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  1. Dec 21, 2015
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  10. Dec 06, 2015
  11. Dec 05, 2015
    • Stan Hu's avatar
      Fix Error 500 when creating global milestones with Unicode characters · d800a949
      Stan Hu authored
      Two issues:
      1. The constraints in the resources were incorrect. Here's what it was before:
      group_milestone  GET /groups/:group_id/milestones/:id(.:format)  groups/milestones#show {:id=>/[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+(?<!\.atom)/, :group_id=>/[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+(?<!\.atom)/}
      In this case, id is actually the title of the milestone, which can be anything at the moment.
      group_milestone  GET /groups/:group_id/milestones/:id(.:format)  groups/milestones#show {:id=>/[^\/]+/, :group_id=>/[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+(?<!\.atom)/}
      2. `parameterize` would strip all Unicode characters, leaving a blank string. Rails would report something like:
      ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"groups/milestones", :group_id=>#<Group id: 48, name: "ops-dev", path: "ops-dev", owner_id: nil, created_at: "2015-11-15 08:55:30", updated_at: "2015-12-02 06:23:26", type: "Group", description: "", avatar: "sha1.c71e73d51af1865c1bbbf6208e10044d46c9bb93.png", public: false>, :id=>"", :title=>"肯定不是中文的问题"} missing required keys: [:id]):
      This change uses the babosa library to create a better slug, which surprisingly
      isn't actually used by the global milestone controllers. Instead, they use the
      title passed as a query string for some reason.
      Fix constraints