Flashcards revisited
These changes introduce several UI & UX improvements, bugfixes and new features.
Major changes:
- New question variant based on flashcards (like lecture and preparation questions)
- Flashcard variant can be added to custom sessions through feature activation
- Improve flashcard presentation in question carousels
- front- and backside are placed in one visible element (backface-visibility)
- front- and backside are configurable through style.scss
- flashcard size is determined dynamically based on front- and backside dimensions
- Add smooth flip animation to flashcards (based on CSS3, not sencha)
- Add feature to flip all flashcard in one session (triggered by socket)
- Add import and export to ARSnova.cards
Other changes:
- visibility of speakers overlay buttons is not longer bound to projector mode. New condition: screen width > 840px
- configuration options for question carousels inner item width have been added to style.scss
- all labels and buttons in AudienceQuestionPanel and QuestionDetailsPanel have been customized for flashcards
- a new list button for new question variant "flashcard" has been added to both inclass panels
- question import and export modals have been completely overhauled for a consistent look and feel
- several UI & UX improvements
CSV import has been fixed: Import failed if rateable questions without correct answers were inside CSV-file
critical: fix layout problems in latest firefox release caused by senchas flexbox implementation
Question and answer preview have been reintroduced for rateable question formats
resolve several javascript reference errors
New configuration options:
/* carousel inner item width configuration */
$carousel-inner-max-width: 80%; // was 720px previously
/** flashcard front side configuration **/
$flashcard-front-font-color: $brand-text;
$flashcard-front-background: linear-gradient(to top, #DFE8EC 0%, white 5%) 0 20px;
$flashcard-front-background-size: 100% 30px;
$flashcard-front-border-width: 5px;
$flashcard-front-border-color: white;
$flashcard-front-border-style: solid;
/** flashcard back side configuration **/
$flashcard-back-font-color: $brand-text;
$flashcard-back-background: linear-gradient(to top, #DFE8EC 0%, white 5%) 0 20px;
$flashcard-back-background-size: 100% 30px;
$flashcard-back-border-width: 5px;
$flashcard-back-border-color: white;
$flashcard-back-border-style: solid;
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