David Donges
- No activities due to illness
Hagen Dreßler
- Edit html template of answer statistic
- Edit logic of component answer-statistic
- Follow-up of comment-list, create-comment
- Start with API setup for create-comment, comment-list
Heinrich Marks
- Work on Content Creation
- Test & Review
- Clean up old branches
- Work on Content Detail View Buttons to create & delete Answers
Lorenz Detterbeck
- content answer detail HTML
- content answer detail logic
Lukas Mauß
- Establish API connection for rooms
- Test & review
- Add demo room joining
Thomas Lenz
- content creation (text) followup
- follow-up from "Resolve "HttpService - Error handling
- content types (classes)
- test & review
Lukas Kimpel
- Test, review and merge
- Get Interceptor going
- Implement API routes
- Refactoring