- Aug 29, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Replace wiki link with relative repository link.
- Aug 27, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
The endpoint currently returns the number of contents of the room and a list of all content groups with their number of contents. Additional stats like total answer and comment are not set yet and have to be added later. Refs #45.
- Aug 26, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Beans related to authentication providers are now only initialized if they have been enabled via configuration. Besides eliminating memory usage and initialization time of the beans this fixes issues caused by filters of disabled authentication providers. Fixes #35, #50.
Daniel Gerhardt authored
- Aug 23, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
The deletion of users now triggers a cascading deletion for rooms owned by the user.
- Aug 21, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Daniel Gerhardt authored
* Update CouchDB section for version 2 * Remove "or newer" for OpenJDK (ARSnova 2 does not run on JDK 11) * Adjustments for Debian 9/10 * Install Tomcat 9
Daniel Gerhardt authored
An PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer bean was still set up which tried to load the legacy properties files. Refs !137.
- Aug 17, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
* Fix delayed answer creation * Fix deletion of all contents of a group * Fix deletion of all answers of a content * Fix answer count for groups * Initialize new answers with round 1
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Use updated content group handling and remove all references to the old `variant` property of contents/answers. The following /v2 endpoints are now fully implemented: * Deleting all contents of a group (/) * Retrieving ids of unanswered content in a group (/unanswered) * Deleting all answers of contents in a group (/answers) * Counting answers of a group (/answercount)
- Aug 16, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
The `ContentFindQueryService` now supports filtering contents of a room that are not part of any content group.
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Content groups are now a separate entity with their own repository and service and endpoint. A content group can no longer be set when creating a new content. Instead the new API endpoint has to be used to add the content to a group.
- Aug 10, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Account activation is now using the ban logic as used for login failure logic.
Daniel Gerhardt authored
The account activation and reset mail now only contain the code. String placeholders are numbered correctly again. The activation and reset keys' length has been reduced to 8 characters. Fixes #47.
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Removed unused legacy forwards.
- Aug 04, 2019
The JWT is now read from the Authorization header: Authorization: Bearer <JWT> The Arsnova-Auth-Token header is no longer supported. Using a standard header simplifies integration of the API with other services and HTTP/REST libraries and tools. RFC 6750: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750
We do not use any data sources at the moment and the auto config causes problems when the application is deployed to Tomcat.
Methods annotated with @Timed now use Micrometers annotation. The @Gauge annotation has been remove without replacement for now. While configuration for the use of Micrometer's TimedAspect has been prepared, it is not yet active because of compatibility issues with compile-time weaving. See https://github.com/micrometer-metrics/micrometer/issues/1149.
The new endpoint provide metrics including information about application health, environment, configuration, beans, caches and performance via Spring Actuator. Additional custom endpoints for version info and statistics are available. Content type `application/json` may not be set for the `Accept` header of requests to the management API. Otherwise, only a JSON stub is returned. `application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json` or `*/*` should be used instead. To allow monitoring of metrics, a Prometheus endpoint is provided via Micrometer. Web API documentation: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.1.x/actuator-api/html/
- Aug 02, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
- Aug 01, 2019
The Nashorn ScriptEngine is deprecated since JDK 11 as described by JEP 335. We now include GraalJS as a replacement. Related docs: * https://github.com/graalvm/graaljs. * https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/174. * https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/335.
- Jul 30, 2019
Tom Käsler authored
- Jul 26, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Validation is performed before entities are persisted using Hibernate Validator, the reference implementation for Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380). Refs #23.
- Jul 23, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
The location of `application.yml` can now be set via environment variable `ARSNOVA_CONFIG_DIR` or Java system property `arsnova.config-dir`.
Daniel Gerhardt authored
For most of the configuration property classes are now used instead of using property injection via @Value.
Daniel Gerhardt authored
- Jul 02, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
- Jul 01, 2019
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Daniel Gerhardt authored
* Removed obsolete commented-out code. * Fixed indentation of commented out code. * Added FIXME comments where old code still has to be migrated.
Daniel Gerhardt authored
Rules: * (naming) ParameterName * (naming) LocalVariableName * (naming) MemberName * (naming) InterfaceTypeParameterName * (naming) AbbreviationAsWordInName * (modifier) ModifierOrder * (blocks) NeedBraces * (coding) OneStatementPerLine * (coding) MultipleVariableDeclarations * (coding) VariableDeclarationUsageDistance * (coding) MissingSwitchDefault * (coding) OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder * (extension) RightCurlySame * (misc) ArrayTypeStyle
Daniel Gerhardt authored
The following conventions have been applied: * Rule: (sizes) LineLength