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Timeline i18n

Robert Palm requested to merge rapl42/tc-frontend:timeline-i18n into master


  • Add i18n for existing timeline sources
  • Add I18nText wrappers to timeline entry widget

🗞 Think Big i18n strings will be removed once the source no longer exists.


The new JSON format for timeline sources works as follows:

  • Top-level sources (those that are shown in timeline settings) require a .title and .description attribute
  • The remaining keys are for the titles of sub-sources (e.g. "Think Big - Comments" < "Think Big") which require no description
"sources": {
    "editorial_dept": {
        "title": "tinyCampus editorial department",
        "description": "tinyCampus editorial department main information channel",
        "general": "General",
        "important": "Important information",
        "events": "Events"
    "qanda": {
        "title": "Questions & Answers",
        "description": "Posts from the \"Questions & Answers\" module"
    "thinkbig": {
        "title": "Think Big",
        "description": "Everything about the \"Think Big - Build Small\" conference",
        "comments": "Think Big - Comments"

Merge request reports