Jun 20, 2019–Jun 28, 2019
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Remove Excel export of comments as long as it does not work
- Scroll to beginning of comment list if filtered or sorted
- Position fixing also for the header bar
- Ready for EDULEARN
- Open the comment list view in fullscreen mode of the browser
- ESC back to the comment list view and not only from the full view of the browser
- Scale total view on desktops by 150%
- Fix the position of the search bar on the comment list
- Trim text input
- Visited sessions are not displayed
- Show session description in the view of a lecturer without menu and title
- Settings not scrollable
- Hide "Ask question" and "Statistics" options
- Number of comments as count badge on the "Comments" button
- Do not display search input if there are no comments yet.
- Embed a Youtube video on the home page
- Use the same FAB for the entry buttons in the session rows
- Enable user line break for comments
- Add Session-ID to header