import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
import { RoomService } from '../../../services/http/room.service';
import { Content } from '../../../models/content';
import { ContentService } from '../../../services/http/content.service';
import { ContentAnswerService } from '../../../services/http/content-answer.service';
import { AnswerText } from '../../../models/answer-text';
import { AnswerChoice } from '../../../models/answer-choice';
import { ContentType } from '../../../models/content-type.enum';
/* TODO: Use TranslateService */
templateUrl: './statistics.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./statistics.component.scss']
export class StatisticsComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() textAnswers: AnswerText[] = [];
@Input() choiceAnswers: AnswerChoice[] = [];
selectedContent: any =
{ name: 'HOW TO MAKE CONTENT GREAT AGAIN', index: '1', length: '1' };
evaluation: any = [
{ name: 'Skill', percent: 10, correct: false, answers: 1, },
{ name: 'Knowledge', percent: 10, correct: false, answers: 1, },
{ name: '???', percent: 30, correct: true, answers: 3, },
{ name: 'Not at all', percent: 50, correct: true, answers: 5, }
{ value: '1', viewValue: 'Text answers' },
{ value: '2', viewValue: 'Choice answers' }
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private roomService: RoomService,
private contentService: ContentService,
private contentAnswerService: ContentAnswerService ) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
this.route.params.subscribe(params => {
getContent(roomId: string): void {
this.contentService.getContents(roomId).subscribe(content => {
this.content = content;
getAnswers(): void {
for (const c of this.content) {
this.contentAnswerService.getAnswers( answer => {
[].push.apply(this.textAnswers, answer);
this.contentAnswerService.getAnswers( answer => {
[].push.apply(this.choiceAnswers, answer);
showStatistic(value) { // refactor answer class structure for less code and more abstraction
if (value === '1') {
if (c.format === ContentType.TEXT) {
const count = this.countTextAnswers(;
name: c.subject, answers: count, percent: count * 100 / this.textAnswers.length,
if (c.format === ContentType.CHOICE) {
const count = this.countChoiceAnswers(;
name: c.subject, answers: count, percent: count * 100 / this.choiceAnswers.length,
countTextAnswers(contentId: string): number {
return this.textAnswers.filter(answer => answer.contentId === contentId).length;
countChoiceAnswers(contentId: string): number {
return this.choiceAnswers.filter(answer => answer.contentId === contentId).length;
// coming with api connection, logic doesnt make sense without knowledge about api