v2.7.0 protectedebd75e8c · ·
Release version 2.7.0 Features: * Users can now delete their own account through the settings panel. * Admins can now delete any account or session through the settings panel. Improvements: * CSV Export: A settings panel has been added. Semicolon and tab can be used as separator. An Excel-specific header can be added to improve compatibilty. * The ability to set custom icons for authentication services via backend configuration has been restored. * Export/import functionality is no longer disabled for iOS. Bug fixes: * The flip animation for flashcards has been disabled to fix rendering issues in some browsers. * CSV export now works for flashcards. * Cloning of sessions from the public pool has been fixed. Known issues: * CSV import is not supported for flashcards.
v2.6.1 protected1bf96d52 · ·
Release version 2.6.1 Improvements: * The web font is now included so modern browsers should no longer fall back to alternatives. Changes for developers: * Web fonts can now be downloaded with the new Grunt `font` task. It is automatically executed as part of `build` and `run` tasks.
v2.6.0 protected7a2e5b11 · ·
Release version 2.6.0 Improvements: * Guest authentication is now retained when logging in and will be restored after logging out. * Questions and slides are now automatically released for answers/ comments after creation. * Forms for question creation/editing no longer show settings irrelevant for the question type. * The solution can now be shown for free text questions. * The statistics button now appears immediately after answering free text questions. Changes: * Switched from serif font to sans-serif font. Bug fixes: * The correct answer is no longer revealed by order for yes/no questions imported from CSV. * Pressing <ENTER> in the question's submit field when editing no longer reloads the web app. Removed features: * Import and export for arsnova.cards and arsnova.click formats has been removed. Known issues: * CSV import/export does not work for flashcards.
v2.5.2 protectede69b3a30 · ·
Release version 2.5.2 Minor improvements: * Slightly adjusted badge colors to be more consistent * Correctly show/hide items in legend based on existing data and selected use case Bug fixes: * Fix logout failing when application cache is unaccessable * Username for non-guests is now removed from configuration on logout
v2.5.0 protectedab246de5 · ·
Release version 2.5.0 Major features: * Evaluation of free text answers * The flashcards UI has been overhauled. They are now handled separately from questions. * Question duplication and import from other sessions Minor features and changes: * The number of comments is now shown in presentation mode * New use case including only comments * Export of answer statistics to CSV format * Export of questions to arsnova.click format * Export/import of flashcards to/from arsnova.cards format * Proxy support for WebSocket connections * Reduced the amount of API requests sent * Usability improvements and bug fixes With this release we have completely overhauled our [documentation](README.md). Additionally, we now provide [Docker images](https://github.com/thm-projects/arsnova-docker/).
v2.4.2 protected964c9549 · ·
Release version 2.4.2 Bug fixes: * Fixed a JavaScript `TypeError` which occured when presenting questions with enabled slides feature and required a reload to make ARSnova usable again. * Button descriptions now adjust correctly when slides are enabled. * ARSnova no longer hangs because of a `ReferenceError` when loading for the first time on slow connections.
v2.4.0 protectedd96559bc · ·
Release version 2.4.0 Major features: * Slides: A new content format without any answer options has been added. * Interactive keynote: A new use case including the 'slides' format has been added. It replaces the 'All-inclusive' use case. Minor features and changes: * An overlay showing count of new student's questions and average feedback has been added to presentation mode. * Student's questions and comments are now directly displayed instead of a list of subjects. * JSON export and import now include session info and feature settings. Bug fixes: * Editor buttons now add new lines when necessary to produce correct Markdown. * New lines in Markdown content are now displayed as is. * All question formats apart from 'grid' are now correctly exported to CSV. Changes for developers: * Initial support for localization variations has been implemented.
v2.3.3 protecteda13762fe · ·
Release version 2.3.3 Bug fixes: * Fixes JavaScript errors occuring with `question.answer-option-limit` set to values other than `8`. * Fixes charset errors in German i18n of dates. * Fixes opening of external pages (blog, privacy, legal info) when they can not be embedded in Firefox
v2.3.0 protected391e9d7f · ·
Release version 2.3.0 Major features: * Use case scenarios: To simplify the user interface, question types and functions are now enabled on a per session basis. Unused features are hidden and no longer distract from the workflow. * Improved UI theming: Theming has been simplified by providing a variables file. Deep knowledge of CSS, SCSS and ARSnova's HTML structure is no longer required for color adjustments. Additionally, the default theme got a refresh. * Message of the Day: It is now possible to display a message to all users per session or globally. * New question type "Ask the audience": four options A, B, C, and D without question text. * CSV export/import (experimental): Questions and their answers can now be exported to a simple CSV file. Minor features and changes: * Improved formatting: New formatting options (GitHub Flavored Markdown) are available. * New templates for opinion polls have been added. * Chrome's "pull-to-refresh" action is now longer triggered in text fields. * Text selection in multiline editors no longer triggers scrolling. * It is now possible to freeze live feedback. * Image uploads except for hot spot questions and image answers are no longer available. Images on external servers can still be embedded via Markdown. * Usability improvements and bug fixes Bug fixes: * Image scaling and rotation have been fixed. Changes for developers: * The `grunt run` build task has been improved to display important messages by Sencha Cmd. Verbose output for debugging purposes is displayed when parameter `-v` is used. * Maven builds are now deprecated for the frontend. Please use Grunt instead. * Version information is now saved with builds and is accessible via `Version` controller. **This version is brought to you by:** Project management: Klaus Quibeldey-Cirkel Lead programming: Andreas Gärtner, Daniel Gerhardt, Tom "tekay" Käsler, Christoph Thelen Contributions: Daniel Haag (University of Innsbruck), Juan Markowich, Marco Schäfer