Repository conventions
Keep it clean!
- Issue
- Feature-Branch
- Coding
- Commit
- Merge Request
- Review
- Merge
Important: One branch, one purpose.
A merge request should only be performed by the scrum master. To reduce workload of the scrum master, please use the tags to sign the merge requests.
- Use
ready for testing
to mark your merge request as done. Another team member should then checkout this branch and test all changes. Please provide a meaningful description to help them review your work. Test for all possibilities and eventualities, as far as possible. Test beyond the expected behaviour. - When you are ready with testing, mark the merge request as
ready for review
. This tag tells the scrum master that the merge request should (in best case) be bug free. The scrum master will then make a code review where he checks whether or not the naming conventions are observed etc.
Merge Requests
Merge Requests should have a meaningful title and description. Describe
- what the issue was (briefly) or what the bug was (briefly)
- how to reconstruate the situation, the issue is linked to
- what the previous behaviour was
- what the expected behaviour is
The description should match the standards in commit messages all over all.
Commit messages
Commit messages should be written in presence and with a capital character at the beginning of the line. They should also be meaningful and on-point. E.g. Update readme