Organizer delete
add back delete options
closes #294 (closed) -
delete single entries -
delete lesson -
delete subject -
single entry delete animation -
revert single entry delete animation -
revert multiple single entry delete animation -
revert delete lesson animation -
revert delete subject animation -
correct handling if lesson/subject is reverted to not show deleted single entry (because of it's "OLesson"-Subscription) -
implement odrawer_m_delete (Delete Menu) -
longpress on delete (default: single entry) -
delete options (single, lesson, 1-n subjects of your program selection) -
swipe drawer down to discard -
persist deletion (OSettingsBloc) -
slide to space animation -
optimize code so OCalendarEntries do not render >5ms (way too long)
Edited by Marwin Lebensky