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  • Achilleas Pipinellis's avatar
    Use the same path of the docs site as in production · 90609411
    Achilleas Pipinellis authored
    This started with where a
    broken link was introduced, but the lint checker never caught it.
    The docs-lint job does the following:
        - mv doc/ /tmp/gitlab-docs/content/
        - cd /tmp/gitlab-docs
        # Build HTML from Markdown
        - bundle exec nanoc
        # Check the internal links
        - bundle exec nanoc check internal_links
    It moves the `doc/` dir inside `content` where Nanoc is expecting the
    markdown files to be. It then builds the site and finally checks for
    the links. If the built website was deployed to production, that would
    be under ``.
    The interesting part here is that
    `[the logs](/doc/administration/`
    translates to `<a href="/doc/administration/logs.html#productionlog>`,
    so, Nanoc correctly sees this as an existing file!
    This MR changes the path of the docs content to be equal to
    $DOCS_GITLAB_REPO_SUFFIX which is defined as an environment
    variable and takes the value of the slug of each project:
    'ce', 'ee', 'omnibus', 'runner'.
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