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  1. Jun 30, 2017
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  6. Aug 14, 2015
    • marutosijp's avatar
      [#20288] Update the CodeRay Ruby syntax highlight example. · 21929e60
      marutosijp authored
      This commit changes the following:
      * Remove line numbering from syntax highlight example.
      * Add span with 'CodeRay' class around the syntax highlight example.
      * Fix span classes in the syntax highlight example:
      ** Ruby scanner changed from ':reserved' to ':keyword' with CodeRay 1.0.0.
      * Remove obsolete line numbering styles.
      * Fix internal stylesheet to match CodeRay 1.1.0 (preserving r10132's changes).
      * Sort internal styles and remove superfluous newlines between styles.
      Contributed by Mischa The Evil.
      git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
    • marutosijp's avatar
      [#20288] Make clear that syntax highlighting cannot only be used in wiki pages. · 4b3caa78
      marutosijp authored
      Regarding the i18n: I used English as the base language. The
      changed sentence was the same in 93 out of 98 language files,
      The only five exceptions were:
      * cs; public\help\cs\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * fr; public\help\fr\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * ja; public\help\ja\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * ru; public\help\ru\qiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * zh-tw; public\help\zh-tw\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      In the above given files, the changed sentence is translated. I
      have replaced the whole translated sentence with the new English
      base sentence, as such leaving new translations up to translators.
      Contributed by Mischa The Evil.
      git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
    • marutosijp's avatar
      [#20288] Add a note about case-insensitivity of CodeRay language names/aliases. · 15cc2303
      marutosijp authored
      Regarding the i18n: I used English as the base language. The
      changed sentence was the same in 93 out of 98 language files,
      The only five exceptions were:
      * cs; public\help\cs\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * fr; public\help\fr\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * ja; public\help\ja\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * ru; public\help\ru\qiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * zh-tw; public\help\zh-tw\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      In the above given files, the changed sentence is translated. I
      have replaced the whole translated sentence with the new English
      base sentence, as such leaving new translations up to translators.
      Contributed by Mischa The Evil.
      git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
    • marutosijp's avatar
      [#20288] Update the i18n'ed core doc to match CodeRay 1.1.0 capabilities. · af326107
      marutosijp authored
      This commit includes:
      1. an update of the list of languages supported by CodeRay:
        * added:
          + clojure [added in CodeRay 1.0.x]
          + diff (patch) [added in CodeRay 0.8.x]
          + go [added in CodeRay 1.1.x]
          + haml [added in CodeRay 1.0.x]
          + lua [added in CodeRay 1.1.x]
          + sass [added in CodeRay 1.1.x]
          + taskpaper [added in CodeRay 1.1.x]
          + text (plain, plaintext) [never been documented in Redmine]
        * removed:
          - scheme [removed from CodeRay 1.0.x]
        * renamed:
          ~ erb (eruby, rhtml) [renamed from rhtml in CodeRay 1.0.x]
      2. the inclusion of additional, comma-separated language mappings
         (aliases) inside parentheses:
        * cpp (c++, cplusplus)
        * delphi (pascal)
        * diff (patch)
        * erb (eruby, rhtml)
        * html (xhtml)
        * javascript (ecmascript, ecma_script, java_script, js)
        * ruby (irb)
        * text (plain, plaintext)
        * yaml (yml)
      Regarding the i18n: I used English as the base language. The
      changed sentence was the same in 94 out of 98 language files,
      The only four exceptions were:
      * cs; public\help\cs\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * fr; public\help\fr\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * ja; public\help\ja\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      * zh-tw; public\help\zh-tw\wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html
      In the above given files, the sentence containing the supported
      languages is translated (and/or stylized). I have chosen to
      replace the whole translated sentence with the new English base
      sentence, as such leaving decisions about stylizing language names
      to translators and the people that actually use the respective
      languages. In general (and for English, as it's the base language)
      I think we can better stick to non-capitalized language names to
      prevent any formatting confusion.
      Contributed by Mischa The Evil.
      git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
  7. Jul 24, 2015
  8. Apr 20, 2015
  9. Apr 11, 2015
  10. Mar 15, 2015
  11. Dec 24, 2014
  12. Sep 11, 2014
  13. Nov 25, 2013
  14. Nov 19, 2013
  15. Aug 08, 2013
  16. May 07, 2013
  17. Jan 02, 2013
  18. Feb 15, 2012
  19. Feb 04, 2012
  20. Jan 22, 2012
  21. Oct 08, 2011
  22. Sep 19, 2011
  23. May 03, 2011
  24. Jan 23, 2011
  25. Oct 30, 2010
  26. Mar 16, 2010
  27. Sep 12, 2009
  28. Feb 05, 2009
  29. Nov 11, 2008