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## 10.8.1 (2018-05-23)

### Fixed (9 changes)

- Allow CommitStatus class to use presentable methods. !18979
- Fix corrupted environment pages with unathorized proxy url. !18989
- Fixes deploy token variables on Ci::Build. !19047
- Fix project mirror database inconsistencies when upgrading from EE to CE. !19109
- Render 404 when prometheus adapter is disabled in Prometheus metrics controller. !19110
- Fix error when deleting an empty list of refs.
- Fixed U2F login when used with LDAP.
- Bump prometheus-client-mmap to 0.9.3 to fix nil exception error.
- Fix system hook not firing for blocked users when LDAP sign-in is used.

## 10.8.0 (2018-05-22)

### Security (3 changes, 1 of them is from the community)

- Update faraday_middlewar to 0.12.2. !18397 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Serve archive requests with the correct file in all cases.
- Sanitizes user name to avoid XSS attacks.

### Fixed (47 changes, 11 of them are from the community)

- Refactor CSS to eliminate vertical misalignment of login nav. !16275 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Fix pipeline status in branch/tag tree page. !17995
- Allow group owner to enable runners from subgroups (#41981). !18009
- Fix template selector menu visibility when toggling preview mode in file edit view. !18118 (Fabian Schneider)
- Fix confirmation modal for deleting a protected branch. !18176 (Paul Bonaud @PaulRbR)
- Triggering custom hooks by Wiki UI edit. !18251
- Now `rake cache:clear` will also clear pipeline status cache. !18257
- Fix `joined` information on project members page. !18290 (Fabian Schneider)
- Fix missing namespace for some internal users. !18357
- Show shared projects on group page. !18390
- Restore label underline color. !18407 (George Tsiolis)
- Fix undefined `html_escape` method during markdown rendering. !18418
- Fix unassign slash command preview. !18447
- Correct text and functionality for delete user / delete user and contributions modal. !18463 (Marc Schwede)
- Fix discussions API setting created_at for notable in a group or notable in a project in a group with owners. !18464
- Don't include lfs_file_locks data in export bundle. !18495
- Reset milestone filter when clicking "Any Milestone" in dashboard. !18531
- Ensure member notifications are sent after the member actual creation/update in the DB. !18538
- Update links to /ci/lint with ones to project ci/lint. !18539 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Fix tabs container styles to make RSS button clickable. !18559
- Raise NoRepository error for non-valid repositories when calculating repository checksum. !18594
- Don't automatically remove artifacts for pages jobs after pages:deploy has run. !18628
- Increase new issue metadata form margin. !18630 (George Tsiolis)
- Add loading icon padding for pipeline environments. !18631 (George Tsiolis)
- ShaAttribute no longer stops startup if database is missing. !18726
- Fix close keyboard shortcuts dialog using the keyboard shortcut. !18783 (Lars Greiss)
- Fixes database inconsistencies between Community and Enterprise Edition on import state. !18811
- Add database foreign key constraint between pipelines and build. !18822
- Fix finding wiki pages when they have invalidly-encoded content. !18856
- Fix outdated Web IDE welcome copy. !18861
- fixed copy to blipboard button in embed bar of snippets. !18923 (haseebeqx)
- Disables RBAC on nginx-ingress. !18947
- Correct skewed Kubernetes popover illustration. !18949
- Resolve Import/Export ci_cd_settings error updating the project. !46049
- Fix project creation for user endpoint when jobs_enabled parameter supplied.
- 46210 Display logo and user dropdown on mobile for terms page and fix styling.
- Adds illustration for when job log was erased.
- Ensure web hook 'blocked URL' errors are stored in web hook logs and properly surfaced to the user.
- Make toggle markdown preview shortcut only toggle selected field.
- Verifiy if pipeline has commit idetails and render information in MR widget when branch is deleted.
- Fixed inconsistent protected branch pill baseline.
- Fix setting Gitlab metrics content types.
- Display only generic message on merge error to avoid exposing any potentially sensitive or user unfriendly backend messages.
- Fix label links update on project transfer.
- Breaks commit not found message in pipelines table.
- Adjust issue boards list header label text color.
- Prevent pipeline actions in dropdown to redirct to a new page.

### Changed (35 changes, 15 of them are from the community)

- Improve tooltips in collapsed right sidebar. !17714
- Partition job_queue_duration_seconds with jobs_running_for_project. !17730
- For group dashboard, we no longer show groups which the visitor is not a member of (this applies to admins and auditors). !17884 (Roger Rüttimann)
- Use RFC 3676 mail signature delimiters. !17979 (Enrico Scholz)
- Add sha filter to pipelines list API. !18125
- New CI Job live-trace architecture. !18169
- Make project deploy keys table more clearly structured. !18279
- Remove green background from unlock button in admin area. !18288
- Renamed Overview to Project in the contextual navigation at a project level. !18295 (Constance Okoghenun)
- Load branches on new merge request page asynchronously. !18315
- Create settings section for autodevops. !18321
- Add a comma to the time estimate system notes. !18326
- Enable specifying variables when executing a manual pipeline. !18440
- Fix size and position for fork icon. !18449 (George Tsiolis)
- Refactored activity calendar. !18469 (Enrico Scholz)
- Small improvements to repository checks. !18484
- Add 2FA filter to users API for admins only. !18503
- Align project avatar on small viewports. !18513 (George Tsiolis)
- Show group and project LFS settings in the interface to Owners and Masters. !18562
- Update environment item action buttons icons. !18632 (George Tsiolis)
- Update timeline icon for description edit. !18633 (George Tsiolis)
- Revert discussion counter height. !18656 (George Tsiolis)
- Improve quick actions summary preview. !18659 (George Tsiolis)
- Change font for tables inside diff discussions. !18660 (George Tsiolis)
- Add padding to profile description. !18663 (George Tsiolis)
- Break issue title for board card title and issuable header text. !18674 (George Tsiolis)
- Adds push mirrors to GitLab Community Edition. !18715
- Inform the user when there are no project import options available. !18716 (George Tsiolis)
- Improve commit message body rendering and fix responsive compare panels. !18725 (Constance Okoghenun)
- Reconcile project templates with Auto DevOps. !18737
- Remove branch name from the status bar of WebIDE.
- Clean up WebIDE status bar and add useful info.
- Improve interaction on WebIDE commit panel.
- Keep current labels visible when editing them in the sidebar.
- Use VueJS for rendering pipeline stages.

### Performance (26 changes, 11 of them are from the community)

- Move WorkInProgress vue component. !17536 (George Tsiolis)
- Move ReadyToMerge vue component. !17545 (George Tsiolis)
- Move BoardBlankState vue component. !17666 (George Tsiolis)
- Improve DB performance of calculating total artifacts size. !17839
- Add i18n and update specs for UnresolvedDiscussions vue component. !17866 (George Tsiolis)
- Introduce new ProjectCiCdSetting model with group_runners_enabled. !18144
- Move PipelineFailed vue component. !18277 (George Tsiolis)
- Move TimeTrackingEstimateOnlyPane vue component. !18318 (George Tsiolis)
- Move TimeTrackingHelpState vue component. !18319 (George Tsiolis)
- Reduce queries on merge requests list page for merge requests from forks. !18561
- Destroy build_chunks efficiently with FastDestroyAll module. !18575
- Improve performance of a service responsible for creating a pipeline. !18582
- Replace time_ago_in_words with JS-based one. !18607 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Move TimeTrackingNoTrackingPane vue component. !18676 (George Tsiolis)
- Move SidebarTimeTracking vue component. !18677 (George Tsiolis)
- Move TimeTrackingSpentOnlyPane vue component. !18710 (George Tsiolis)
- Detecting tags containing a commit uses Gitaly by default.
- Increase cluster applications installer availability using alpine linux mirrors.
- Compute notification recipients in background jobs.
- Use persisted diff data instead fetching Git on discussions.
- Detecting branchnames containing a commit uses Gitaly by default.
- Detect repository license on Gitaly by default.
- Finish NamespaceService migration to Gitaly.
- Check if a ref exists is done by Gitaly by default.
- Compute Gitlab::Git::Repository#checksum on Gitaly by default.
- Repository#exists? is always executed through Gitaly.

### Added (22 changes, 10 of them are from the community)

- Allow group masters to configure runners for groups. !9646 (Alexis Reigel)
- Adds Embedded Snippets Support. !15695 (haseebeqx)
- Add Copy metadata quick action. !16473 (Mateusz Bajorski)
- Show Runner's description on job's page. !17321
- Add deprecation message to dynamic milestone pages. !17505
- Show new branch/mr button even when branch exists. !17712 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- API: add languages of project GET /projects/:id/languages. !17770 (Roger Rüttimann)
- Display active sessions and allow the user to revoke any of it. !17867 (Alexis Reigel)
- Add cron job to email users on issue due date. !17985 (Stuart Nelson)
- Rubocop rule to avoid returning from a block. !18000 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Add the signature verfication badge to the compare view. !18245 (Marc Shaw)
- Expose Deploy Token data as environment varialbes on CI/CD jobs. !18414
- Show group id in group settings. !18482 (George Tsiolis)
- Allow admins to enforce accepting Terms of Service on an instance. !18570
- Add GCP signup offer to cluster index / create pages. !18684
- Output some useful information when running the rails console. !18697
- Display merge commit SHA in merge widget after merge. !18722
- git SHA is now displayed alongside the GitLab version on the Admin Dashboard.
- Expose the target commit ID through the tag API.
- Added fuzzy file finder to web IDE.
- Add discussion API for merge requests and commits.

### Other (22 changes, 8 of them are from the community)

- Replace the `project/issues/milestones.feature` spinach test with an rspec analog. !18300 (@blackst0ne)
- Replace the `project/commits/branches.feature` spinach test with an rspec analog. !18302 (@blackst0ne)
- Replacing gollum libraries for gitlab custom libs. !18343
- Replace the `project/commits/comments.feature` spinach test with an rspec analog. !18356 (@blackst0ne)
- Replace "Click" with "Select" to be more inclusive of people with accessibility requirements. !18386 (Mark Lapierre)
- Remove ahead/behind graphs on project branches on mobile. !18415 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Replace the `project/source/markdown_render.feature` spinach test with an rspec analog. !18525 (@blackst0ne)
- Add missing changelog type to docs. !18526 (@blackst0ne)
- Added Webhook SSRF prevention to documentation. !18532
- Upgrade underscore.js to 1.9.0. !18578
- Add documentation about how to use variables to define deploy policies for staging/production environments. !18675
- Replace the `project/builds/artifacts.feature` spinach test with an rspec analog. !18729 (@blackst0ne)
- Block access to the API & git for users that did not accept enforced Terms of Service. !18816
- Transition to atomic internal ids for all models. !44259
- Removes modal boards store and mixins from global scope.
- Replace GKE acronym with Google Kubernetes Engine.
- Replace vue resource with axios for pipelines details page.
- Enable prometheus monitoring by default.
- Replace vue resource with axios in pipelines table.
- Bump lograge to 0.10.0 and remove monkey patch.
- Improves wording in new pipeline page.
- Gitaly handles repository forks by default.

## 10.7.5 (2018-05-28)

### Security (3 changes)

- Prevent user passwords from being changed without providing the previous password.
- Fix API to remove deploy key from project instead of deleting it entirely.
- Fixed bug that allowed importing arbitrary project attributes.

## 10.7.4 (2018-05-21)

### Fixed (1 change)

- Fix error when deleting an empty list of refs.

## 10.7.3 (2018-05-02)

### Fixed (8 changes)

- Fixed wrong avatar URL when the avatar is on object storage. !18092
- Fix errors on pushing to an empty repository. !18462
- Update doorkeeper to 4.3.2 to fix GitLab OAuth authentication. !18543
- Ports omniauth-jwt gem onto GitLab OmniAuth Strategies suite. !18580
- Fix redirection error for applications using OpenID. !18599
- Fix commit trailer rendering when Gravatar is disabled.
- Fix file_store for artifacts and lfs when saving.
- Fix users not seeing labels from private groups when being a member of a child project.

## 10.7.2 (2018-04-25)

### Security (2 changes)

- Serve archive requests with the correct file in all cases.
- Sanitizes user name to avoid XSS attacks.

## 10.7.1 (2018-04-23)

### Fixed (11 changes)

- [API] Fix URLs in the `Link` header for `GET /projects/:id/repository/contributors` when no value is passed for `order_by` or `sort`. !18393
- Fix a case with secret variables being empty sometimes. !18400
- Fix `Trace::HttpIO` can not render multi-byte chars. !18417
- Fix specifying a non-default ref when requesting an archive using the legacy URL. !18468
- Respect visibility options and description when importing project from template. !18473
- Removes 'No Job log' message from build trace. !18523
- Align action icons in pipeline graph.
- Fix direct_upload when records with null file_store are used.
- Removed alert box in IDE when redirecting to new merge request.
- Fixed IDE not loading for sub groups.
- Fixed IDE not showing loading state when tree is loading.

### Performance (4 changes)

- Validate project path prior to hitting the database. !18322
- Add index to file_store on ci_job_artifacts. !18444
- Fix N+1 queries when loading participants for a commit note.
- Support Markdown rendering using multiple projects.

### Added (1 change)

- Add an API endpoint to download git repository snapshots. !18173

## 10.7.0 (2018-04-22)

### Security (6 changes, 2 of them are from the community)

- Fixed some SSRF vulnerabilities in services, hooks and integrations. !2337
- Update ruby-saml to 1.7.2 and omniauth-saml to 1.10.0. !17734 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Update rack-protection to 2.0.1. !17835 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Adds confidential notes channel for Slack/Mattermost.
- Fix XSS on diff view stored on filenames.
- Fix GitLab Auth0 integration signing in the wrong user.

### Fixed (65 changes, 20 of them are from the community)

- File uploads in remote storage now support project renaming. !4597
- Fixed bug in dropdown selector when selecting the same selection again. !14631 (bitsapien)
- Fixed group deletion linked to Mattermost. !16209 (Julien Millau)
- Create commit API and Web IDE obey LFS filters. !16718
- Set breadcrumb for admin/runners/show. !17431 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Enable restore rake task to handle nested storage directories. !17516 (Balasankar C)
- Fix hover style of dropdown items in the right sidebar. !17519
- Improve empty state for canceled job. !17646
- Fix generated URL when listing repoitories for import. !17692
- Use singular in the diff stats if only one line has been changed. !17697 (Jan Beckmann)
- Long instance urls do not overflow anymore during project creation. !17717
- Fix importing multiple assignees from GitLab export. !17718
- Correct copy text for the promote milestone and label modals. !17726
- Fix search results stripping last endline when parsing the results. !17777 (Jasper Maes)
- Add read-only banner to all pages. !17798
- Fix viewing diffs on old merge requests. !17805
- Fix forking to subgroup via API when namespace is given by name. !17815 (Jan Beckmann)
- Fix UI breakdown for Create merge request button. !17821 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Unify format for nested non-task lists. !17823 (Takuya Noguchi)
- UX re-design branch items with flexbox. !17832 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Use porcelain commit lookup method on CI::CreatePipelineService. !17911
- Update dashboard milestones breadcrumb link. !17933 (George Tsiolis)
- Deleting a MR you are assigned to should decrements counter. !17951 (m b)
- Update no repository placeholder. !17964 (George Tsiolis)
- Drop JSON response in Project Milestone along with avoiding error. !17977 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Fix personal access token clipboard button style. !17978 (Fabian Schneider)
- Avoid validation errors when running the Pages domain verification service. !17992
- Project creation will now raise an error if a service template is invalid. !18013
- Add better LDAP connection handling. !18039
- Fix autolinking URLs containing ampersands. !18045
- Fix exceptions raised when migrating pipeline stages in the background. !18076
- Always display Labels section in issuable sidebar, even when the project has no labels. !18081 (Branka Martinovic)
- Fixed gitlab:uploads:migrate task ignoring some uploads. !18082
- Fixed gitlab:uploads:migrate task failing for Groups' avatar. !18088
- Increase dropdown width in pipeline graph & center action icon. !18089
- Fix `JobsController#raw` endpoint can not read traces in database. !18101
- Fix `gitlab-rake gitlab:two_factor:disable_for_all_users`. !18154
- Adjust 404's for LegacyDiffNote discussion rendering. !18201
- Work around Prometheus Helm chart name changes to fix integration. !18206 (joshlambert)
- Prioritize weight over title when sorting charts. !18233
- Verify that deploy token has valid access when pulling container registry image. !18260
- Stop redirecting the page in pipeline main actions.
- Fixed IDE button opening the wrong URL in tree list.
- Ensure hooks run when a deploy key without a user pushes.
- Fix 404 in group boards when moving issue between lists.
- Display state indicator for issuable references in non-project scope (e.g. when referencing issuables from group scope).
- Add missing port to artifact links.
- Fix data race between ObjectStorage background_upload and Pages publishing.
- Fixes unresolved discussions rendering the error state instead of the diff.
- Don't show Jump to Discussion button on Issues.
- Fix bug rendering group icons when forking.
- Automatically cleanup stale worktrees and lock files upon a push.
- Use the GitLab version as part of the appearances cache key.
- Fix Firefox stealing formatting characters on issue notes.
- Include matching branches and tags in protected branches / tags count. (Jan Beckmann)
- Fix 500 error when a merge request from a fork has conflicts and has not yet been updated.
- Test if remote repository exists when importing wikis.
- Hide emoji popup after multiple spaces. (Jan Beckmann)
- Fix relative uri when "#" is in branch name. (Jan)
- Escape Markdown characters properly when using autocomplete.
- Ignore project internal references in group context.
- Fix finding wiki file when Gitaly is enabled.
- Fix listing commit branch/tags that contain special characters.
- Ensure internal users (ghost, support bot) get assigned a namespace.
- Fix links to subdirectories of a directory with a plus character in its path.

### Deprecated (1 change)

- Remove support for legacy tar.gz pages artifacts. !18090

### Changed (22 changes, 2 of them are from the community)

- Add yellow favicon when `CANARY=true` to differientate canary environment. !12477
- Use human readable value build_timeout in Project. !17386
- Improved visual styles and consistency for commit hash and possible actions across commit lists. !17406
- Don't create permanent redirect routes. !17521
- Add empty repo check before running AutoDevOps pipeline. !17605
- Update wording to specify create/manage project vs group labels in labels dropdown. !17640
- Add tooltips to icons in lists of issues and merge requests. !17700
- Change avatar error message to include allowed file formats. !17747 (Fabian Schneider)
- Polish design for verifying domains. !17767
- Move email footer info to a single line. !17916
- Add average and maximum summary statistics to the prometheus dashboard. !17921
- Add additional cluster usage metrics to usage ping. !17922
- Move 'Registry' after 'CI/CD' in project navigation sidebar. !18018 (Elias Werberich)
- Redesign application settings to match project settings. !18019
- Allow HTTP(s) when git request is made by GitLab CI. !18021
- Added hover background color to IDE file list rows.
- Make project avatar in IDE consistent with the rest of GitLab.
- Show issues of subgroups in group-level issue board.
- Repository checksum calculation is handled by Gitaly when feature is enabled.
- Allow viewing timings for AJAX requests in the performance bar.
- Fixes remove source branch checkbox being visible when user cannot remove the branch.
- Make /-/ delimiter optional for search endpoints.

### Performance (24 changes, 11 of them are from the community)

- Move AssigneeTitle vue component. !17397 (George Tsiolis)
- Move TimeTrackingCollapsedState vue component. !17399 (George Tsiolis)
- Move MemoryGraph and MemoryUsage vue components. !17533 (George Tsiolis)
- Move UnresolvedDiscussions vue component. !17538 (George Tsiolis)
- Move NothingToMerge vue component. !17544 (George Tsiolis)
- Move ShaMismatch vue component. !17546 (George Tsiolis)
- Stop caching highlighted diffs in Redis unnecessarily. !17746
- Add i18n and update specs for ShaMismatch vue component. !17870 (George Tsiolis)
- Update spec import path for vue mount component helper. !17880 (George Tsiolis)
- Move TimeTrackingComparisonPane vue component. !17931 (George Tsiolis)
- Improves the performance of projects list page. !17934
- Remove N+1 query for Noteable association. !17956
- Improve performance of loading issues with lots of references to merge requests. !17986
- Reuse root_ref_hash for performance on Branches. !17998 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Update asciidoctor-plantuml to 0.0.8. !18022 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Cache personal projects count. !18197
- Reduce complexity of issuable finder query. !18219
- Reduce number of queries when viewing a merge request.
- Free open file descriptors and libgit2 buffers in UpdatePagesService.
- Memoize Git::Repository#has_visible_content?.
- Require at least one filter when listing issues or merge requests on dashboard page.
- lazy load diffs on merge request discussions.
- Bulk deleting refs is handled by Gitaly by default.
- ListCommitsByOid is executed by Gitaly by default.

### Added (38 changes, 7 of them are from the community)

- Add HTTPS-only pages. !16273 (rfwatson)
- adds closed by informations in issue api. !17042 (haseebeqx)
- Projects and groups badges settings UI. !17114
- Add per-runner configured job timeout. !17221
- Add alternate archive route for simplified packaging. !17225
- Add support for pipeline variables expressions in only/except. !17316
- Add object storage support for LFS objects, CI artifacts, and uploads. !17358
- Added confirmation modal for changing username. !17405
- Implement foreground verification of CI artifacts. !17578
- Extend API for exporting a project with direct upload URL. !17686
- Move ci/lint under project's namespace. !17729
- Add Total CPU/Memory consumption metrics for Kubernetes. !17731
- Adds the option to the project export API to override the project description and display GitLab export description once imported. !17744
- Port direct upload of LFS artifacts from EE. !17752
- Adds support for OmniAuth JWT provider. !17774
- Display error message on job's tooltip if this one fails. !17782
- Add 'Assigned Issues' and 'Assigned Merge Requests' as dashboard view choices for users. !17860 (Elias Werberich)
- Extend API for importing a project export with overwrite support. !17883
- Create Deploy Tokens to allow permanent access to repository and registry. !17894
- Detect commit message trailers and link users properly to their accounts on Gitlab. !17919 (cousine)
- Adds cancel btn to new pages domain page. !18026 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- API: Add parameter merge_method to projects. !18031 (Jan Beckmann)
- Introduce simpler env vars for auto devops REPLICAS and CANARY_REPLICAS #41436. !18036
- Allow overriding params on project import through API. !18086
- Support LFS objects when importing/exporting GitLab project archives. !18115
- Store sha256 checksum of artifact metadata. !18149
- Limit the number of failed logins when using LDAP for authentication. !43525
- Allow assigning and filtering issuables by ancestor group labels.
- Include subgroup issues when searching for group issues using the API.
- Allow to store uploads by default on Object Storage.
- Add slash command for moving issues. (Adam Pahlevi)
- Render MR commit SHA instead "diffs" when viable.
- Send @mention notifications even if a user has explicitly unsubscribed from item.
- Add support for Sidekiq JSON logging.
- Add Gitaly call details to performance bar.
- Add support for patch link extension for commit links on GitLab Flavored Markdown.
- Allow feature gates to be removed through the API.
- Allow merge requests related to a commit to be found via API.

### Other (27 changes, 11 of them are from the community)

- Send notification emails when push to a merge request. !7610 (YarNayar)
- Rename modal.vue to deprecated_modal.vue. !17438
- Atomic generation of internal ids for issues. !17580
- Use object ID to prevent duplicate keys Vue warning on Issue Boards page during development. !17682
- Update foreman from 0.78.0 to 0.84.0. !17690 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Add realtime pipeline status for adding/viewing files. !17705
- Update documentation to reflect current minimum required versions of node and yarn. !17706
- Update knapsack to 1.16.0. !17735 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Update CI services documnetation. !17749
- Added i18n support for the prometheus memory widget. !17753
- Use specific names for filtered CI variable controller parameters. !17796
- Apply NestingDepth (level 5) (framework/dropdowns.scss). !17820 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Clean up selectors in framework/header.scss. !17822 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Bump `state_machines-activerecord` to 0.5.1. !17924 (blackst0ne)
- Increase the memory limits used in the unicorn killer. !17948
- Replace the spinach test with an rspec analog. !17950 (blackst0ne)
- Remove unused index from events table. !18014
- Make all workhorse gitaly calls opt-out, take 2. !18043
- Update brakeman 3.6.1 to 4.2.1. !18122 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Replace the `project/issues/labels.feature` spinach test with an rspec analog. !18126 (blackst0ne)
- Bump html-pipeline to 2.7.1. !18132 (@blackst0ne)
- Remove test_ci rake task. !18139 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Add documentation for Pipelines failure reasons. !18352
- Improve JIRA event descriptions.
- Add query counts to profiler output.
- Move Sidekiq exporter logs to log/sidekiq_exporter.log.
- Upgrade Gitaly to upgrade its charlock_holmes.

## 10.6.6 (2018-05-28)

### Security (4 changes)

- Do not allow non-members to create MRs via forked projects when MRs are private.
- Prevent user passwords from being changed without providing the previous password.
- Fix API to remove deploy key from project instead of deleting it entirely.
- Fixed bug that allowed importing arbitrary project attributes.

## 10.6.5 (2018-04-24)

### Security (1 change)

- Sanitizes user name to avoid XSS attacks.

## 10.6.4 (2018-04-09)

### Fixed (8 changes, 1 of them is from the community)

- Correct copy text for the promote milestone and label modals. !17726
- Avoid validation errors when running the Pages domain verification service. !17992
- Fix autolinking URLs containing ampersands. !18045
- Fix exceptions raised when migrating pipeline stages in the background. !18076
- Work around Prometheus Helm chart name changes to fix integration. !18206 (joshlambert)
- Don't show Jump to Discussion button on Issues.
- Fix listing commit branch/tags that contain special characters.
- Fix 404 in group boards when moving issue between lists.

### Performance (1 change)

- Free open file descriptors and libgit2 buffers in UpdatePagesService.

## 10.6.3 (2018-04-03)

### Security (2 changes)

- Fix XSS on diff view stored on filenames.
- Adds confidential notes channel for Slack/Mattermost.

## 10.6.2 (2018-03-29)

### Fixed (2 changes, 1 of them is from the community)

- Don't capture trailing punctuation when autolinking. !17965
- Cloning a repository over HTTPS with LDAP credentials causes a HTTP 401 Access denied. (Horatiu Eugen Vlad)

## 10.6.1 (2018-03-27)

### Security (1 change)

- Bump rails-html-sanitizer to 1.0.4.

### Fixed (2 changes)

- Prevent auto-retry AccessDenied error from stopping transition to failed. !17862
- Fix 500 error when trying to resolve non-ASCII conflicts in the editor. !17962

### Performance (1 change)

- Add indexes for user activity queries. !17890

### Other (1 change)

- Add documentation for runner IP address (#44232). !17837

## 10.6.0 (2018-03-22)

### Security (4 changes)

- Fixed some SSRF vulnerabilities in services, hooks and integrations. !2337
- Ensure that OTP backup codes are always invalidated.
- Add verification for GitLab Pages custom domains.
- Fix GitLab Auth0 integration signing in the wrong user.

### Fixed (75 changes, 17 of them are from the community)

- Ensure users cannot create environments with leading or trailing slashes (Fixes #39885). !15273
- Fix new project path input overlapping. !16755 (George Tsiolis)
- Respect description and visibility when creating project from template. !16820 (George Tsiolis)
- Remove user notification settings for groups and projects when user leaves. !16906 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Fix Teleporting Emoji. !16963 (Jared Deckard <>)
- Fix duplicate system notes when merging a merge request. !17035
- Fix breadcrumb on labels page for groups. !17045 (Onuwa Nnachi Isaac)
- Fix user avatar's vertical align on the issues and merge requests pages. !17072 (Laszlo Karpati)
- Fix settings panels not expanding when fragment hash linked. !17074
- Fix 404 when listing archived projects in a group where all projects have been archived. !17077 (Ashley Dumaine)
- Allow to call PUT /projects/:id API with only ci_config_path specified. !17105 (Laszlo Karpati)
- Fix long list of recipients on group request membership email. !17121 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Remove duplicated error message on duplicate variable validation. !17135
- Keep "Import project" tab/form active when validation fails trying to import "Repo by URL". !17136
- Fixed bug with unauthenticated requests through git ssh. !17149
- Allows project rename after validation error. !17150
- Fix "Remove source branch" button in Merge request widget during merge when pipeline succeeds state. !17192
- Add missing pagination on the commit diff endpoint. !17203 (Maxime Roussin-Bélanger)
- Fix get a single pages domain when project path contains a period. !17206 (Travis Miller)
- remove avater underline. !17219 (Ken Ding)
- Allows the usage of /milestone quick action for group milestones. !17239 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Encode branch name as binary before creating a RPC request to copy attributes. !17291
- Restart Unicorn and Sidekiq when GRPC throws 14:Endpoint read failed. !17293
- Do not persist Google Project verification flash errors after a page reload. !17299
- Ensure group issues and merge requests pages show results from subgroups when there are no results from the current group. !17312
- Prevent trace artifact migration to incur data loss. !17313
- Fixes gpg popover layout. !17323
- Return a 404 instead of 403 if the repository does not exist on disk. !17341
- Fix Slack/Mattermost notifications not respecting `notify_only_default_branch` setting for pushes. !17345
- Fix Group labels load failure when there are duplicate labels present. !17353
- Allow Prometheus application to be installed from Cluster applications. !17372
- Fixes Prometheus admin configuration page. !17377
- Enable filtering MR list based on clicked label in MR sidebar. !17390
- Fix code and wiki search results pages when non-ASCII text is displayed. !17413
- Count comments on diffs and discussions as contributions for the contributions calendar. !17418 (Riccardo Padovani)
- Add Assignees vue component missing data container. !17426 (George Tsiolis)
- Update tooltip on pipeline cancel to Stop (#42946). !17444
- Removing the two factor check when the user sets a new password. !17457
- Fix quick actions for users who cannot update issues and merge requests. !17482
- Stop loading spinner on error of milestone update on issue. !17507 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Set margins around dropdown dividers to 4px. !17517
- Fix pages flaky failure by reloading stale object. !17522
- Remove extra breadcrumb on tags. !17562 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Fix missing uploads after group transfer. !17658
- Fix markdown table showing extra column. !17669
- Ensure the API returns https links when https is configured. !17681
- Sanitize extra blank spaces used when uploading a SSH key. !40552
- Render htmlentities correctly for links not supported by Rinku.
- Keep link when redacting unauthorized object links.
- Handle empty state in Pipelines page.
- Revert Project.public_or_visible_to_user changes and only apply to snippets.
- Release libgit2 cache and open file descriptors after `git gc` run.
- Fix project dashboard showing the wrong timestamps.
- Fix "Can't modify frozen hash" error when project is destroyed.
- Fix Error 500 when viewing a commit with a GPG signature in Geo.
- Don't error out in system hook if user has `nil` datetime columns.
- Remove double caching of Repository#empty?.
- Don't delete todos or unassign issues and MRs when a user leaves a project.
- Don't cache a nil repository root ref to prevent caching issues.
- Escape HTML entities in commit messages.
- Verify project import status again before marking as failed.
- [GitHub Import] Create an empty wiki if wiki import failed.
- Create empty wiki when import from GitLab and wiki is not there.
- Make sure wiki exists when it's enabled.
- Fix broken loading state for close issue button.
- Fix code and wiki search results when filename is non-ASCII.
- Fix file upload on project show page.
- Fix squashing when a file is renamed.
- Show loading button inline in refresh button in MR widget.
- Fix close button on issues not working on mobile.
- Adds tooltip in environment names to increase readability.
- Fixed issue edit shortcut not opening edit form.
- Fix 500 error being shown when diff has context marker with invalid encoding.
- Render modified icon for moved file in changes dropdown.
- Remember assignee when moving an issue.

### Changed (16 changes, 9 of them are from the community)

- Allow including custom attributes in API responses. !16526 (Markus Koller)
- Apply new default and inline label design. !16956 (George Tsiolis)
- Remove whitespace from the username/email sign in form field. !17020 (Peter lauck)
- CI charts now include the current day. !17032 (Dakkaron)
- Hide CI secret variable values after saving. !17044
- Add new modal Vue component. !17108
- Asciidoc now support inter-document cross references between files in repository. !17125 (Turo Soisenniemi)
- Update issue closing pattern to allow variations in punctuation. !17198 (Vicky Chijwani)
- Add a button to deploy a runner to a Kubernetes cluster in the settings page. !17278
- Pages custom domain: allow update of key/certificate. !17376 (rfwatson)
- Clear the Labels dropdown search filter after a selection is made. !17393 (Andrew Torres)
- Hook data for pipelines includes detailed_status. !17607
- Avoid showing unnecessary Trigger checkboxes for project Integrations with only one event. !17607
- Display a link to external issue tracker when enabled.
- Allow token authentication on go-get request.
- Update SSH key link to include existing keys. (Brendan O'Leary)

### Performance (24 changes, 5 of them are from the community)

- Add catch-up background migration to migrate pipeline stages. !15741
- Move BoardNewIssue vue component. !16947 (George Tsiolis)
- Move IssuableTimeTracker vue component. !16948 (George Tsiolis)
- Move RecentSearchesDropdownContent vue component. !16951 (George Tsiolis)
- Move Assignees vue component. !16952 (George Tsiolis)
- Improve performance of pipeline page by reducing DB queries. !17168
- Store sha256 checksum to job artifacts. !17354
- Move SidebarAssignees vue component. !17398 (George Tsiolis)
- Improve database response time for user activity listing. !17454
- Use persisted/memoized value for MRs shas instead of doing git lookups. !17555
- Cache MergeRequests can_be_resolved_in_ui? git operations. !17589
- Prevent the graphs page from generating unnecessary Gitaly requests. !37602
- Use a user object in ApplicationHelper#avatar_icon where possible to avoid N+1 queries. !42800
- Submit a single batch blob RPC to Gitaly per HTTP request when viewing diffs.
- Avoid re-fetching merge-base SHA from Gitaly unnecessarily.
- Don't use ProjectsFinder in TodosFinder.
- Adding missing indexes on taggings table.
- Add index on section_name_id on ci_build_trace_sections table.
- Cache column_exists? for application settings.
- Cache table_exists?('application_settings') to reduce repeated schema reloads.
- Make --prune a configurable parameter in fetching a git remote.
- Fix timeouts loading /admin/projects page.
- Add partial indexes on todos to handle users with many todos.
- Optimize search queries on the search page by setting a limit for matching records in project scope.

### Added (30 changes, 9 of them are from the community)

- Add CommonMark markdown engine (experimental). !14835 (blackst0ne)
- API: Get references a commit is pushed to. !15026 (Robert Schilling)
- Add overview of branches and a filter for active/stale branches. !15402 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Add project export API. !15860 (Travis Miller)
- expose more metrics in merge requests api. !16589 (haseebeqx)
- #28481: Display time tracking totals on milestone page. !16753 (Riccardo Padovani)
- Add a button on the project page to set up a Kubernetes cluster and enable Auto DevOps. !16900
- Include cycle time in usage ping data. !16973
- Add ability to use external plugins as an alternative to system hooks. !17003
- Add search param to Branches API. !17005 (bunufi)
- API endpoint for importing a project export. !17025
- Display ingress IP address in the Kubernetes page. !17052
- Implemented badge API endpoints. !17082
- Allow installation of GitLab Runner with a single click. !17134
- Allow commits endpoint to work over all commits of a repository. !17182
- Display Runner IP Address. !17286
- Add archive feature to trace. !17314
- Allow maintainers to push to forks of their projects when a merge request is open. !17395
- Foreground verification of uploads and LFS objects. !17402
- Adds updated_at filter to issues and merge_requests API. !17417 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Port /wip quick action command to Merge Request creation (on description). !17463 (Adam Pahlevi)
- Add a paragraph about security implications on Cluster's page. !17486
- Add plugins list to the system hooks page. !17518
- Enable privileged mode for GitLab Runner. !17528
- Expose GITLAB_FEATURES as CI/CD variable (fixes #40994).
- Upgrade GitLab Workhorse to 4.0.0.
- Add discussions API for Issues and Snippets.
- Add one group board to Libre.
- Add support for filtering by source and target branch to merge requests API.

### Other (18 changes, 7 of them are from the community)
- Group MRs on issue page by project and namespace. !8494 (Jeff Stubler)
- Make oauth provider login generic. !8809 (Horatiu Eugen Vlad)
- Add email button to new issue by email. !10942 (Islam Wazery)
- Update vue component naming guidelines. !17018 (George Tsiolis)
- Added new design for promotion modals. !17197
- Update to github-linguist 5.3.x. !17241 (Ken Ding)
- update toml-rb to 1.0.0. !17259 (Ken Ding)
- Keep track of projects a user interacted with. !17327
- Moved o_auth/saml/ldap modules under gitlab/auth. !17359 (Horatiu Eugen Vlad)
- Enables eslint in codeclimate job. !17392
- Port Labels Select dropdown to Vue. !17411
- Add NOT NULL constraint to projects.namespace_id. !17448
- Ensure foreign keys on clusters applications. !17488
- Started translation into Turkish, Indonesian and Filipino. !17526
- Add documentation for displayed K8s Ingress IP address (#44330). !17836
- Move Ruby endpoints to OPT_OUT.
- Upgrade Workhorse to version 3.8.0 to support structured logging.
- Use host URL to build JIRA remote link icon.

## 10.5.8 (2018-04-24)

### Security (1 change)

- Sanitizes user name to avoid XSS attacks.

## 10.5.7 (2018-04-03)

### Security (2 changes)

- Fix XSS on diff view stored on filenames.
- Adds confidential notes channel for Slack/Mattermost.

## 10.5.6 (2018-03-16)

### Security (2 changes)

- Fixed some SSRF vulnerabilities in services, hooks and integrations. !2337
- Fix GitLab Auth0 integration signing in the wrong user.

Ian Baum's avatar
Ian Baum committed
## 10.5.5 (2018-03-15)

### Fixed (3 changes)

- Fix missing uploads after group transfer. !17658
- Fix code and wiki search results when filename is non-ASCII.
- Remove double caching of Repository#empty?.

### Performance (2 changes)

- Adding missing indexes on taggings table.
- Add index on section_name_id on ci_build_trace_sections table.

Ian Baum's avatar
Ian Baum committed
## 10.5.4 (2018-03-08)

### Fixed (11 changes)

- Encode branch name as binary before creating a RPC request to copy attributes. !17291
- Restart Unicorn and Sidekiq when GRPC throws 14:Endpoint read failed. !17293
- Ensure group issues and merge requests pages show results from subgroups when there are no results from the current group. !17312
- Prevent trace artifact migration to incur data loss. !17313
- Return a 404 instead of 403 if the repository does not exist on disk. !17341
- Allow Prometheus application to be installed from Cluster applications. !17372
- Fixes Prometheus admin configuration page. !17377
- Fix code and wiki search results pages when non-ASCII text is displayed. !17413
- Fix pages flaky failure by reloading stale object. !17522
- Fixed issue edit shortcut not opening edit form.
- Revert Project.public_or_visible_to_user changes and only apply to snippets.

### Performance (1 change)

- Don't use ProjectsFinder in TodosFinder.

## 10.5.3 (2018-03-01)

### Security (1 change)

- Ensure that OTP backup codes are always invalidated.

Ian Baum's avatar
Ian Baum committed
## 10.5.2 (2018-02-25)

### Fixed (7 changes)

- Fix single digit value clipping for stacked progress bar. !17217
- Fix issue with cache key being empty when variable used as the key. !17260
- Enable Legacy Authorization by default on Cluster creations. !17302
- Allow branch names to be named the same as the sha it points to.
- Fix 500 error when loading an invalid upload URL.
- Don't attempt to update user tracked fields if database is in read-only.
- Prevent MR Widget error when no CI configured.

### Performance (5 changes)

- Improve query performance for snippets dashboard. !17088
- Only check LFS integrity for first ref in a push to avoid timeout. !17098
- Improve query performance of MembersFinder. !17190
- Increase feature flag cache TTL to one hour.
- Improve performance of searching for and autocompleting of users.

Ian Baum's avatar
Ian Baum committed
## 10.5.1 (2018-02-22)

- No changes.

## 10.5.0 (2018-02-22)

### Security (3 changes, 1 of them is from the community)

- Update marked from 0.3.6 to 0.3.12. !16480 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Update nokogiri to 1.8.2. !16807
- Add verification for GitLab Pages custom domains.

### Fixed (77 changes, 25 of them are from the community)

- Fix the Projects API with_issues_enabled filter behaving incorrectly any user. !12724 (Jan Christophersen)
- Hide pipeline schedule take ownership for current owner. !12986
- Handle special characters on API request of issuable templates. !15323 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Shows signin tab after new user email confirmation. !16174 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Make project README containers wider on fixed layout. !16181 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Fix dashboard projects nav links height. !16204 (George Tsiolis)
- Fix error on empty query for Members API. !16235
- Issue board: fix for dragging an issue to the very bottom in long lists. !16250 (David Kuri)
- Make rich blob viewer wider for PC. !16262 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Substitute deprecated ui_charcoal with new default ui_indigo. !16271 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Generate HTTP URLs for custom Pages domains when appropriate. !16279
- Make modal dialog common for Groups tree app. !16311
- Allow moving wiki pages from the UI. !16313
- Filter groups and projects dropdowns of search page on backend. !16336
- Adjust layout width for fixed layout. !16337 (George Tsiolis)
- Fix custom header logo design nitpick: Remove unneeded margin on empty logo text. !16383 (Markus Doits)
- File Upload UI can create LFS pointers based on .gitattributes. !16412
- Fix Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcut saving comment/note edit. !16415
- Fix file search results when they match file contents with a number between two colons. !16462
- Fix tooltip displayed for running manual actions. !16489
- Allow trailing + on labels in board filters. !16490
- Prevent JIRA issue identifier from being humanized. !16491 (Andrew McCallum)
- Add horizontal scroll to wiki tables. !16527 (George Tsiolis)
- Fix a bug calculating artifact size for project statistics. !16539
- Stop loading spinner on error of issuable templates. !16600 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Allows html text in commits atom feed. !16603 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Disable MR check out button when source branch is deleted. !16631 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Fix export removal for hashed-storage projects within a renamed or deleted namespace. !16658
- Default to HTTPS for all Gravatar URLs. !16666
- Login via OAuth now only marks new users as external. !16672
- Fix default avatar icon missing when Gravatar is disabled. !16681 (Felix Geyer)
- Change button group width on mobile. !16726 (George Tsiolis)
- Fix version information not showing on help page if commercial content display was disabled. !16743
- Adds spacing between edit and delete tag btn in tag list. !16757 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Fix 500 error when loading a merge request with an invalid comment. !16795
- Deleting an upload will correctly clean up the filesystem. !16799
- Cleanup new branch/merge request form in issues. !16854
- Fix GitLab import leaving group_id on ProjectLabel. !16877
- Fix forking projects when no restricted visibility levels are defined applicationwide. !16881
- Trigger change event on filename input when file template is applied. !16911 (Sebastian Klingler)
- Fixes different margins between buttons in tag list. !16927 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Close low level rugged repository in project cache worker. !16930 (Bastian Blank)
- Override group sidebar links. !16942 (George Tsiolis)
- Avoid running `PopulateForkNetworksRange`-migration multiple times. !16988
- Resolve PrepareUntrackedUploads PostgreSQL syntax error. !17019
- Fix monaco editor features which were incompatable with GitLab CDN settings. !17021
- Fixed error 500 when removing an identity with synced attributes and visiting the profile page. !17054
- Fix cnacel edit note button reverting changes. !42462
- For issues display time of last edit of title or description instead of time of any attribute change.
- Handle all Psych YAML parser exceptions (fixes #41209).
- Fix validation of environment scope of variables.
- Display user friendly error message if rebase fails.
- Hide new branch and tag links for projects with an empty repo.
- Fix protected branches API to accept name parameter with dot.
- Closes #38540 - Remove .ssh/environment file that now breaks the gitlab:check rake task.
- Keep subscribers when promoting labels to group labels.
- Replace verified badge icons and uniform colors.
- Fix error on changes tab when merge request cannot be created.
- Ignore leading slashes when searching for files within context of repository. (Andrew McCallum)
- Close and do not reload MR diffs when source branch is deleted.
- Bypass commits title markdown on notes.
- Reload MRs memoization after diffs creation.
- Return more consistent values for merge_status on MR APIs.
- Contribution calendar label was cut off. (Branka Martinovic)
- LDAP Person no longer throws exception on invalid entry.
- Fix bug where award emojis would be lost when moving issues between projects.
- Fix not all events being shown in group dashboard.
- Fix JIRA not working when a trailing slash is included.
- Fix squash not working when diff contained non-ASCII data.
- Remove erroneous text in shared runners page that suggested more runners available.
- Execute system hooks after-commit when executing project hooks.
- Makes forking protect default branch on completion.
- Validate user, group and project paths consistently, and only once.
- Validate user namespace before saving so that errors persist on model.
- Permits 'password_authentication_enabled_for_git' parameter for ApplicationSettingsController.
- Fix duplicate item in protected branch/tag dropdown.
- Open visibility level help in a new tab. (Jussi Räsänen)

### Deprecated (1 change)

- Add note within ux documentation that further changes should be made within the design.gitlab project.

### Changed (20 changes, 7 of them are from the community)

- Show coverage to two decimal points in coverage badge. !10083 (Jeff Stubler)
- Update 'removed assignee' note to include old assignee reference. !16301 (Maurizio De Santis)
- Move row containing Projects, Users and Groups count to the top in admin dashboard. !16421
- Add Auto DevOps Domain application setting. !16604
- Changes Revert this merge request text. !16611 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Link Auto DevOps settings to Clusters page. !16641
- Internationalize charts page. !16687 (selrahman)
- Internationalize graph page selrahman. !16688 (Shah El-Rahman)
- Save traces as artifacts. !16702
- Hide variable values on pipeline schedule edit page. !16729
- Update runner info on all authenticated requests. !16756
- Improve issue note dropdown and mr button. !16758 (George Tsiolis)
- Replace "cluster" with "Kubernetes cluster". !16778
- Enable Prometheus metrics for deployed Ingresses. !16866 (joshlambert)
- Rename button to enable CI/CD configuration to "Set up CI/CD". !16870
- Double padding for file-content wiki class on larger screens.
- Improve wording about additional costs for Ingress on custom clusters.
- Last push widget will show banner for new pushes to previously merged branch.
- Save user ID and username in Grape API log (api_json.log).
- Include subgroup issues and merge requests on the group page.

### Performance (14 changes, 1 of them is from the community)

- Fix double query execution on groups page. !16314
- Speed up loading merged merge requests when they contained a lot of commits before merging. !16320
- Properly memoize some predicate methods. !16329
- Reduce the number of Prometheus metrics. !16443
- Only highlight search results under the highlighting size limit. !16462
- Add fast-blank. !16468
- Move BoardList vue component to vue file. !16888 (George Tsiolis)
- Fix N+1 query problem for snippets dashboard. !16944
- Optimize search queries on the search page by setting a limit for matching records.
- Store number of commits in merge_request_diffs table.
- Improve performance of target branch dropdown.
- Remove duplicate calls of MergeRequest#can_be_reverted?.
- Stop checking if discussions are in a mergeable state if the MR isn't.
- Remove N+1 queries with /projects/:project_id/{access_requests,members} API endpoints.

### Added (28 changes, 10 of them are from the community)

- Add link on commit page to merge request that introduced that commit. !13713 (Hiroyuki Sato)
- System hooks for Merge Requests. !14387 (Alexis Reigel)
- Add `pipelines` endpoint to merge requests API. !15454 (Tony Rom <>)
- Adds Rubocop rule for line break around conditionals. !15739 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Add Colors to GitLab Flavored Markdown. !16095 (Tony Rom <>)
- Initial work to add notification reason to emails. !16160 (Mario de la Ossa)
- Implement multi server support and use kube proxy to connect to Prometheus servers inside K8S cluster. !16182
- Add ability to transfer a group into another group. !16302
- Add blue dot feature highlight to make GKE Clusters more visible to users. !16379
- Add section headers to plus button dropdown. !16394 (George Tsiolis)
- Support PostgreSQL 10. !16471
- Enables Project Milestone Deletion via the API. !16478 (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Add realtime ci status for the repository -> files view. !16523
- User can now git push to create a new project. !16547
- Improve empty project overview. !16617 (George Tsiolis)
- Added uploader metadata to the uploads. !16779
- Added ldap config setting to lower case the username. !16791
- Add search support into the API. !16878
- Backport of LFS File Locking API. !16935
- Add a link to documentation on how to get external ip in the Kubernetes cluster details page. !16937
- Add sorting options for /users API (admin only). !16945
- Adds sorting to deployments API. (Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi)
- Add rake task to check integrity of uploaded files.
- Add backend for persistently dismissably callouts.
- Track and act upon the number of executed queries.
- Add a gRPC health check to ensure Gitaly is up.
- Log and send a system hook if a blocked user attempts to login.
- Add Gitaly Servers admin dashboard.

### Other (25 changes, 7 of them are from the community)

- Updated the katex library. !15864
- Add modal for deleting a milestone. !16229
- Remove unused CSS selectors for Cycle Analytics. !16270 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Add reason to keep postgresql 9.2 for CI. !16277 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Adjust modal style to new design. !16310
- Default to Gitaly for 'git push' HTTP/SSH, and make Gitaly mandatory for SSH pull. !16586
- Set timezone for karma to UTC. !16602 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Make Gitaly RepositoryExists opt-out. !16680
- Update minimum git version to 2.9.5. !16683
- Disable throwOnError in KaTeX to reveal user where is the problem. !16684 (Jakub Jirutka)
- fix documentation about node version. !16720 (Tobias Gurtzick)
- Enable RuboCop Style/RegexpLiteral. !16752 (Takuya Noguchi)
- Add confirmation-input component. !16816
- Add unique constraint to trending_projects#project_id. !16846
- Add foreign key and NOT NULL constraints to todos table. !16849
- Include branch in mobile view for pipelines. !16910 (George Tsiolis)
- Downgrade google-protobuf gem. !16941
- Refactors mr widget components into vue files and adds i18n.
- increase-readability-of-colored-text-in-job-output-log.