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## 9.4.3 (2017-07-31)

- Fix Prometheus client PID reuse bug. !13130
- Improve deploy environment chatops slash command. !13150
- Fix asynchronous javascript paths when GitLab is installed under a relative URL. !13165
- Fix LDAP authentication to Git repository or container registry.
- Fixed new navigation breadcrumb title on help pages.
- Ensure filesystem metrics test files are deleted.
- Properly affixes nav bar in job view in microsoft edge.

## 9.4.2 (2017-07-28)

- Fix job merge request link to a forked source project. !12965
- Improve redirect route query performance. !13062
- Allow admin to read_users_list even if it's restricted. !13066
- Fixes 500 error caused by pending delete projects in admin dashboard. !13067
- Add instrumentation to MarkupHelper#link_to_gfm. !13069
- Pending delete projects should not show in deploy keys. !13088
- Fix sizing of custom header logo in new navigation.
- Fix crash on /help/ui.
- Fix creating merge request diffs when diff contains bytes that are invalid in UTF-8.
- fix vertical alignment of New Project button.
- Add LDAP SSL certificate verification option.
- Fix vertical alignment in firefox and safari for pipeline mini graph.

## 9.4.1 (2017-07-25)

- Fix pipeline_schedules pages throwing error 500 (when ref is empty). !12983
- Fix editing project with container images present. !13028
- Fix some invalid entries in PO files. !13032
- Fix cross site request protection when logging in as a regular user when LDAP is enabled. !13049
- Fix bug causing metrics files to be truncated. !35420
- Fix anonymous access to public projects in groups with pending invites.
- Fixed issue boards sidebar close icon size.
- Fixed duplicate new milestone buttons when new navigation is turned on.
- Fix margins in the mini graph for pipeline in commits box.

## 9.4.0 (2017-07-22)

- Add blame view age mapping. !7198 (Jeff Stubler)
- Add support for image and services configuration in .gitlab-ci.yml. !8578
- Fix an email parsing bug where brackets would be inserted in emails from some Outlook clients. !9045 (jneen)
- Use fa-chevron-down on dropdown arrows for consistency. !9659 (TM Lee)
- Update the devise mail templates to match the design of the pipeline emails. !10483 (Alexis Reigel)
- Handle renamed submodules in repository browser. !10798 (David Turner)
- Display all current broadcast messages, not just the last one. !11113 (rickettm)
- Fix CI/CD status in case there are only allowed to failed jobs in the pipeline. !11166
- Omit trailing / leading hyphens in CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG variable to make it usable as a hostname. !11218 (Stefan Hanreich)
- Moved "Members in a project" menu entry and path locations. !11560
- Additional Prometheus metrics support. !11712
- Rename all reserved paths that could have been created. !11713
- Move uploads from `uploads/system` to `uploads/-/system` to free up `system` as a group name. !11713
- Fix offline runner detection. !11751 (Alessio Caiazza)
- Use authorize_update_pipeline_schedule in PipelineSchedulesController. !11846
- Rollback project repo move if there is an error in Projects::TransferService. !11877
- Help landing page customizations. !11878 (Robin Bobbitt)
- Fixes "sign in / Register" active state underline misalignment. !11890 (Frank Sierra)
- Honor the "Remember me" parameter for OAuth-based login. !11963
- Instruct user to use personal access token for Git over HTTP. !11986 (Robin Bobbitt)
- Accept image for avatar in project API. !11988 (Ivan Chernov)
- Supplement Simplified Chinese translation of Project Page & Repository Page. !11994 (Huang Tao)
- Supplement Traditional Chinese in Hong Kong translation of Project Page & Repository Page. !11995 (Huang Tao)
- Make the revision on the `/help` page clickable. !12016
- Display issue state in issue links section of merge request widget. !12021
- Enable support for webpack code-splitting by dynamically setting publicPath at runtime. !12032
- Replace PhantomJS with headless Chrome for karma test suite. !12036
- Prevent description change notes when toggling tasks. !12057 (Jared Deckard <>)
- Update QA Dockerfile to lock Chrome browser version. !12071
- Fix FIDO U2F for Opera browser. !12082 (Jakub Kramarz and Jonas Kalderstam)
- Supplement Bulgarian translation of Project Page & Repository Page. !12083 (Lyubomir Vasilev)
- Removes deleted_at and pending_delete occurrences in Project related queries. !12091
- Provide hint to create a personal access token for Git over HTTP. !12105 (Robin Bobbitt)
- Display own user id in account settings page. !12141 (Riccardo Padovani)
- Accept image for avatar in user API. !12143 (Ivan Chernov)
- Disable fork button on project limit. !12145 (Ivan Chernov)
- Added "created_after" and "created_before" params to issuables. !12151 (Kyle Bishop @kybishop)
- Supplement Portuguese Brazil translation of Project Page & Repository Page. !12156 (Huang Tao)
- Add review apps to usage metrics. !12185
- Adding French translations. !12200 (Erwan "Dremor" Georget)
- Ensures default user limits when external user is unchecked. !12218
- Provide KUBECONFIG from KubernetesService for runners. !12223
- Filter archived project in API v3 only if param present. !12245 (Ivan Chernov)
- Add explicit message when no runners on admin. !12266 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Split pipelines as internal and external in the usage data. !12277
- Fix API Scoping. !12300
- Remove registry image delete button if user cant delete it. !12317 (Ivan Chernov)
- Allow the feature flags to be enabled/disabled with more granularity. !12357
- Allow to enable the performance bar per user or Feature group. !12362
- Rename duplicated variables with the same key for projects. Add environment_scope column to variables and add unique constraint to make sure that no variables could be created with the same key within a project. !12363
- Add variables to pipelines schedules. !12372
- Add User#full_private_access? to check if user has access to all private groups & projects. !12373
- Change milestone endpoint for groups. !12374 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Improve performance of the pipeline charts page. !12378
- Add option to run Gitaly on a remote server. !12381
- #20628 Enable implicit grant in GitLab as OAuth Provider. !12384 (Mateusz Pytel)
- Replace 'snippets/snippets.feature' spinach with rspec. !12385 (Alexander Randa @randaalex)
- Add Simplified Chinese translations of Commits Page. !12405 (Huang Tao)
- Add Traditional Chinese in HongKong translations of Commits Page. !12406 (Huang Tao)
- Add Traditional Chinese in Taiwan translations of Commits Page. !12407 (Huang Tao)
- Add Portuguese Brazil translations of Commits Page. !12408 (Huang Tao)
- Add French translations of Commits Page. !12409 (Huang Tao)
- Add Esperanto translations of Commits Page. !12410 (Huang Tao)
- Add Bulgarian translations of Commits Page. !12411 (Huang Tao)
- Remove bin/ci/upgrade.rb as not working all. !12414 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Store merge request ref_fetched status in the database. !12424
- Replace 'dashboard/merge_requests' spinach with rspec. !12440 (Alexander Randa (@randaalex))
- Add Esperanto translations for Cycle Analytics, Project, and Repository pages. !12442 (Huang Tao)
- Allow unauthenticated access to the /api/v4/users API. !12445
- Drop GFM support for the title of Milestone/MergeRequest in template. !12451 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Replace 'dashboard/todos' spinach with rspec. !12453 (Alexander Randa (@randaalex))
- Cache open issue and merge request counts for project tabs to speed up project pages. !12457
- Introduce cache policies for CI jobs. !12483
- Improve support for external issue references. !12485
- Fix errors caused by attempts to report already blocked or deleted users. !12502 (Horacio Bertorello)
- Allow customize CI config path. !12509 (Keith Pope)
- Supplement Traditional Chinese in Taiwan translation of Project Page & Repository Page. !12514 (Huang Tao)
- Closes any open Autocomplete of the markdown editor when the form is closed. !12521
- Inserts exact matches of name, username and email to the top of the search list. !12525
- Use smaller min-width for dropdown-menu-nav only on mobile. !12528 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Hide archived project labels from group issue tracker. !12547 (Horacio Bertorello)
- Replace 'dashboard/new-project.feature' spinach with rspec. !12550 (Alexander Randa (@randaalex))
- Remove group modal like remove project modal (requires typing + confirmation). !12569 (Diego Souza)
- Add Italian translation of Cycle Analytics Page & Project Page & Repository Page. !12578 (Huang Tao)
- Add Group secret variables. !12582
- Update jobs page output to have a scrollable page. !12587
- Add user projects API. !12596 (Ivan Chernov)
- Allow creation of files and directories with spaces through Web UI. !12608
- Improve members view on mobile. !12619
- Fixed the chart legend not being set correctly. !12628
- Add Italian translations of Commits Page. !12645 (Huang Tao)
- Allow admins to disable all restricted visibility levels. !12649
- Allow admins to retrieve user agent details for an issue or snippet. !12655
- Update welcome page UX for new users. !12662
- N+1 problems on milestone page. !12670 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Upgrade GitLab Workhorse to v2.3.0. !12676
- Remove option to disable Gitaly. !12677
- Improve the performance of the project list API. !12679
- Add creation time filters to user search API for admins. !12682
- Add Japanese translations for Cycle Analytics & Project pages & Repository pages & Commits pages & Pipeline Charts. !12693 (Huang Tao)
- Undo adding the /reassign quick action. !12701
- Fix dashboard labels dropdown. !12708
- Username and password are no longer stripped from import url on mirror update. !12725
- Add Russian translations for Cycle Analytics & Project pages & Repository pages & Commits pages & Pipeline Charts. !12743 (Huang Tao)
- Add Ukrainian translations for Cycle Analytics & Project pages & Repository pages & Commits pages & Pipeline Charts. !12744 (Huang Tao)
- Prevent bad data being added to application settings when Redis is unavailable. !12750
- Do not show pipeline schedule button for non-member. !12757 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Return `is_admin` attribute in the GET /user endpoint for admins. !12811
- Recover from renaming project that has container images. !12840
- Exact matches of username and email are now on top of the user search. !12868
- Use Ghost user for last_edited_by and merge_user when original user is deleted. !12933
- Fix docker tag reference routing constraints. !12961
- Optimize creation of commit API by using Repository#commit instead of Repository#commits.
- Speed up used languages calculation on charts page.
- Make loading new merge requests (those created after the 9.4 upgrade) faster.
- Ensure participants for issues, merge requests, etc. are calculated correctly when sending notifications.
- Handle nameless legacy jobs.
- Bump Faraday and dependent OAuth2 gem version to support no_proxy variable.
- Renders 404 if given project is not readable by the user on Todos dashboard.
- Render CI statuses with warnings in orange.
- Document the Delete Merged Branches functionality.
- Add wells to admin dashboard overview to fix spacing problems.
- Removes hover style for nodes that are either links or buttons in the pipeline graph.
- more visual contrast in pagination widget.
- Deprecate Healthcheck Access Token in favor of IP whitelist.
- Drop GFM support for issuable title on milestone for consistency and performance. (Takuya Noguchi)
- fix left & right padding on sidebar.
- Cleanup minor UX issues in the performance dashboard.
- Remove two columned layout from project member settings.
- Make font size of contextual sub menu items 14px.
- Fix vertical space in job details sidebar.
- Fix alignment of controls in mr issuable list.
- Add wip message to new navigation preference section.
- Add group members counting and plan related data on namespaces API.
- Fix spacing on runner buttons.
- Remove uploads/appearance symlink. A leftover from a previous migration.
- Change order of monospace fonts to fix bug on some linux distros.
- Limit commit & snippets comments width.
- Fixed dashboard milestone tabs not loading.
- Detect if file that appears to be text in the first 1024 bytes is actually binary afer loading all data.
- Fix inconsistent display of the "Browse files" button in the commit list.
- Implement diff viewers.
- Fix 'New merge request' button for users who don't have push access to canonical project.
- Fix issues with non-UTF8 filenames by always fixing the encoding of tree and blob paths.
- Show group name instead of path on group page.
- Don't check if MailRoom is running on Omnibus.
- Limit OpenGraph image size to 64x64.
- Don't show auxiliary blob viewer for README when there is no wiki.
- Strip trailing whitespace in relative submodule URL.
- Update /target_branch slash command description to be more consistent.
- Remove unnecessary top padding on group MR index.
- Added printing_merge_requst_link_enabled to the API. (David Turner <>)
- Re-enable realtime for environments table.
- Create responsive mobile view for pipelines table.
- Adds realtime feature to job show view header and sidebar info. Updates UX.
- Use color inputs for broadcast messages.
- Center dropdown for mini graph.
- Users can subscribe to group labels on the group labels page.
- Add issuable-list class to shared mr/issue lists to fix new responsive layout design.
- Rename "Slash commands" to "Quick actions" and deprecate "chat commands" in favor of "slash commands".
- Don't mark empty MRs as merged on push to the target branch.
- Improve issue rendering performance with lots of notes from other users.
- Fixed overflow on mobile screens for the slash commands.
- Fix an infinite loop when handling user-supplied regular expressions.
- Fixed sidebar not collapsing on merge requests in mobile screens.
- Speed up project removals by adding foreign keys with cascading deletes to various tables.
- Fix mobile view of files view buttons.
- Fixed dropdown filter input not focusing after transition.
- Fixed GFM references not being included when updating issues inline.
- Remove issues/merge requests drag n drop and sorting from milestone view.
- Add native group milestones.
- Fix API bug accepting wrong parameter to create merge request.
- Clean up UI of issuable lists and make more responsive.
- Improve the overall UX for the new monitoring dashboard.
- Fixed the y_label not setting correctly for each graph on the monitoring dashboard.
- Changed utilities imports from ~ to relative paths.
- Remove unused space in sidebar todo toggle when not signed in.
- Limit the width of the projects README text.
- Add a simple mode to merge request API.
- Make Project#ensure_repository force create a repo.
- Use uploads/system directory for personal snippets.
- Defer project destroys within a namespace in Groups::DestroyService#async_execute.
- Log rescued exceptions to Sentry.
- Remove remaining N+1 queries in merge requests API with emojis and labels.

## 9.3.9 (2017-07-20)

- Fix an infinite loop when handling user-supplied regular expressions.

## 9.3.8 (2017-07-19)

- Improve support for external issue references. !12485
- Renders 404 if given project is not readable by the user on Todos dashboard.
- Use uploads/system directory for personal snippets.
- Remove uploads/appearance symlink. A leftover from a previous migration.

## 9.3.7 (2017-07-18)

- Prevent bad data being added to application settings when Redis is unavailable. !12750
- Return `is_admin` attribute in the GET /user endpoint for admins. !12811

## 9.3.6 (2017-07-12)

- Fix API Scoping. !12300
- Username and password are no longer stripped from import url on mirror update. !12725
- Fix issues with non-UTF8 filenames by always fixing the encoding of tree and blob paths.
- Fixed GFM references not being included when updating issues inline.

## 9.3.5 (2017-07-05)

- Remove "Remove from board" button from backlog and closed list. !12430
- Do not delete protected branches when deleting all merged branches. !12624
- Set default for Remove source branch to false.
- Prevent accidental deletion of protected MR source branch by repeating checks before actual deletion.
- Expires full_path cache after a repository is renamed/transferred.

## 9.3.4 (2017-07-03)

- Update gitlab-shell to 5.1.1 !12615
## 9.3.3 (2017-06-30)

- Fix head pipeline stored in merge request for external pipelines. !12478
- Bring back branches badge to main project page. !12548
- Fix diff of requirements.txt file by not matching newlines as part of package names.
- Perform housekeeping only when an import of a fresh project is completed.
- Fixed issue boards closed list not showing all closed issues.
- Fixed multi-line markdown tooltip buttons in issue edit form.

## 9.3.2 (2017-06-27)

- API: Fix optional arugments for POST :id/variables. !12474
- Bump premailer-rails gem to 1.9.7 and its dependencies to prevent network retrieval of assets.

## 9.3.1 (2017-06-26)

- Fix reversed breadcrumb order for nested groups. !12322
- Fix 500 when failing to create private group. !12394
- Fix linking to line number on side-by-side diff creating empty discussion box.
- Don't match tilde and exclamation mark as part of requirements.txt package name.
- Perform project housekeeping after importing projects.
- Fixed ctrl+enter not submit issue edit form.

## 9.3.0 (2017-06-22)

- Refactored gitlab:app:check into SystemCheck liberary and improve some checks. !9173
- Add an ability to cancel attaching file and redesign attaching files UI. !9431 (blackst0ne)
- Add Aliyun OSS as the backup storage provider. !9721 (Yuanfei Zhu)
- Add suport for find_local_branches GRPC from Gitaly. !10059
- Allow manual bypass of auto_sign_in_with_provider with a new param. !10187 (Maxime Besson)
- Redirect to user's keys index instead of user's index after a key is deleted in the admin. !10227 (Cyril Jouve)
- Changed Blame to Annotate in the UI to promote blameless culture. !10378 (Ilya Vassilevsky)
- Implement ability to update deploy keys. !10383 (Alexander Randa)
- Allow numeric values in gitlab-ci.yml. !10607 (blackst0ne)
- Add a feature test for Unicode trace. !10736 (dosuken123)
- Notes: Warning message should go away once resolved. !10823 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Project authorizations are calculated much faster when using PostgreSQL, and nested groups support for MySQL has been removed
. !10885
- Fix long urls in the title of commit. !10938 (Alexander Randa)
- Update gem sidekiq-cron from 0.4.4 to 0.6.0 and rufus-scheduler from 3.1.10 to 3.4.0. !10976 (dosuken123)
- Use relative paths for group/project/user avatars. !11001 (blackst0ne)
- Enable cancelling non-HEAD pending pipelines by default for all projects. !11023
- Implement web hook logging. !11027 (Alexander Randa)
- Add indices for auto_canceled_by_id for ci_pipelines and ci_builds on PostgreSQL. !11034
- Add post-deploy migration to clean up projects in `pending_delete` state. !11044
- Limit User's trackable attributes, like `current_sign_in_at`, to update at most once/hour. !11053
- Disallow multiple selections for Milestone dropdown. !11084
- Link to commit author user page from pipelines. !11100
- Fix the last coverage in trace log should be extracted. !11128 (dosuken123)
- Remove redirect for old issue url containing id instead of iid. !11135 (blackst0ne)
- Backported new SystemHook event: `repository_update`. !11140
- Keep input data after creating a tag that already exists. !11155
- Fix support for external CI services. !11176
- Translate backend for Project & Repository pages. !11183
- Fix LaTeX formatting for AsciiDoc wiki. !11212
- Add foreign key for pipeline schedule owner. !11233
- Print Go version in rake gitlab:env:info. !11241
- Include the blob content when printing a blob page. !11247
- Sync email address from specified omniauth provider. !11268 (Robin Bobbitt)
- Disable reference prefixes in notes for Snippets. !11278
- Rename build_events to job_events. !11287
- Add API support for pipeline schedule. !11307 (dosuken123)
- Use route.cache_key for project list cache key. !11325
- Make environment table realtime. !11333
- Cache npm modules between pipelines with yarn to speed up setup-test-env. !11343
- Allow GitLab instance to start when InfluxDB hostname cannot be resolved. !11356
- Add ConvDev Index page to admin area. !11377
- Fix Git-over-HTTP error statuses and improve error messages. !11398
- Renamed users 'Audit Log'' to 'Authentication Log'. !11400
- Style people in issuable search bar. !11402
- Change /builds in the URL to /-/jobs. Backward URLs were also added. !11407
- Update password field label while editing service settings. !11431
- Add an optional performance bar to view performance metrics for the current page. !11439
- Update task_list to version 2.0.0. !11525 (Jared Deckard <>)
- Avoid resource intensive login checks if password is not provided. !11537 (Horatiu Eugen Vlad)
- Allow numeric pages domain. !11550
- Exclude manual actions when checking if pipeline can be canceled. !11562
- Add server uptime to System Info page in admin dashboard. !11590 (Justin Boltz)
- Simplify testing and saving service integrations. !11599
- Fixed handling of the `can_push` attribute in the v3 deploy_keys api. !11607 (Richard Clamp)
- Improve user experience around slash commands in instant comments. !11612
- Show current user immediately in issuable filters. !11630
- Add extra context-sensitive functionality for the top right menu button. !11632
- Reorder Issue action buttons in order of usability. !11642
- Expose atom links with an RSS token instead of using the private token. !11647 (Alexis Reigel)
- Respect merge, instead of push, permissions for protected actions. !11648
- Job details page update real time. !11651
- Improve performance of ProjectFinder used in /projects API endpoint. !11666
- Remove redundant data-turbolink attributes from links. !11672 (blackst0ne)
- Minimum postgresql version is now 9.2. !11677
- Add protected variables which would only be passed to protected branches or protected tags. !11688
- Introduce optimistic locking support via optional parameter last_commit_sha on File Update API. !11694 (electroma)
- Add $CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL to predefined variables for pipelines. !11695
- Simplify project repository settings page. !11698
- Fix pipeline_schedules pages throwing error 500. !11706 (dosuken123)
- Add performance deltas between app deployments on Merge Request widget. !11730
- Add feature toggles and API endpoints for admins. !11747
- Replace 'starred_projects.feature' spinach test with an rspec analog. !11752 (blackst0ne)
- Introduce an Events API. !11755
- Display Shared Runner status in Admin Dashboard. !11783 (Ivan Chernov)
- Persist pipeline stages in the database. !11790
- Revert the feature that would include the current user's username in the HTTP clone URL. !11792
- Enable Gitaly by default in installations from source. !11796
- Use zopfli compression for frontend assets. !11798
- Add tag_list param to project api. !11799 (Ivan Chernov)
- Add changelog for improved Registry description. !11816
- Automatically adjust project settings to match changes in project visibility. !11831
- Add slugify project path to CI enviroment variables. !11838 (Ivan Chernov)
- Add all pipeline sources as special keywords to 'only' and 'except'. !11844 (Filip Krakowski)
- Allow pulling of container images using personal access tokens. !11845
- Expose import_status in Projects API. !11851 (Robin Bobbitt)
- Allow admins to delete users from the admin users page. !11852
- Allow users to be hard-deleted from the API. !11853
- Fix hard-deleting users when they have authored issues. !11855
- Fix missing optional path parameter in "Create project for user" API. !11868
- Allow users to be hard-deleted from the admin panel. !11874
- Add a Rake task to aid in rotating otp_key_base. !11881
- Fix submodule link to then project under subgroup. !11906
- Fix binary encoding error on MR diffs. !11929
- Limit non-administrators to adding 100 members at a time to groups and projects. !11940
- add bulgarian translation of cycle analytics page to I18N. !11958 (Lyubomir Vasilev)
- Make backup task to continue on corrupt repositories. !11962
- Fix incorrect ETag cache key when relative instance URL is used. !11964
- Reinstate is_admin flag in users api when authenticated user is an admin. !12211 (rickettm)
- Fix edit button for deploy keys available from other projects. !12301 (Alexander Randa)
- Disable environment list refresh due to bug !12347
- Standardize timeline note margins across different viewport sizes. !12364
- Fix Ordered Task List Items. !31483 (Jared Deckard <>)
- Upgrade dependency to Go 1.8.3. !31943
- Add prometheus metrics on pipeline creation.
- Fix etag route not being a match for environments.
- Sort folder for environments.
- Support descriptions for snippets.
- Hide clone panel and file list when user is only a guest. (James Clark)
- Don’t create comment on JIRA if it already exists for the entity.
- Update Dashboard Groups UI with better support for subgroups.
- Confirm Project forking behaviour via the API.
- Add prometheus based metrics collection to gitlab webapp.
- Fix: Wiki is not searchable with Guest permissions.
- Center all empty states.
- Remove 'New issue' button when issues search returns no results.
- Add API URL to JIRA settings.
- animate adding issue to boards.
- Update session cookie key name to be unique to instance in development.
- Single click on filter to open filtered search dropdown.
- Makes header information of pipeline show page realtine.
- Creates a mediator for pipeline details vue in order to mount several vue apps with the same data.
- Scope issue/merge request recent searches to project.
- Increase individual diff collapse limit to 100 KB, and render limit to 200 KB.
- Fix Pipelines table empty state - only render empty state if we receive 0 pipelines.
- Make New environment empty state btn lowercase.
- Removes duplicate environment variable in documentation.
- Change links in issuable meta to black.
- Fix border-bottom for project activity tab.
- Adds new icon for CI skipped status.
- Create equal padding for emoji.
- Use briefcase icon for company in profile page.
- Remove overflow from comment form for confidential issues and vertically aligns confidential issue icon.
- Keep trailing newline when resolving conflicts by picking sides.
- Fix /unsubscribe slash command creating extra todos when you were already mentioned in an issue.
- Fix math rendering on blob pages.
- Allow group reporters to manage group labels.
- Use pre-wrap for commit messages to keep lists indented.
- Count badges depend on translucent color to better adjust to different background colors and permission badges now feature a pill shaped design similar to labels.
- Allow reporters to promote project labels to group labels.
- Enabled keyboard shortcuts on artifacts pages.
- Perform filtered search when state tab is changed.
- Remove duplication for sharing projects with groups in project settings.
- Change order of commits ahead and behind on divergence graph for branch list view.
- Creates CI Header component for Pipelines and Jobs details pages.
- Invalidate cache for issue and MR counters more granularly.
- disable blocked manual actions.
- Load tree readme asynchronously.
- Display extra info about files on .gitlab-ci.yml, .gitlab/route-map.yml and LICENSE blob pages.
- Fix replying to a commit discussion displayed in the context of an MR.
- Consistently use monospace font for commit SHAs and branch and tag names.
- Consistently display last push event widget.
- Don't copy empty elements that were not selected on purpose as GFM.
- Copy as GFM even when parts of other elements are selected.
- Autolink package names in Gemfile.
- Resolve N+1 query issue with discussions.
- Don't match email addresses or foo@bar as user references.
- Fix title of discussion jump button at top of page.
- Don't return nil for missing objects from parser cache.
- Make .gitmodules parsing more resilient to syntax errors.
- Add username parameter to gravatar URL.
- Autolink package names in more dependency files.
- Return nil when looking up config for unknown LDAP provider.
- Add system note with link to diff comparison when MR discussion becomes outdated.
- Don't wrap pasted code when it's already inside code tags.
- Revert 'New file from interface on existing branch'.
- Show last commit for current tree on tree page.
- Add documentation about adding foreign keys.
- add username field to push webhook. (David Turner)
- Rename CI/CD Pipelines to Pipelines in the project settings.
- Make environment tables responsive.
- Expand/collapse backlog & closed lists in issue boards.
- Fix GitHub importer performance on branch existence check.
- Fix counter cache for acts as taggable.
- Github - Fix token interpolation when cloning wiki repository.
- Fix token interpolation when setting the Github remote.
- Fix N+1 queries for non-members in comment threads.
- Fix terminals support for Kubernetes Service.
- Fix: A diff comment on a change at last line of a file shows as two comments in discussion.
- Instrument MergeRequestDiff#load_commits.
- Introduce source to Pipeline entity.
- Fixed create new label form in issue form not working for sub-group projects.
- Fixed style on unsubscribe page. (Gustav Ernberg)
- Enables inline editing for an issues title & description.
- Ask for an example project for bug reports.
- Add summary lines for collapsed details in the bug report template.
- Prevent commits from upstream repositories to be re-processed by forks.
- Avoid repeated queries for pipeline builds on merge requests.
- Preloads head pipeline for merge request collection.
- Handle head pipeline when creating merge requests.
- Migrate artifacts to a new path.
- Rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError in JiraService & IssueTrackerService.
- Repository browser: handle in-repository submodule urls. (David Turner)
- Prevent project transfers if a new group is not selected.
- Allow 'no one' as an option for allowed to merge on a procted branch.
- Reduce time spent waiting for certain Sidekiq jobs to complete.
- Refactor ProjectsFinder#init_collection to produce more efficient queries for retrieving projects.
- Remove unused code and uses underscore.
- Restricts search projects dropdown to group projects when group is selected.
- Properly handle container registry redirects to fix metadata stored on a S3 backend.
- Fix LFS timeouts when trying to save large files.
- Set artifact working directory to be in the destination store to prevent unnecessary I/O.
- Strip trailing whitespaces in submodule URLs.
- Make sure reCAPTCHA configuration is loaded when spam checks are initiated.
- Fix up arrow not editing last discussion comment.
- Added application readiness endpoints to the monitoring health check admin view.
- Use wait_for_requests for both ajax and Vue requests.
- Cleanup ci_variables schema and table.
- Remove foreigh key on ci_trigger_schedules only if it exists.
- Allow translation of Pipeline Schedules.

## 9.2.9 (2017-07-20)

- Fix an infinite loop when handling user-supplied regular expressions.

## 9.2.8 (2017-07-19)

- Improve support for external issue references. !12485
- Renders 404 if given project is not readable by the user on Todos dashboard.
- Fix incorrect project authorizations.
- Remove uploads/appearance symlink. A leftover from a previous migration.

## 9.2.7 (2017-06-21)

- Reinstate is_admin flag in users api when authenticated user is an admin. !12211 (rickettm)

## 9.2.6 (2017-06-16)

- Fix the last coverage in trace log should be extracted. !11128 (dosuken123)
- Respect merge, instead of push, permissions for protected actions. !11648
- Fix pipeline_schedules pages throwing error 500. !11706 (dosuken123)
- Make backup task to continue on corrupt repositories. !11962
- Fix incorrect ETag cache key when relative instance URL is used. !11964
- Fix math rendering on blob pages.
- Invalidate cache for issue and MR counters more granularly.
- Fix terminals support for Kubernetes Service.
- Fix LFS timeouts when trying to save large files.
- Strip trailing whitespaces in submodule URLs.
- Make sure reCAPTCHA configuration is loaded when spam checks are initiated.
- Remove foreigh key on ci_trigger_schedules only if it exists.

Regis's avatar
Regis committed
## 9.2.5 (2017-06-07)

- No changes.

Regis's avatar
Regis committed
## 9.2.4 (2017-06-02)

- Fix visibility when referencing snippets.

Regis's avatar
Regis committed
## 9.2.3 (2017-05-31)

- Move uploads from 'public/uploads' to 'public/uploads/system'.
- Escapes html content before appending it to the DOM.
- Restrict API X-Frame-Options to same origin.
- Allow users autocomplete by author_id only for authenticated users.

Regis's avatar
Regis committed
## 9.2.2 (2017-05-25)

- Fix issue where real time pipelines were not cached. !11615
- Make all notes use equal padding.

## 9.2.1 (2017-05-23)

- Fix placement of note emoji on hover.
- Fix migration for older PostgreSQL versions.

## 9.2.0 (2017-05-22)

- API: Filter merge requests by milestone and labels. (10924)
- Reset New branch button when issue state changes. !5962 (winniehell)
- Frontend prevent authored votes. !6260 (Barthc)
- Change issues list in MR to natural sorting. !7110 (Jeff Stubler)
- Add animations to all the dropdowns. !8419
- Add update time to project lists. !8514 (Jeff Stubler)
- Remove view fragment caching for project READMEs. !8838
- API: Add parameters to allow filtering project pipelines. !9367 (dosuken123)
- Database SSL support for backup script. !9715 (Guillaume Simon)
- Fix UI inconsistency different files view (find file button missing). !9847 (TM Lee)
- Display slash commands outcome when previewing Markdown. !10054 (Rares Sfirlogea)
- Resolve "Add more tests for spec/controllers/projects/builds_controller_spec.rb". !10244 (dosuken123)
- Add keyboard edit shotcut for wiki. !10245 (George Andrinopoulos)
- Redirect old links after renaming a user/group/project. !10370
- Add system note on description change of issue/merge request. !10392 (blackst0ne)
- Improve validation of namespace & project paths. !10413
- Add board_move slash command. !10433 (Alex Sanford)
- Update all instances of the old loading icon. !10490 (Andrew Torres)
- Implement protected manual actions. !10494
- Implement search by extern_uid in Users API. !10509 (Robin Bobbitt)
- add support for .vue templates. !10517
- Only add newlines between multiple uploads. !10545
- Added balsamiq file viewer. !10564
- Remove unnecessary test helpers includes. !10567 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Add tooltip to header of Done board. !10574 (Andy Brown)
- Fix redundant cache expiration in Repository. !10575 (blackst0ne)
- Add hashie-forbidden_attributes gem. !10579 (Andy Brown)
- Add spec for schema.rb. !10580 (blackst0ne)
- Keep webpack-dev-server process functional across branch changes. !10581
- Turns true value and false value database methods from instance to class methods. !10583
- Improve text on todo list when the todo action comes from yourself. !10594 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Replace rake cache:clear:db with an automatic mechanism. !10597
- Remove heading and trailing spaces from label's color and title. !10603 (blackst0ne)
- Add webpack_bundle_tag helper to improve non-localhost GDK configurations. !10604
- Added quick-update (fade-in) animation to newly rendered notes. !10623
- Fix rendering emoji inside a string. !10647 (blackst0ne)
- Dockerfiles templates are imported from !10663
- Add support for i18n on Cycle Analytics page. !10669
- Allow OAuth clients to push code. !10677
- Add configurable timeout for git fetch and clone operations. !10697
- Move labels of search results from bottom to title. !10705 (dr)
- Added build failures summary page for pipelines. !10719
- Expand/collapse button -> Change to make it look like a toggle. !10720 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Decrease ABC threshold to 57.08. !10724 (Rydkin Maxim)
- Removed target blank from the metrics action inside the environments list. !10726
- Remove Repository#version method and tests. !10734
- Refactor Admin::GroupsController#members_update method and add some specs. !10735
- Refactor code that creates project/group members. !10735
- Add Slack slash command api to services documentation and rearrange order and cases. !10757 (TM Lee)
- Disable test settings on chat notification services when repository is empty. !10759
- Add support for instantly updating comments. !10760
- Show checkmark on current assignee in assignee dropdown. !10767
- Remove pipeline controls for last deployment from Environment monitoring page. !10769
- Pipeline view updates in near real time. !10777
- Fetch pipeline status in batch from redis. !10785
- Add username to activity atom feed. !10802 (winniehell)
- Support Markdown previews for personal snippets. !10810
- Implement ability to edit hooks. !10816 (Alexander Randa)
- Allow admins to sudo to blocked users via the API. !10842
- Don't display the is_admin flag in most API responses. !10846
- Refactor add_users method for project and group. !10850
- Pipeline schedules got a new and improved UI. !10853
- Fix updating merge_when_build_succeeds via merge API endpoint. !10873
- Add index on ci_builds.user_id. !10874 (blackst0ne)
- Improves test settings for chat notification services for empty projects. !10886
- Change Git commit command in Existing folder to git commit -m. !10900 (TM Lee)
- Show group name on flash container when group is created from Admin area. !10905
- Make markdown tables thinner. !10909 (blackst0ne)
- Ensure namespace owner is Master of project upon creation. !10910
- Updated CI status favicons to include the tanuki. !10923
- Decrease Cyclomatic Complexity threshold to 16. !10928 (Rydkin Maxim)
- Replace header merge request icon. !10932 (blackst0ne)
- Fix error on CI/CD Settings page related to invalid pipeline trigger. !10948 (dosuken123)
- rickettm Add repo parameter to gitaly:install and workhorse:install rake tasks. !10979 (M. Ricketts)
- Generate and handle a gl_repository param to pass around components. !10992
- Prevent 500 errors caused by testing the Prometheus service. !10994
- Disable navigation to Project-level pages configuration when Pages disabled. !11008
- Fix caching large snippet HTML content on MySQL databases. !11024
- Hide external environment URL button on terminal page if URL is not defined. !11029
- Always show the latest pipeline information in the commit box. !11038
- Fix misaligned buttons in wiki pages. !11043
- Colorize labels in search field. !11047
- Sort the network graph both by commit date and topographically. !11057
- Remove carriage returns from commit messages. !11077
- Add tooltips to user contribution graph key. !11138
- Add German translation for Cycle Analytics. !11161
- Fix skipped manual actions problem when processing the pipeline. !11164
- Fix cross referencing for private and internal projects. !11243
- Add state to MR widget that prevent merges when branch changes after page load. !11316
- Fixes the 500 when accessing customized appearance logos. !11479 (Alexis Reigel)
- Implement Users::BuildService. !30349 (George Andrinopoulos)
- Display comments for personal snippets.
- Support comments for personal snippets.
- Support uploaders for personal snippets comments.
- Handle incoming emails from aliases correctly.
- Re-rewrites pipeline graph in vue to support realtime data updates.
- Add issues/:iid/closed_by api endpoint. (mhasbini)
- Disallow merge requests from fork when source project have disabled merge requests. (mhasbini)
- Improved UX on project members settings view.
- Clear emoji search in awards menu after picking emoji.
- Cleanup markdown spacing.
- Separate CE params on Grape API.
- Allow to create new branch and empty WIP merge request from issue page.
- Prevent people from creating branches if they don't have persmission to push.
- Redesign auth 422 page.
- 29595 Update callout design.
- Detect already enabled DeployKeys in EnableDeployKeyService.
- Add transparent top-border to the hover state of done todos.
- Refactor all CI vue badges to use the same vue component.
- Update note edits in real-time.
- Add button to delete filters from filtered search bar.
- Added profile name to user dropdown.
- Display GitLab Pages status in Admin Dashboard.
- Fix label creation from issuable for subgroup projects.
- Vertically align mini pipeline stage container.
- prevent nav tabs from wrapping to new line.
- Fix environments vue architecture to match documentation.
- Enforce project features when searching blobs and wikis.
- fix inline diff copy in firefox.
- Note Ghost user and refer to user deletion documentation.
- Expose project statistics on single requests via the API.
- Job dropdown of pipeline mini graph updates in realtime when its opened.
- Add default margin-top to user request table on project members page.
- Add tooltips to note action buttons.
- Remove `#` being added on commit sha in MR widget.
- Remove spinner from loading comment.
- Fixes an issue preventing screen readers from reading some icons.
- Load milestone tabs asynchronously to increase initial load performance.
- [BB Importer] Save the error trace and the whole raw document to debug problems easier.
- Fixed branches dropdown rendering branch names as HTML.
- Make Asciidoc & other markup go through pipeline to prevent XSS.
- Validate URLs in markdown using URI to detect the host correctly.
- Side-by-side view in commits correcly expands full window width.
- Deploy keys load are loaded async.
- Fixed spacing of discussion submit buttons.
- Add hostname to usage ping.
- Allow usage ping to be disabled completely in gitlab.yml.
- Add artifact file page that uses the blob viewer.
- Add breadcrumb, build header and pipelines submenu to artifacts browser.
- Show Raw button as Download for binary files.
- Add Source/Rendered switch to blobs for SVG, Markdown, Asciidoc and other text files that can be rendered.
- Catch all URI errors in ExternalLinkFilter.
- Allow commenting on older versions of the diff and comparisons between diff versions.
- Paste a copied MR source branch name as code when pasted into a GFM form.
- Fix commenting on an existing discussion on an unchanged line that is no longer in the diff.
- Link to outdated diff in older MR version from outdated diff discussion.
- Bump Sidekiq to 5.0.0.
- Use blob viewers for snippets.
- Add download button to project snippets.
- Display video blobs in-line like images.
- Gracefully handle failures for incoming emails which do not match on the To header, and have no References header.
- Added title to award emoji buttons.
- Fixed alignment of empty task list items.
- Removed the target=_blank from the monitoring component to prevent opening a new tab.
- Fix new admin integrations not taking effect on existing projects.
- Prevent further repository corruption when resolving conflicts from a fork where both the fork and upstream projects require housekeeping.
- Add missing project attributes to Import/Export.
- Remove N+1 queries in processing MR references.
- Fixed wrong method call on notify_post_receive. (Luigi Leoni)
- Fixed search terms not correctly highlighting.
- Refactored the anchor tag to remove the trailing space in the target branch.
- Prevent user profile tabs to display raw json when going back and forward in browser history.
- Add index to webhooks type column.
- Change line-height on build-header so elements don't overlap. (Dino Maric)
- Fix dead link to GDK on the README page. (Dino Maric)
- Fixued preview shortcut focusing wrong preview tab.
- Issue assignees are now removed without loading unnecessary data into memory.
- Refactor backup/restore docs.
- Fixed group issues assignee dropdown loading all users.
- Fix for XSS in project import view caused by Hamlit filter usage.
- Fixed avatar not display on issue boards when Gravatar is disabled.
- Fixed create new label form in issue boards sidebar.
- Add realtime descriptions to issue show pages.
- Issue API change: assignee_id parameter and assignee object in a response have been deprecated.
- Fixed bug where merge request JSON would be displayed.
- Fixed Prometheus monitoring graphs not showing empty states in certain scenarios.
- Removed the milestone references from the milestone views.
- Show sizes correctly in merge requests when diffs overflow.
- Fix notify_only_default_branch check for Slack service.
- Make the `gitlab:gitlab_shell:check` task check that the repositories storage path are owned by the `root` group.
- Optimise pipelines.json endpoint.
- Pass docsUrl to pipeline schedules callout component.
- Fixed alignment of CI icon in issues related branches.
- Set the issuable sidebar to remain closed for mobile devices.
- Sanitize submodule URLs before linking to them in the file tree view.
- Upgrade Sidekiq to 4.2.10.
- Cache Routable#full_path in RequestStore to reduce duplicate route loads.
- Refactor snippets finder & dont return internal snippets for external users.
- Fix snippets visibility for show action - external users can not see internal snippets.
- Store retried in database for CI Builds.
- repository browser: handle submodule urls that don't end with .git. (David Turner)
- Fixed tags sort from defaulting to empty.
- Do not show private groups on subgroups page if user doesn't have access to.
- Make MR link in build sidebar bold.
- Unassign all Issues and Merge Requests when member leaves a team.
- Fix preemptive scroll bar on user activity calendar.
- Pipeline chat notifications convert seconds to minutes and hours.

## 9.1.9 (2017-07-20)

- Fix an infinite loop when handling user-supplied regular expressions.

## 9.1.8 (2017-07-19)

- Improve support for external issue references. !12485
- Renders 404 if given project is not readable by the user on Todos dashboard.
- Fix incorrect project authorizations.
- Remove uploads/appearance symlink. A leftover from a previous migration.

Regis's avatar
Regis committed
## 9.1.7 (2017-06-07)

- No changes.

Regis's avatar
Regis committed
## 9.1.6 (2017-06-02)

- Fix visibility when referencing snippets.

Regis's avatar
Regis committed
## 9.1.5 (2017-05-31)

- Move uploads from 'public/uploads' to 'public/uploads/system'.
- Restrict API X-Frame-Options to same origin.
- Allow users autocomplete by author_id only for authenticated users.

## 9.1.4 (2017-05-12)

- Fix error on CI/CD Settings page related to invalid pipeline trigger. !10948 (dosuken123)
- Sort the network graph both by commit date and topographically. !11057
- Fix cross referencing for private and internal projects. !11243
- Handle incoming emails from aliases correctly.
- Gracefully handle failures for incoming emails which do not match on the To header, and have no References header.
- Add missing project attributes to Import/Export.
- Fixed search terms not correctly highlighting.
- Fixed bug where merge request JSON would be displayed.
## 9.1.3 (2017-05-05)

- Do not show private groups on subgroups page if user doesn't have access to.
- Enforce project features when searching blobs and wikis.
- Fixed branches dropdown rendering branch names as HTML.
- Make Asciidoc & other markup go through pipeline to prevent XSS.
- Validate URLs in markdown using URI to detect the host correctly.
- Fix for XSS in project import view caused by Hamlit filter usage.
- Sanitize submodule URLs before linking to them in the file tree view.
- Refactor snippets finder & dont return internal snippets for external users.
- Fix snippets visibility for show action - external users can not see internal snippets.

## 9.1.2 (2017-05-01)

- Add index on ci_runners.contacted_at. !10876 (blackst0ne)
- Fix pipeline events description for Slack and Mattermost integration. !10908
- Fixed milestone sidebar showing incorrect number of MRs when collapsed. !10933
- Fix ordering of commits in the network graph. !10936
- Ensure the chat notifications service properly saves the "Notify only default branch" setting. !10959
- Lazily sets UUID in ApplicationSetting for new installations.
- Skip validation when creating internal (ghost, service desk) users.
- Use GitLab Pages v0.4.1.

## 9.1.1 (2017-04-26)

- Add a transaction around move_issues_to_ghost_user. !10465
- Properly expire cache for all MRs of a pipeline. !10770
- Add sub-nav for Project Integration Services edit page. !10813
- Fix missing duration for blocked pipelines. !10856
- Fix lastest commit status text on main project page. !10863
- Add index on ci_builds.updated_at. !10870 (blackst0ne)
- Fix 500 error due to trying to show issues from pending deleting projects. !10906
- Ensures that OAuth/LDAP/SAML users don't need to be confirmed.
- Ensure replying to an individual note by email creates a note with its own discussion ID.
- Fix OAuth, LDAP and SAML SSO when regular sign-ups are disabled.
- Fix usage ping docs link from empty cohorts page.
- Eliminate N+1 queries in loading namespaces for every issuable in milestones.

## 9.1.0 (2017-04-22)

- Add Jupyter notebook rendering !10017
- Added merge requests empty state. !7342
- Add option to start a new resolvable discussion in an MR. !7527
- Hide form inputs for group member without editing rights. !7816
- Create a new issue for a single discussion in a Merge Request. !8266 (Bob Van Landuyt)
- Adding non_archived scope for counting projects. !8305 (Naveen Kumar)
- Don't show links to tag a commit for users that are not permitted. !8407
- New file from interface on existing branch. !8427 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Strip reference prefixes on branch creation. !8498 (Matthieu Tardy)
- Support 2FA requirement per-group. !8763 (Markus Koller)
- Add Undo to Todos in the Done tab. !8782 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Shows 'Go Back' link only when browser history is available. !9017
- Implement user create service. !9220 (George Andrinopoulos)
- Incorporate Gitaly client for refs service. !9291
- Cancel pending pipelines if commits not HEAD. !9362 (Rydkin Maxim)
- Add indication for closed or merged issuables in GFM. !9462 (Adam Buckland)
- Periodically clean up temporary upload files to recover storage space. !9466 (blackst0ne)
- Use toggle button to expand / collapse mulit-nested groups. !9501
- Fixes dismissable error close is not visible enough. !9516
- Fixes an issue in the new merge request form, where a tag would be selected instead of a branch when they have the same names. !9535 (Weiqing Chu)
- Expose CI/CD status API endpoints with Gitlab::Ci::Status facility on pipeline, job and merge request for favicon. !9561 (dosuken123)
- Use Gitaly for CommitController#show. !9629
- Order milestone issues by position ascending in api. !9635 (George Andrinopoulos)
- Convert Issue into ES6 class. !9636 (winniehell)
- Link issuable reference to itself in meta-header. !9641 (mhasbini)
- Add ability to disable Merge Request URL on push. !9663 (Alex Sanford)
- ProjectsFinder should handle more options. !9682 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Fix create issue form buttons are misaligned on mobile. !9706 (TM Lee)
- Labels support color names in backend. !9725 (Dongqing Hu)
- Standardize on core-js for es2015 polyfills. !9749
- Fix GitHub Import deleting branches for open PRs from a fork. !9758
- Do not show LFS object when LFS is disabled. !9779 (Christopher Bartz)
- Fix symlink icon in project tree. !9780 (mhasbini)
- Fix bug when system hook for deploy key. !9796 (
- Make authorized projects worker use a specific queue instead of the default one. !9813
- Simplify trigger_docs build job for CE and EE. !9820 (winniehell)
- Add `aria-label` for feature status accessibility. !9830
- Add dashboard and group milestones count badges. !9836 (Alex Braha Stoll)
- Use Gitaly for Repository#is_ancestor. !9864
- After copying a diff file or blob path, pasting it into a comment field will format it as Markdown. !9876
- Fix visibility level on new project page. !9885 (blackst0ne)
- Fix xml.updated field in rss/atom feeds. !9889 (blackst0ne)
- Add Undo mark all as done to Todos. !9890 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Add a name field to the group form. !9891 (Douglas Lovell)
- Add custom attributes in factories. !9892 (George Andrinopoulos)
- Resolve project pipeline status caching problem on dashboard. !9895
- Display error message when deleting tag in web UI fails. !9906
- Add quick submit for snippet forms. !9911 (blackst0ne)
- New directory from interface on existing branch. !9921 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Removes UJS from pipelines tables. !9929
- Fix project title validation, prevent clicking on disabled button. !9931
- Show correct user & creation time in heading of the pipeline page. !9936
- Include time tracking attributes in webhooks payload. !9942
- Add `requirements: { id: /.+/ }` for all projects and groups namespaced API routes. !9944
- Improved UX for the environments metrics view. !9946
- Remove whitespace in group links. !9947 (Xurxo Méndez Pérez)
- Adds Frontend Styleguide to documentation. !9961
- Add metadata to system notes. !9964
- When viewing old wiki page version, edit button should be disabled. !9966 (TM Lee)
- Added labels array to the issue web hook returned object. !9972
- Upgrade VueJS to v2.2.4 and disable dev mode warnings. !9981
- Only add code coverage instrumentation when generating coverage report. !9987
- Fix Project Wiki update. !9990 (Dongqing Hu)
- Fix trigger webhook for ref with a dot. !10001 (George Andrinopoulos)
- Fix quick submit short-cut on preview tab for comments. !10002
- Add option to receive email notifications about your own activity. !10032 (Richard Macklin)
- Rename 'All issues' to 'Open issues' in Add issues modal. !10042 (blackst0ne)
- Disable pipeline and environment actions that are not playable. !10052
- Added clarification to the Jira integration documentation. !10066 (Matthew Bender)
- Move milestone summary content into the sidebar. !10096
- Replace closing MR icon. !10103 (blackst0ne)
- Add support for multi-level container image repository names. !10109 (André Guede)
- Add ECMAScript polyfills for Symbol and Array.find. !10120
- Add tooltip to user's calendar activities. !10123 (Alex Argunov)
- Resolve "Run CI/CD pipelines on a schedule" - "Basic backend implementation". !10133 (dosuken123)
- Change hint on first row of filters dropdown to `Press Enter or click to search`. !10138
- Remove useless queries with false conditions (e.g 1=0). !10141 (mhasbini)
- Show CI status as Favicon on Pipelines, Job and MR pages. !10144
- Update color palette to a more harmonious and consistent one. !10154
- Add tooltip and accessibility for profile cover buttons. !10182
- Change Done column to Closed in issue boards. !10198 (blackst0ne)
- Add metrics button to environments overview page. !10234
- Force unlimited terminal size when checking processes via call to ps. !10246 (Sebastian Reitenbach)
- Fix sub-nav highlighting for `Environments` and `Jobs` pages. !10254
- Drop support for correctly processing legacy pipelines. !10266
- Fix project creation failure due to race condition in namespace directory creation. !10268 (Robin Bobbitt)
- Introduced error/empty states for the environments performance metrics. !10271
- Improve performance of GitHub importer for large repositories. !10273
- Introduce "polling_interval_multiplier" as application setting. !10280
- Prevent users from disconnecting GitLab account from CAS. !10282
- Clearly show who triggered the pipeline in email. !10283
- Make user mentions case-insensitive. !10285 (blackst0ne)
- Update rugged to !10286 (Elan Ruusamäe)
- Handle parsing OpenBSD ps output properly to display sidekiq infos on admin->monitoring->background. !10303 (Sebastian Reitenbach)
- Log errors during generating of Gitlab Pages to debug log. !10335 (Danilo Bargen)
- Update issue board cards design. !10353
- Tags can be protected, restricting creation of matching tags by user role. !10356
- Set GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT env variable in initializer. !10372
- Remove index for users.current sign in at. !10401 (blackst0ne)
- Include reopened MRs when searching for opened ones. !10407
- Integrates Microsoft Teams webhooks with GitLab. !10412
- Fix subgroup repository disappearance if group was moved. !10414
- Add /-/readiness /-/liveness and /-/metrics endpoints to track application health. !10416
- Changed capitalisation of buttons across GitLab. !10418
- Fix blob highlighting in search. !10420
- Add remove_concurrent_index to database helper. !10441 (blackst0ne)
- Fix wiki commit message. !10464 (blackst0ne)
- Deleting a user should not delete associated records. !10467
- Include endpoint in metrics for ETag caching middleware. !10495
- Change project view default for existing users and anonymous visitors to files+readme. !10498
- Hide header counters for issue/mr/todos if zero. !10506
- Remove the User#is_admin? method. !10520 (blackst0ne)
- Removed Milestone#is_empty?. !10523 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Add UI for Trigger Schedule. !10533 (dosuken123)
- Add foreign key for ci_trigger_requests on ci_triggers. !10537
- Upgrade webpack to v2.3.3 and webpack-dev-server to v2.4.2. !10552
- Bugfix: POST /projects/:id/hooks and PUT /projects/:id/hook/:hook_id no longer ignore the the job_events param in the V4 API. !10586
- Fix MR widget bug that merged a MR when Merge when pipeline succeeds was clicked via the dropdown. !10611
- Hide new subgroup button if user has no permission to create one. !10627
- Fix PlantUML integration in GFM. !10651
- Show sub-nav under Merge Requests when issue tracker is non-default. !10658
- Fix bad query for PostgreSQL showing merge requests list. !10666
- Fix invalid encoding when showing some traces. !10681
- Add lighter colors and fix existing light colors. !10690
- Fix another case where trace does not have proper encoding set. !10728
- Fix trace cannot be written due to encoding. !10758
- Replace builds_enabled with jobs_enabled in projects API v4. !10786 (winniehell)
- Add retry to system hook worker. !10801
- Fix error when an issue reference has a pending deleting project. !10843
- Update permalink/blame buttons with line number fragment hash.
- Limit line length for project home page.
- Fix filtered search input width for IE.
- Update wikis_controller.rb to use strong params.
- Fix API group/issues default state filter. (Alexander Randa)
- Prevent builds dropdown to close when the user clicks in a build.
- Display all closed issues in “done” board list.
- Remove no-new annotation from file_template_mediator.js.
- Changed dropdown style slightly.
- Change gfm textarea to use monospace font.
- Prevent filtering issues by multiple Milestones or Authors.
- Recent search history for issues.
- Remove duplicated tokens in issuable search bar.
- Adds empty and error state to pipelines.
- Allow admin to view all namespaces. (George Andrinopoulos)
- allow offset query parameter for infinite list pages.
- Fix wrong message on starred projects filtering. (George Andrinopoulos)
- Adds pipeline mini-graph to system information box in Commit View.
- Remove confusing placeholder for JIRA transition_id.
- Remove extra margin at bottom of todos page.
- Add back expandable folder behavior.
- Create todos only for new mentions.
- Linking to blob edit page handles anonymous users and users without enough permissions to edit directly.
- Fix projects_limit RangeError on user create. (Alexander Randa)
- Add helpful icons to profile events.
- Refactor dropdown_milestone_spec.rb. (George Andrinopoulos)
- Fix alignment of resolve button.
- Change label for name on sign up form.
- Don’t show source project name when user does not have access.
- Update toggle buttons to be <button>.
- Display full project name with namespace upon deletion.
- Spam check only when spammable attributes have changed.
- align Mark all as done with other Done buttons on Todos page.
- Adds polling utility function for vue resource.
- Allow unauthenticated access to some Branch API GET endpoints.
- Fix redirection after login when the referer have params. (mhasbini)
- fix sidebar padding for build and wiki pages.
- Correctly update paths when changing a child group.
- Add shortcuts and counters to MRs and issues in navbar.
- Remove forced scroll into view when switching to Changes MR tab.