ARSnova is a modern approach to Audience Response Systems (ARS). It is released under the GPLv3 license, and is offered as a Software as a Service free of charge. Head over to []( to see it in action.
ARSnova is a modern approach to Audience Response Systems (ARS). It is released under the GPLv3 license, and is offered as a Software as a Service free of charge. Head over to []( to see it in action.

ARSnova consists of two projects: the mobile client and the server. This repository contains the server code. You will find the client at thm-projects/arsnova-st2-js. However, you do not need to download both respositories in order to get started.
## Getting started
## Getting Started
This is the main repository. Almost all dependencies (including the mobile client) are managed for you by Maven. The mobile client is served via `index.html`, and optionally via `developer.html`.
@@ -44,7 +44,58 @@ The configuration is ready for development usage. Finally, you should (re)start
### Database
We provide a script that will set up all database essentials. This "Setup Tool" is located at <>. Make sure you have configured your database credentials inside the ARSnova configuration file: you will need to have the entries `couchdb.username` and `couchdb.password`.
We provide a script that will set up all database essentials. This "Setup Tool" is located at <>. Make sure you have configured your database credentials inside the ARSnova configuration file: you will need to have the entries `couchdb.username` and `couchdb.password`.
## Production Use
If you intend to use ARSnova in productive environments, you will have to do some additional configuration work.
### Session Persistence
Look for your Tomcat configuration directory and change the file "context.xml" to match this example:
This will enable session persistence across restarts as described [here](
To protect requests and responses you should use HTTPS and configure your Apache Webserver installation to redirect all traffic according to this
Finally you should (re)start all services. ARSnova is now listening on HTTP port 80 and 443.
### Securing Your Web Socket Connection
To provide SSL websocket encryption, you have to provide the servers SSL key and certificate in a Java keystore. The following steps will guide you through this process.
Use your webserver certificate, private key and certificate chain to create a PKCS12 keystore:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in <servercert>.crt \
-inkey <serverkey>.key \
-out keystore.p12 -name 1 \
-certfile <your_cert_chain_file>
You will be asked for a password for your PKCS12 keystore. This password must be used for importing this keystore into your java keystore. The import can be done using this command:
keytool -importkeystore \
-deststorepass <your_java_keystore_password> \
-destkeypass <your_java_keystore_password> \
-destkeystore arsnova.jks \
-srckeystore keystore.p12 \
-srcstoretype PKCS12 \
-srcstorepass <your_pkcs12_keystore_password> \
-alias 1
Be sure to provide the correct certificate and key file names and to use the correct passwords for your keystore.
The last step is to find your ARSnova configuration file (see step "Configuration" above), setup the location of your Java keystore and its password.