downtime migrations helpers
  - Fix the CI login to Container Registry (the gitlab-ci-token user)
v 8.8.0
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Implement GFM references for milestones (Alejandro Rodríguez)
  - Snippets tab under user profile. !4001 (Long Nguyen)
  - Fix error when using link to uploads in global snippets
  - Fix Error 500 when attempting to retrieve project license when HEAD points to non-existent ref
  - Assign labels and milestone to target project when moving issue. !3934 (Long Nguyen)
  - Use a case-insensitive comparison in sanitizing URI schemes
  - Toggle sign-up confirmation emails in application settings
  - Make it possible to prevent tagged runner from picking untagged jobs
  - Added `InlineDiffFilter` to the markdown parser. (Adam Butler)
  - Added inline diff styling for `change_title` system notes. (Adam Butler)
  - Project#open_branches has been cleaned up and no longer loads entire records into memory.
  - Escape HTML in commit titles in system note messages
  - Improve design of Pipeline View
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Fix scope used when accessing container registry
  - Fix creation of Ci::Commit object which can lead to pending, failed in some scenarios
  - Improve multiple branch push performance by memoizing permission checking
  - Log to application.log when an admin starts and stops impersonating a user
  - Changing the confidentiality of an issue now creates a new system note (Alex Moore-Niemi)
  - Updated gitlab_git to 10.1.0
  - GitAccess#protected_tag? no longer loads all tags just to check if a single one exists
  - Reduce delay in destroying a project from 1-minute to immediately
  - Make build status canceled if any of the jobs was canceled and none failed
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Upgrade Sidekiq to 4.1.2
DJ Mountney's avatar
DJ Mountney committed
  - Added /health_check endpoint for checking service status
  - Make 'upcoming' filter for milestones work better across projects
  - Sanitize repo paths in new project error message
  - Bump mail_room to 0.7.0 to fix stuck IDLE connections
  - Remove future dates from contribution calendar graph.
  - Support e-mail notifications for comments on project snippets
  - Fix API leak of notes of unauthorized issues, snippets and merge requests
  - Use ActionDispatch Remote IP for Akismet checking
  - Fix error when visiting commit builds page before build was updated
  - Add 'l' shortcut to open Label dropdown on issuables and 'i' to create new issue on a project
  - Update SVG sanitizer to conform to SVG 1.1
  - Speed up push emails with multiple recipients by only generating the email once
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
  - Updated search UI
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Added authentication service for Container Registry
  - Display informative message when new milestone is created
  - Sanitize milestones and labels titles
  - Support multi-line tag messages. !3833 (Calin Seciu)
  - Force users to reset their password after an admin changes it
  - Allow "NEWS" and "CHANGES" as alternative names for CHANGELOG. !3768 (Connor Shea)
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - Added button to toggle whitespaces changes on diff view
  - Backport GitHub Enterprise import support from EE
  - Create tags using Rugged for performance reasons. !3745
Felipe Artur's avatar
Felipe Artur committed
  - Allow guests to set notification level in projects
  - API: Expose Issue#user_notes_count. !3126 (Anton Popov)
  - Don't show forks button when user can't view forks
  - Fix atom feed links and rendering
  - Files over 5MB can only be viewed in their raw form, files over 1MB without highlighting !3718
  - Add support for supressing text diffs using .gitattributes on the default branch (Matt Oakes)
  - Add eager load paths to help prevent dependency load issues in Sidekiq workers. !3724
Jacob Schatz's avatar
Jacob Schatz committed
  - Added multiple colors for labels in dropdowns when dups happen.
  - Show commits in the same order as `git log`
  - Improve description for the Two-factor Authentication sign-in screen. (Connor Shea)
  - API support for the 'since' and 'until' operators on commit requests (Paco Guzman)
  - Fix Gravatar hint in user profile when Gravatar is disabled. !3988 (Artem Sidorenko)
  - Expire repository exists? and has_visible_content? caches after a push if necessary
  - Fix unintentional filtering bug in Issue/MR sorted by milestone due (Takuya Noguchi)
  - Fix adding a todo for private group members (Ahmad Sherif)
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - Bump ace-rails-ap gem version from 2.0.1 to 4.0.2 which upgrades Ace Editor from 1.1.2 to 1.2.3
  - Total method execution timings are no longer tracked
Andrei Gliga's avatar
Andrei Gliga committed
  - Allow Admins to remove the Login with buttons for OAuth services and still be able to import !4034. (Andrei Gliga)
  - Add API endpoints for un/subscribing from/to a label. !4051 (Ahmad Sherif)
  - Hide left sidebar on phone screens to give more space for content
  - Redesign navigation for profile and group pages
  - Add counter metrics for rails cache
  - Import pull requests from GitHub where the source or target branches were removed
  - All Grape API helpers are now instrumented
  - Improve Issue formatting for the Slack Service (Jeroen van Baarsen)
Ludovic Perrine's avatar
Ludovic Perrine committed
  - Fixed advice on invalid permissions on upload path !2948 (Ludovic Perrine)
  - Allows MR authors to have the source branch removed when merging the MR. !2801 (Jeroen Jacobs)
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - When creating a .gitignore file a dropdown with templates will be provided
  - Shows the issue/MR list search/filter form and corrects the mobile styling for guest users. #17562
James Lopez's avatar
James Lopez committed
v 8.7.7
  - Fix import by `Any Git URL` broken if the URL contains a space
  - Prevent unauthorized access to other projects build traces
  - Forbid scripting for wiki files
  - Only show notes through JSON on confidential issues that the user has access to
v 8.7.6
  - Fix links on wiki pages for relative url setups. !4131 (Artem Sidorenko)
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
  - Fix import from to a private instance failure. !4181
  - Fix external imports not finding the import data. !4106
  - Fix notification delay when changing status of an issue
  - Bump Workhorse to 0.7.5 so it can serve raw diffs
James Lopez's avatar
James Lopez committed

Timothy Andrew's avatar
Timothy Andrew committed
v 8.7.5
  - Fix relative links in wiki pages. !4050
  - Fix always showing build notification message when switching between merge requests !4086
  - Fix an issue when filtering merge requests with more than one label. !3886
  - Fix short note for the default scope on build page (Takuya Noguchi)
  - Links for Redmine issue references are generated correctly again !4048 (Benedikt Huss)
  - Fix setting trusted proxies !3970
  - Fix BitBucket importer bug when throwing exceptions !3941
  - Use sign out path only if not empty !3989
  - Running rake gitlab:db:drop_tables now drops tables with cascade !4020
  - Running rake gitlab:db:drop_tables uses "IF EXISTS" as a precaution !4100
  - Use a case-insensitive comparison in sanitizing URI schemes
v 8.7.3
  - Emails, Gitlab::Email::Message, Gitlab::Diff, and Premailer::Adapter::Nokogiri are now instrumented
  - Merge request widget displays TeamCity build state and code coverage correctly again.
  - Fix the line code when importing PR review comments from GitHub. !4010
  - Wikis are now initialized on legacy projects when checking repositories
  - Remove animate.css in favor of a smaller subset of animations. !3937 (Connor Shea)
v 8.7.2
  - The "New Branch" button is now loaded asynchronously
  - Fix error 500 when trying to create a wiki page
  - Updated spacing between notification label and button
  - Label titles in filters are now escaped properly
  - Throttle the update of `project.last_activity_at` to 1 minute. !3848
  - Fix .gitlab-ci.yml parsing issue when hidde job is a template without script definition. !3849
  - Fix license detection to detect all license files, not only known licenses. !3878
  - Use the `can?` helper instead of `current_user.can?`. !3882
  - Prevent users from deleting Webhooks via API they do not own
  - Fix Error 500 due to stale cache when projects are renamed or transferred
  - Update width of search box to fix Safari bug. !3900 (Jedidiah)
  - Use the `can?` helper instead of `current_user.can?`
  - Gitlab::GitAccess and Gitlab::GitAccessWiki are now instrumented
  - Fix vulnerability that made it possible to gain access to private labels and milestones
  - The number of InfluxDB points stored per UDP packet can now be configured
  - Fix error when cross-project label reference used with non-existent project
  - Transactions for /internal/allowed now have an "action" tag set
  - Method instrumentation now uses Module#prepend instead of aliasing methods
  - Repository.clean_old_archives is now instrumented
  - Add support for environment variables on a job level in CI configuration file
  - SQL query counts are now tracked per transaction
  - The Projects::HousekeepingService class has extra instrumentation
  - All service classes (those residing in app/services) are now instrumented
  - Developers can now add custom tags to transactions
  - Loading of an issue's referenced merge requests and related branches is now done asynchronously
  - Enable gzip for assets, makes the page size significantly smaller. !3544 / !3632 (Connor Shea)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Add support to cherry-pick any commit into any branch in the web interface (Minqi Pan)
  - Project switcher uses new dropdown styling
  - Load award emoji images separately unless opening the full picker. Saves several hundred KBs of data for most pages. (Connor Shea)
  - Do not include award_emojis in issue and merge_request comment_count !3610 (Lucas Charles)
Felipe Artur's avatar
Felipe Artur committed
  - Restrict user profiles when public visibility level is restricted.
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
  - Add ability set due date to issues, sort and filter issues by due date (Mehmet Beydogan)
  - All images in discussions and wikis now link to their source files !3464 (Connor Shea).
  - Return status code 303 after a branch DELETE operation to avoid project deletion (Stan Hu)
  - Add setting for customizing the list of trusted proxies !3524
Felipe Artur's avatar
Felipe Artur committed
  - Allow projects to be transfered to a lower visibility level group
  - Fix `signed_in_ip` being set to when using a reverse proxy !3524
  - Improved Markdown rendering performance !3389
  - Make shared runners text in box configurable
  - Don't attempt to look up an avatar in repo if repo directory does not exist (Stan Hu)
  - API: Ability to subscribe and unsubscribe from issues and merge requests (Robert Schilling)
  - Expose project badges in project settings
  - Make /profile/keys/new redirect to /profile/keys for back-compat. !3717
  - Preserve time notes/comments have been updated at when moving issue
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
  - Make HTTP(s) label consistent on clone bar (Stan Hu)
  - Add support for `after_script`, requires Runner 1.2 (Kamil Trzciński)
  - Expose label description in API (Mariusz Jachimowicz)
  - API: Ability to update a group (Robert Schilling)
  - API: Ability to move issues (Robert Schilling)
  - Fix Error 500 after renaming a project path (Stan Hu)
  - Fix a bug whith trailing slash in teamcity_url (Charles May)
  - Allow back dating on issues when created or updated through the API
  - Allow back dating on issue notes when created through the API
  - Propose license template when creating a new LICENSE file
  - API: Expose /licenses and /licenses/:key
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - Fix avatar stretching by providing a cropping feature
  - API: Expose `subscribed` for issues and merge requests (Robert Schilling)
Patricio Cano's avatar
Patricio Cano committed
  - Allow SAML to handle external users based on user's information !3530
Patricio Cano's avatar
Patricio Cano committed
  - Allow Omniauth providers to be marked as `external` !3657
  - Add endpoints to archive or unarchive a project !3372
  - Fix a bug whith trailing slash in bamboo_url
  - Add links to CI setup documentation from project settings and builds pages
  - Display project members page to all members
  - Handle nil descriptions in Slack issue messages (Stan Hu)
  - Add automated repository integrity checks (OFF by default)
Robert Schilling's avatar
Robert Schilling committed
  - API: Expose open_issues_count, closed_issues_count, open_merge_requests_count for labels (Robert Schilling)
  - API: Ability to star and unstar a project (Robert Schilling)
  - Add default scope to projects to exclude projects pending deletion
  - Allow to close merge requests which source projects(forks) are deleted.
  - Ensure empty recipients are rejected in BuildsEmailService
P.S.V.R's avatar
P.S.V.R committed
  - Use rugged to change HEAD in Project#change_head (P.S.V.R)
  - API: Ability to filter milestones by state `active` and `closed` (Robert Schilling)
  - API: Fix milestone filtering by `iid` (Robert Schilling)
  - Make before_script and after_script overridable on per-job (Kamil Trzciński)
Robert Schilling's avatar
Robert Schilling committed
  - API: Delete notes of issues, snippets, and merge requests (Robert Schilling)
  - Implement 'Groups View' as an option for dashboard preferences !3379 (Elias W.)
  - Better errors handling when creating milestones inside groups
  - Fix high CPU usage when PostReceive receives refs/merge-requests/<id>
  - Hide `Create a group` help block when creating a new project in a group
  - Implement 'TODOs View' as an option for dashboard preferences !3379 (Elias W.)
  - Allow issues and merge requests to be assigned to the author !2765
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Make Ci::Commit to group only similar builds and make it stateful (ref, tag)
  - Gracefully handle notes on deleted commits in merge requests (Stan Hu)
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Decouple membership and notifications
  - Fix creation of merge requests for orphaned branches (Stan Hu)
Robert Schilling's avatar
Robert Schilling committed
  - API: Ability to retrieve a single tag (Robert Schilling)
  - While signing up, don't persist the user password across form redisplays
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
  - Fall back to `In-Reply-To` and `References` headers when sub-addressing is not available (David Padilla)
  - Remove "Congratulations!" tweet button on newly-created project. (Connor Shea)
PotHix's avatar
PotHix committed
  - Fix admin/projects when using visibility levels on search (PotHix)
  - Build status notifications
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
  - Update email confirmation interface
  - API: Expose user location (Robert Schilling)
  - API: Do not leak group existence via return code (Robert Schilling)
Jacob Schatz's avatar
Jacob Schatz committed
  - ClosingIssueExtractor regex now also works with colons. e.g. "Fixes: #1234" !3591
  - Update number of Todos in the sidebar when it's marked as "Done". !3600
Timothy Andrew's avatar
Timothy Andrew committed
  - Sanitize branch names created for confidential issues
  - API: Expose 'updated_at' for issue, snippet, and merge request notes (Robert Schilling)
  - API: User can leave a project through the API when not master or owner. !3613
  - Fix repository cache invalidation issue when project is recreated with an empty repo (Stan Hu)
  - Fix: Allow empty recipients list for builds emails service when pushed is added (Frank Groeneveld)
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
  - Improved markdown forms
  - Diff design updates (colors, button styles, etc)
  - Copying and pasting a diff no longer pastes the line numbers or +/-
  - Add null check to formData when updating profile content to fix Firefox bug
Arinde Eniola's avatar
Arinde Eniola committed
  - Disable spellcheck and autocorrect for username field in admin page
Robert Schilling's avatar
Robert Schilling committed
  - Delete tags using Rugged for performance reasons (Robert Schilling)
Sebastian Klier's avatar
Sebastian Klier committed
  - Add Slack notifications when Wiki is edited (Sebastian Klier)
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
  - Diffs load at the correct point when linking from from number
  - Selected diff rows highlight
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Fix emoji categories in the emoji picker
  - API: Properly display annotated tags for GET /projects/:id/repository/tags (Robert Schilling)
James Lopez's avatar
James Lopez committed
  - Add encrypted credentials for imported projects and migrate old ones
  - Properly format all merge request references with ! rather than # !3740 (Ben Bodenmiller)
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - Author and participants are displayed first on users autocompletion
BaldinoF's avatar
BaldinoF committed
  - Show number sign on external issue reference text (Florent Baldino)
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
  - Updated print style for issues
  - Use GitHub Issue/PR number as iid to keep references
  - Import GitHub labels
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - Add option to filter by "Owned projects" on dashboard page
  - Import GitHub milestones
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Execute system web hooks on push to the project
  - Allow enable/disable push events for system hooks
  - Fix GitHub project's link in the import page when provider has a custom URL
Tomasz Maczukin's avatar
Tomasz Maczukin committed
  - Add RAW build trace output and button on build page
Tomasz Maczukin's avatar
Tomasz Maczukin committed
  - Add incremental build trace update into CI API
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed

v 8.6.9
  - Prevent unauthorized access to other projects build traces
  - Forbid scripting for wiki files
  - Only show notes through JSON on confidential issues that the user has access to

v 8.6.8
  - Prevent privilege escalation via "impersonate" feature
  - Prevent privilege escalation via notes API
  - Prevent privilege escalation via project webhook API
  - Prevent XSS via Git branch and tag names
  - Prevent XSS via custom issue tracker URL
  - Prevent XSS via `window.opener`
  - Prevent XSS via label drop-down
  - Prevent information disclosure via milestone API
  - Prevent information disclosure via snippet API
  - Prevent information disclosure via project labels
  - Prevent information disclosure via new merge request page

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Fix persistent XSS vulnerability in `commit_person_link` helper
  - Fix persistent XSS vulnerability in Label and Milestone dropdowns
  - Fix vulnerability that made it possible to enumerate private projects belonging to group

  - Expire the exists cache before deletion to ensure project dir actually exists (Stan Hu). !3413
  - Fix error on language detection when repository has no HEAD (e.g., master branch) (Jeroen Bobbeldijk). !3654
  - Fix revoking of authorized OAuth applications (Connor Shea). !3690
Jeroen Bobbeldijk's avatar
Jeroen Bobbeldijk committed
  - Fix error on language detection when repository has no HEAD (e.g., master branch). !3654 (Jeroen Bobbeldijk)
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
  - Issuable header is consistent between issues and merge requests
  - Improved spacing in issuable header on mobile
v 8.6.5
  - Fix importing from GitHub Enterprise. !3529
  - Perform the language detection after updating merge requests in `GitPushService`, leading to faster visual feedback for the end-user. !3533
  - Check permissions when user attempts to import members from another project. !3535
  - Only update repository language if it is not set to improve performance. !3556
  - Return status code 303 after a branch DELETE operation to avoid project deletion (Stan Hu). !3583
  - Unblock user when active_directory is disabled and it can be found !3550
  - Fix a 2FA authentication spoofing vulnerability.
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
v 8.6.4
  - Don't attempt to fetch any tags from a forked repo (Stan Hu)
  - Redesign the Labels page
v 8.6.3
  - Mentions on confidential issues doesn't create todos for non-members. !3374
  - Destroy related todos when an Issue/MR is deleted. !3376
  - Fix error 500 when target is nil on todo list. !3376
  - Fix copying uploads when moving issue to another project. !3382
  - Ensuring Merge Request API returns boolean values for work_in_progress (Abhi Rao). !3432
  - Fix raw/rendered diff producing different results on merge requests. !3450
  - Fix commit comment alignment (Stan Hu). !3466
  - Fix Error 500 when searching for a comment in a project snippet. !3468
  - Allow temporary email as notification email. !3477
  - Fix issue with dropdowns not selecting values. !3478
  - Update gitlab-shell version and doc to 2.6.12. gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!280
v 8.6.2
  - Fix dropdown alignment. !3298
  - Fix issuable sidebar overlaps on tablet. !3299
  - Make dropdowns pixel perfect. !3337
  - Fix order of steps to prevent PostgreSQL errors when running migration. !3355
  - Fix bold text in issuable sidebar. !3358
  - Fix error with anonymous token in applications settings. !3362
  - Fix the milestone 'upcoming' filter. !3364 + !3368
  - Fix comments on confidential issues showing up in activity feed to non-members. !3375
  - Fix `NoMethodError` when visiting CI root path at `/ci`. !3377
  - Add a tooltip to new branch button in issue page. !3380
  - Fix an issue hiding the password form when signed-in with a linked account. !3381
  - Add links to CI setup documentation from project settings and builds pages. !3384
  - Fix an issue with width of project select dropdown. !3386
  - Remove redundant `require`s from Banzai files. !3391
  - Fix error 500 with cancel button on issuable edit form. !3392 + !3417
  - Fix background when editing a highlighted note. !3423
  - Remove tabstop from the WIP toggle links. !3426
  - Ensure private project snippets are not viewable by unauthorized people.
  - Gracefully handle notes on deleted commits in merge requests (Stan Hu). !3402
  - Fixed issue with notification settings not saving. !3452
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
v 8.6.1
  - Add option to reload the schema before restoring a database backup. !2807
  - Display navigation controls on mobile. !3214
  - Fixed bug where participants would not work correctly on merge requests. !3329
  - Fix sorting issues by votes on the groups issues page results in SQL errors. !3333
  - Restrict notifications for confidential issues. !3334
  - Do not allow to move issue if it has not been persisted. !3340
  - Add a confirmation step before deleting an issuable. !3341
  - Fixes issue with signin button overflowing on mobile. !3342
  - Auto collapses the navigation sidebar when resizing. !3343
  - Fix build dependencies, when the dependency is a string. !3344
  - Shows error messages when trying to create label in dropdown menu. !3345
  - Fixes issue with assign milestone not loading milestone list. !3346
  - Fix an issue causing the Dashboard/Milestones page to be blank. !3348
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed

v 8.6.0
  - Add ability to move issue to another project
James Lopez's avatar
James Lopez committed
  - Prevent tokens in the import URL to be showed by the UI
  - Fix bug where wrong commit ID was being used in a merge request diff to show old image (Stan Hu)
  - Add confidential issues
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Bump gitlab_git to 9.0.3 (Stan Hu)
  - Fix diff image view modes (2-up, swipe, onion skin) not working (Stan Hu)
  - Support Golang subpackage fetching (Stan Hu)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Bump Capybara gem to 2.6.2 (Stan Hu)
  - New branch button appears on issues where applicable
  - Contributions to forked projects are included in calendar
  - Improve the formatting for the user page bio (Connor Shea)
  - Easily (un)mark merge request as WIP using link
  - Use specialized system notes when MR is (un)marked as WIP
  - Removed the default password from the initial admin account created during
    setup. A password can be provided during setup (see installation docs), or
    GitLab will ask the user to create a new one upon first visit.
James Lopez's avatar
James Lopez committed
  - Fix issue when pushing to projects ending in .wiki
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
  - Properly display YAML front matter in Markdown
  - Add support for wiki with UTF-8 page names (Hiroyuki Sato)
  - Fix wiki search results point to raw source (Hiroyuki Sato)
  - Don't load all of GitLab in mail_room
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
  - Add information about `image` and `services` field at `job` level in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` documentation (Pat Turner)
  - HTTP error pages work independently from location and config (Artem Sidorenko)
  - Update `omniauth-saml` to 1.5.0 to allow for custom response attributes to be set
  - Memoize @group in Admin::GroupsController (Yatish Mehta)
  - Indicate how much an MR diverged from the target branch (Pierre de La Morinerie)
  - Added omniauth-auth0 Gem (Daniel Carraro)
  - Add label description in tooltip to labels in issue index and sidebar
  - Strip leading and trailing spaces in URL validator (evuez)
  - Add "last_sign_in_at" and "confirmed_at" to GET /users/* API endpoints for admins (evuez)
  - Return empty array instead of 404 when commit has no statuses in commit status API
  - Decrease the font size and the padding of the `.anchor` icons used in the README (Roberto Dip)
  - Rewrite logo to simplify SVG code (Sean Lang)
  - Allow to use YAML anchors when parsing the `.gitlab-ci.yml` (Pascal Bach)
  - Ignore jobs that start with `.` (hidden jobs)
  - Hide builds from project's settings when the feature is disabled
  - Allow to pass name of created artifacts archive in `.gitlab-ci.yml`
  - Refactor and greatly improve search performance
  - Add support for cross-project label references
  - Ensure "new SSH key" email do not ends up as dead Sidekiq jobs
  - Update documentation to reflect Guest role not being enforced on internal projects
  - Allow search for logged out users
  - Allow to define on which builds the current one depends on
  - Allow user subscription to a label: get notified for issues/merge requests related to that label (Timothy Andrew)
  - Fix bug where Bitbucket `closed` issues were imported as `opened` (Iuri de Silvio)
Rubén Dávila's avatar
Rubén Dávila committed
  - Don't show Issues/MRs from archived projects in Groups view
  - Fix wrong "iid of max iid" in Issuable sidebar for some merged MRs
  - Fix empty source_sha on Merge Request when there is no diff (Pierre de La Morinerie)
Alfredo Sumaran's avatar
Alfredo Sumaran committed
  - Increase the notes polling timeout over time (Roberto Dip)
  - Add shortcut to toggle markdown preview (Florent Baldino)
  - Show labels in dashboard and group milestone views
  - Fix an issue when the target branch of a MR had been deleted
tiagonbotelho's avatar
tiagonbotelho committed
  - Add main language of a project in the list of projects (Tiago Botelho)
  - Add #upcoming filter to Milestone filter (Tiago Botelho)
  - Add ability to show archived projects on dashboard, explore and group pages
  - Remove fork link closes all merge requests opened on source project (Florent Baldino)
  - Create external users which are excluded of internal and private projects unless access was explicitly granted
  - Continue parameters are checked to ensure redirection goes to the same instance
  - User deletion is now done in the background so the request can not time out
Geoffrey Lalonde's avatar
Geoffrey Lalonde committed
  - Canceled builds are now ignored in compound build status if marked as `allowed to fail`
  - Trigger a todo for mentions on commits page
  - Let project owners and admins soft delete issues and merge requests
v 8.5.13
  - Prevent unauthorized access to other projects build traces
  - Forbid scripting for wiki files

v 8.5.12
  - Prevent privilege escalation via "impersonate" feature
  - Prevent privilege escalation via notes API
  - Prevent privilege escalation via project webhook API
  - Prevent XSS via Git branch and tag names
  - Prevent XSS via custom issue tracker URL
  - Prevent XSS via `window.opener`
  - Prevent information disclosure via snippet API
  - Prevent information disclosure via project labels
  - Prevent information disclosure via new merge request page

v 8.5.11
  - Fix persistent XSS vulnerability in `commit_person_link` helper

v 8.5.10
  - Fix a 2FA authentication spoofing vulnerability.

Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
v 8.5.9
  - Don't attempt to fetch any tags from a forked repo (Stan Hu).

v 8.5.8
  - Bump Git version requirement to 2.7.4

Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
v 8.5.7
  - Bump Git version requirement to 2.7.3
v 8.5.6
  - Obtain a lease before querying LDAP

v 8.5.5
  - Ensure removing a project removes associated Todo entries
  - Prevent a 500 error in Todos when author was removed
  - Fix pagination for filtered dashboard and explore pages
  - Fix "Show all" link behavior
  - Do not cache requests for badges (including builds badge)

v 8.5.3
  - Flush repository caches before renaming projects
  - Sort starred projects on dashboard based on last activity by default
Rubén Dávila's avatar
Rubén Dávila committed
  - Show commit message in JIRA mention comment
  - Makes issue page and merge request page usable on mobile browsers.
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
  - Improved UI for profile settings
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.5.2
  - Fix sidebar overlapping content when screen width was below 1200px
  - Don't repeat labels listed on Labels tab
  - Bring the "branded appearance" feature from EE to CE
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Fix error 500 when commenting on a commit
  - Show days remaining instead of elapsed time for Milestone
  - Fix broken icons on installations with relative URL (Artem Sidorenko)
  - Fix issue where tag list wasn't refreshed after deleting a tag
  - Fix import from (KazSawada)
  - Improve implementation to check read access to forks and add pagination
  - Don't show any "2FA required" message if it's not actually required
  - Fix help keyboard shortcut on relative URL setups (Artem Sidorenko)
  - Update Rails to
  - Fix permissions for deprecated CI build status badge
  - Don't show "Welcome to GitLab" when the search didn't return any projects
  - Add Todos documentation
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed

v 8.5.1
  - Fix group projects styles
  - Show Crowd login tab when sign in is disabled and Crowd is enabled (Peter Hudec)
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
  - Fix a set of small UI glitches in project, profile, and wiki pages
  - Restrict permissions on public/uploads
  - Fix the merge request side-by-side view after loading diff results
  - Fix the look of tooltip for the "Revert" button
  - Add when the Builds & Runners API changes got introduced
  - Fix error 500 on some merged merge requests
  - Fix an issue causing the content of the issuable sidebar to disappear
  - Fix error 500 when trying to mark an already done todo as "done"
  - Fix an issue where MRs weren't sortable
  - Issues can now be dragged & dropped into empty milestone lists. This is also
    possible with MRs
Rémy Coutable's avatar
Rémy Coutable committed
  - Changed padding & background color for highlighted notes
  - Re-add the newrelic_rpm gem which was removed without any deprecation or warning (Stan Hu)
  - Update sentry-raven gem to 0.15.6
  - Add build coverage in project's builds page (Steffen Köhler)
  - Changed # to ! for merge requests in activity view
  - Fix duplicate "me" in tooltip of the "thumbsup" awards Emoji (Stan Hu)
  - Cache various Repository methods to improve performance
ashleys's avatar
ashleys committed
  - Fix duplicated branch creation/deletion Webhooks/service notifications when using Web UI (Stan Hu)
  - Ensure rake tasks that don't need a DB connection can be run without one
  - Update New Relic gem to (Stan Hu)
  - Add "visibility" flag to GET /projects api endpoint
  - Add an option to supply root email through an environmental variable (Koichiro Mikami)
  - Ignore binary files in code search to prevent Error 500 (Stan Hu)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Render sanitized SVG images (Stan Hu)
  - Support download access by PRIVATE-TOKEN header (Stan Hu)
  - Upgrade gitlab_git to 7.2.23 to fix commit message mentions in first branch push
  - Add option to include the sender name in body of Notify email (Jason Lee)
  - New UI for pagination
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Don't prevent sign out when 2FA enforcement is enabled and user hasn't yet
    set it up
  - API: Added "merge_requests/:merge_request_id/closes_issues" (Gal Schlezinger)
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Fix diff comments loaded by AJAX to load comment with diff in discussion tab
  - Fix relative links in other markup formats (Ben Boeckel)
  - Whitelist raw "abbr" elements when parsing Markdown (Benedict Etzel)
  - Fix label links for a merge request pointing to issues list
  - Don't vendor minified JS
  - Increase project import timeout to 15 minutes
  - Be more permissive with email address validation: it only has to contain a single '@'
  - Display 404 error on group not found
  - Track project import failure
  - Support Two-factor Authentication for LDAP users
  - Display database type and version in Administration dashboard
  - Allow limited Markdown in Broadcast Messages
  - Fix visibility level text in admin area (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Warn admin during OAuth of granting admin rights (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Update the ExternalIssue regex pattern (Blake Hitchcock)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Remember user's inline/side-by-side diff view preference in a cookie (Kirill Katsnelson)
  - Optimized performance of finding issues to be closed by a merge request
  - Add `avatar_url`, `description`, `git_ssh_url`, `git_http_url`, `path_with_namespace`
    and `default_branch` in `project` in push, issue, merge-request and note webhooks data (Kirill Zaitsev)
  - Deprecate the `ssh_url` in favor of `git_ssh_url` and `http_url` in favor of `git_http_url`
    in `project` for push, issue, merge-request and note webhooks data (Kirill Zaitsev)
  - Deprecate the `repository` key in push, issue, merge-request and note webhooks data, use `project` instead (Kirill Zaitsev)
  - API: Expose MergeRequest#merge_status (Andrei Dziahel)
  - Revert "Add IP check against DNSBLs at account sign-up"
  - Actually use the `skip_merges` option in Repository#commits (Tony Chu)
  - Fix API to keep request parameters in Link header (Michael Potthoff)
  - Deprecate API "merge_request/:merge_request_id/comments". Use "merge_requests/:merge_request_id/notes" instead
  - Deprecate API "merge_request/:merge_request_id/...". Use "merge_requests/:merge_request_id/..." instead
James Lopez's avatar
James Lopez committed
  - Prevent parse error when name of project ends with .atom and prevent path issues
  - Discover branches for commit statuses ref-less when doing merge when succeeded
  - Mark inline difference between old and new paths when a file is renamed
  - Support Akismet spam checking for creation of issues via API (Stan Hu)
  - API: Allow to set or update a merge-request's milestone (Kirill Skachkov)
  - Improve UI consistency between projects and groups lists
  - Add sort dropdown to dashboard projects page
  - Fixed logo animation on Safari (Roman Rott)
  - Fix Merge When Succeeded when multiple stages
  - Hide remove source branch button when the MR is merged but new commits are pushed (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - In seach autocomplete show only groups and projects you are member of
James Lopez's avatar
James Lopez committed
  - Don't process cross-reference notes from forks
  - Fix: init.d script not working on OS X
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Faster snippet search
  - Added API to download build artifacts
  - Title for milestones should be unique (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Validate correctness of maximum attachment size application setting
  - Replaces "Create merge request" link with one to the "Merge Request" when one exists
  - Fix CI builds badge, add a new link to builds badge, deprecate the old one
  - Fix broken link to project in build notification emails
  - Ability to see and sort on vote count from Issues and MR lists
  - Fix builds scheduler when first build in stage was allowed to fail
  - User project limit is reached notice is hidden if the projects limit is zero
Tomasz Maczukin's avatar
Tomasz Maczukin committed
  - Add API support for managing runners and project's runners
  - Allow SAML users to login with no previous account without having to allow
    all Omniauth providers to do so.
  - Allow existing users to auto link their SAML credentials by logging in via SAML
  - Make it possible to erase a build (trace, artifacts) using UI and API
Rubén Dávila's avatar
Rubén Dávila committed
  - Ability to revert changes from a Merge Request or Commit
  - Emoji comment on diffs are not award emoji
Tap's avatar
Tap committed
  - Add label description (Nuttanart Pornprasitsakul)
  - Show label row when filtering issues or merge requests by label (Nuttanart Pornprasitsakul)
  - Add Todos
v 8.4.11
  - Prevent unauthorized access to other projects build traces
  - Forbid scripting for wiki files

v 8.4.10
  - Prevent privilege escalation via "impersonate" feature
  - Prevent privilege escalation via notes API
  - Prevent privilege escalation via project webhook API
  - Prevent XSS via Git branch and tag names
  - Prevent XSS via custom issue tracker URL
  - Prevent XSS via `window.opener`
  - Prevent information disclosure via snippet API
  - Prevent information disclosure via project labels
  - Prevent information disclosure via new merge request page

v 8.4.9
  - Fix persistent XSS vulnerability in `commit_person_link` helper

v 8.4.8
  - Fix a 2FA authentication spoofing vulnerability.

v 8.4.7
  - Don't attempt to fetch any tags from a forked repo (Stan Hu).

v 8.4.6
  - Bump Git version requirement to 2.7.4

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.4.5
  - No CE-specific changes

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.4.4
  - Update omniauth-saml gem to 1.4.2
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Prevent long-running backup tasks from timing out the database connection
  - Add a Project setting to allow guests to view build logs (defaults to true)
  - Sort project milestones by due date including issue editor (Oliver Rogers / Orih)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Increase lfs_objects size column to 8-byte integer to allow files larger
    than 2.1GB
  - Correctly highlight MR diff when MR has merge conflicts
  - Fix highlighting in blame view
  - Update sentry-raven gem to prevent "Not a git repository" console output
    when running certain commands
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Add instrumentation to additional Gitlab::Git and Rugged methods for
    performance monitoring
  - Allow autosize textareas to also be manually resized
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.4.2
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Bump required gitlab-workhorse version to bring in a fix for missing
    artifacts in the build artifacts browser
  - Get rid of those ugly borders on the file tree view
  - Fix updating the runner information when asking for builds
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Bump gitlab_git version to 7.2.24 in order to bring in a performance
    improvement when checking if a repository was empty
  - Add instrumentation for Gitlab::Git::Repository instance methods so we can
    track them in Performance Monitoring.
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Increase contrast between highlighted code comments and inline diff marker
  - Fix method undefined when using external commit status in builds
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Fix highlighting in blame view.
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.4.1
  - Apply security updates for Rails (, rails-html-sanitizer (1.0.3),
    and Nokogiri (
  - Fix redirect loop during import
  - Fix diff highlighting for all syntax themes
Josh Frye's avatar
Josh Frye committed
  - Delete project and associations in a background worker
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed

  - Allow LDAP users to change their email if it was not set by the LDAP server
  - Ensure Gravatar host looks like an actual host
  - Consider re-assign as a mention from a notification point of view
  - Add pagination headers to already paginated API resources
  - Properly generate diff of orphan commits, like the first commit in a repository
  - Improve the consistency of commit titles, branch names, tag names, issue/MR titles, on their respective project pages
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Autocomplete data is now always loaded, instead of when focusing a comment text area
  - Improved performance of finding issues for an entire group
  - Added custom application performance measuring system powered by InfluxDB
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Add syntax highlighting to diffs
  - Gracefully handle invalid UTF-8 sequences in Markdown links (Stan Hu)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Bump fog to 1.36.0 (Stan Hu)
  - Add user's last used IP addresses to admin page (Stan Hu)
  - Add housekeeping function to project settings page
  - The default GitLab logo now acts as a loading indicator
  - Fix caching issue where build status was not updating in project dashboard (Stan Hu)
ashleys's avatar
ashleys committed
  - Accept 2xx status codes for successful Webhook triggers (Stan Hu)
  - Fix missing date of month in network graph when commits span a month (Stan Hu)
  - Expire view caches when application settings change (e.g. Gravatar disabled) (Stan Hu)
  - Don't notify users twice if they are both project watchers and subscribers (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Remove gray background from layout in UI
  - Fix signup for OAuth providers that don't provide a name
  - Implement new UI for group page
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Implement search inside emoji picker
  - Let the CI runner know about builds that this build depends on
  - Add API support for looking up a user by username (Stan Hu)
  - Add project permissions to all project API endpoints (Stan Hu)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Link to milestone in "Milestone changed" system note
  - Only allow group/project members to mention `@all`
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Expose Git's version in the admin area (Trey Davis)
  - Add "Frequently used" category to emoji picker
  - Add CAS support (tduehr)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Add link to merge request on build detail page
  - Fix: Problem with projects ending with .keys (Jose Corcuera)
  - Revert back upvote and downvote button to the issue and MR pages
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Swap position of Assignee and Author selector on Issuables (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Add system hook messages for project rename and transfer (Steve Norman)
  - Fix version check image in Safari
  - Show 'All' tab by default in the builds page
  - Add Open Graph and Twitter Card data to all pages
  - Fix API project lookups when querying with a namespace with dots (Stan Hu)
  - Enable forcing Two-factor authentication sitewide, with optional grace period
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Import GitHub Pull Requests into GitLab
  - Change single user API endpoint to return more detailed data (Michael Potthoff)
  - Update version check images to use SVG
  - Validate README format before displaying
  - Enable Microsoft Azure OAuth2 support (Janis Meybohm)
  - Properly set task-list class on single item task lists
  - Add file finder feature in tree view (Kyungchul Shin)
  - Ajax filter by message for commits page
Robert Schilling's avatar
Robert Schilling committed
  - API: Add support for deleting a tag via the API (Robert Schilling)
  - Allow subsequent validations in CI Linter
  - Show referenced MRs & Issues only when the current viewer can access them
Jason Lee's avatar
Jason Lee committed
  - Fix Encoding::CompatibilityError bug when markdown content has some complex URL (Jason Lee)
Tomasz Maczukin's avatar
Tomasz Maczukin committed
  - Add API support for managing project's builds
  - Add API support for managing project's build triggers
  - Add API support for managing project's build variables
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Allow broadcast messages to be edited
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Autosize Markdown textareas
  - Import GitHub wiki into GitLab
  - Add reporters ability to download and browse build artifacts (Andrew Johnson)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Autofill referring url in message box when reporting user abuse.
  - Remove leading comma on award emoji when the user is the first to award the emoji (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Add build artifacts browser
  - Improve UX in builds artifacts browser
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Increase default size of `data` column in `events` table when using MySQL
  - Expose button to CI Lint tool on project builds page
  - Fix: Creator should be added as a master of the project on creation
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Added X-GitLab-... headers to emails from CI and Email On Push services (Anton Baklanov)
  - Add IP check against DNSBLs at account sign-up
  - Added cache:key to .gitlab-ci.yml allowing to fine tune the caching
v 8.3.10
  - Prevent unauthorized access to other projects build traces
  - Forbid scripting for wiki files

v 8.3.9
  - Prevent privilege escalation via "impersonate" feature
  - Prevent privilege escalation via notes API
  - Prevent privilege escalation via project webhook API
  - Prevent XSS via custom issue tracker URL
  - Prevent XSS via `window.opener`
  - Prevent information disclosure via project labels
  - Prevent information disclosure via new merge request page

v 8.3.8
  - Fix persistent XSS vulnerability in `commit_person_link` helper

v 8.3.7
  - Fix a 2FA authentication spoofing vulnerability.

v 8.3.6
  - Don't attempt to fetch any tags from a forked repo (Stan Hu).

v 8.3.5
  - Bump Git version requirement to 2.7.4

v 8.3.4
  - Use gitlab-workhorse 0.5.4 (fixes API routing bug)

Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.3.3
  - Preserve CE behavior with JIRA integration by only calling API if URL is set
  - Fix duplicated branch creation/deletion events when using Web UI (Stan Hu)
  - Add configurable LDAP server query timeout
  - Get "Merge when build succeeds" to work when commits were pushed to MR target branch while builds were running
  - Suppress e-mails on failed builds if allow_failure is set (Stan Hu)
  - Fix project transfer e-mail sending incorrect paths in e-mail notification (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Better support for referencing and closing issues in Asana service (Mike Wyatt)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Enable "Add key" button when user fills in a proper key (Stan Hu)
  - Fix error in processing reply-by-email messages (Jason Lee)
  - Fix Error 500 when visiting build page of project with nil runners_token (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Use WOFF versions of SourceSansPro fonts
  - Fix regression when builds were not generated for tags created through web/api interface
  - Fix: maintain milestone filter between Open and Closed tabs (Greg Smethells)
  - Fix missing artifacts and build traces for build created before 8.3
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.3.2
  - Disable --follow in `git log` to avoid loading duplicate commit data in infinite scroll (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Add support for Google reCAPTCHA in user registration
  - Fix Error 500 when global milestones have slashes (Stan Hu)
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Fix Error 500 when doing a search in dashboard before visiting any project (Stan Hu)
  - Fix LDAP identity and user retrieval when special characters are used
  - Move Sidekiq-cron configuration to gitlab.yml
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
v 8.3.0
  - Bump rack-attack to 4.3.1 for security fix (Stan Hu)
  - API support for starred projects for authorized user (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Add open_issues_count to project API (Stan Hu)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Expand character set of usernames created by Omniauth (Corey Hinshaw)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Add button to automatically merge a merge request when the build succeeds (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Add unsubscribe link in the email footer (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Provide better diagnostic message upon project creation errors (Stan Hu)
  - Bump devise to 3.5.3 to fix reset token expiring after account creation (Stan Hu)
Kamil Trzciński's avatar
Kamil Trzciński committed
  - Remove api credentials from link to build_page
  - Deprecate GitLabCiService making it to always be inactive
  - Bump gollum-lib to 4.1.0 (Stan Hu)
Stan Hu's avatar
Stan Hu committed
  - Fix broken group avatar upload under "New group" (Stan Hu)
  - Update project repositorize size and commit count during import:repos task (Stan Hu)
  - Fix API setting of 'public' attribute to false will make a project private (Stan Hu)
ashleys's avatar
ashleys committed
  - Handle and report SSL errors in Webhook test (Stan Hu)
  - Bump Redis requirement to 2.8 for Sidekiq 4 (Stan Hu)
  - Fix: Assignee selector is empty when 'Unassigned' is selected (Jose Corcuera)
  - WIP identifier on merge requests no longer requires trailing space
Zeger-Jan van de Weg's avatar
Zeger-Jan van de Weg committed
  - Add rake tasks for git repository maintainance (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Fix 500 error when update group member permission
  - Fix: As an admin, cannot add oneself as a member to a group/project
  - Trim leading and trailing whitespace of milestone and issueable titles (Jose Corcuera)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Recognize issue/MR/snippet/commit links as references
Drew Blessing's avatar
Drew Blessing committed
  - Backport JIRA features from EE to CE
  - Add ignore whitespace change option to commit view
  - Fire update hook from GitLab
  - Allow account unlock via email
  - Style warning about mentioning many people in a comment
  - Fix: sort milestones by due date once again (Greg Smethells)
  - Migrate all CI::Services and CI::WebHooks to Services and WebHooks
  - Don't show project fork event as "imported"
  - Add API endpoint to fetch merge request commits list
  - Don't create CI status for refs that doesn't have .gitlab-ci.yml, even if the builds are enabled
  - Expose events API with comment information and author info
  - Fix: Ensure "Remove Source Branch" button is not shown when branch is being deleted. #3583
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Run custom Git hooks when branch is created or deleted.
  - Fix bug when simultaneously accepting multiple MRs results in MRs that are of "merged" status, but not merged to the target branch
  - Add languages page to graphs
  - Block LDAP user when they are no longer found in the LDAP server
  - Improve wording on project visibility levels (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
  - Fix editing notes on a merge request diff
  - Automatically select default clone protocol based on user preferences (Eirik Lygre)
  - Make Network page as sub tab of Commits
  - Add copy-to-clipboard button for Snippets
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  - Add indication to merge request list item that MR cannot be merged automatically
  - Default target branch to patch-n when editing file in protected branch
  - Add Builds tab to merge request detail page
  - Allow milestones, issues and MRs to be created from dashboard and group indexes
  - Use new style for wiki
  - Use new style for milestone detail page
  - Fix sidebar tooltips when collapsed
  - Prevent possible XSS attack with award-emoji
Gabriel Mazetto's avatar
Gabriel Mazetto committed
  - Upgraded Sidekiq to 4.x
  - Accept COPYING,COPYING.lesser, and licence as license file (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
  - Fix emoji aliases problem
Grzegorz Bizon's avatar
Grzegorz Bizon committed
  - Fix award-emojis Flash alert's width
  - Fix deleting notes on a merge request diff
Robert Speicher's avatar
Robert Speicher committed
  - Display referenced merge request statuses in the issue description (Greg Smethells)
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
  - Implement new sidebar for issue and merge request pages
  - Emoji picker improvements
Grzegorz Bizon's avatar
Grzegorz Bizon committed
  - Suppress warning about missing `.gitlab-ci.yml` if builds are disabled
  - Do not show build status unless builds are enabled and `.gitlab-ci.yml` is present
  - Persist runners registration token in database
  - Fix online editor should not remove newlines at the end of the file
  - Expose Git's version in the admin area
  - Show "New Merge Request" buttons on canonical repos when you have a fork (Josh Frye)
v 8.2.6
  - Prevent unauthorized access to other projects build traces
  - Forbid scripting for wiki files

v 8.2.5
  - Prevent privilege escalation via "impersonate" feature
  - Prevent privilege escalation via notes API
  - Prevent privilege escalation via project webhook API
  - Prevent XSS via `window.opener`