Bloc updates
Solves the update of Bloc and associated libraries to v.4.x.x and the corresponding persistence changes in Hydrated_Bloc to Hive
Tests done:
User (inkl. Badges) @pgrg81 -
Timeline @clep09 -
vCard @mblt41 -
Home @jsar97 -
cafeteria @dbrb56 -
organizer @mlbn33
Known Issues:
cafeteria: selected cafeterias are not persisted (even on Master sometimes settings get lost, i don't know why, seems like a localized problem.) -
general: migration of pre-Hive data does not work. (It does work as long as your persistence is sound in general.) -
organizer: selected courses lose color. (even happens on master, also seems like a localized problem) -
organizer: after migration: tried to call [] on null
(could not reproduce yet... M.L. @jsar97 found it :) it will be fixed by the new error handling branch) -
timeline: _InternalLinkedHashMap errors -
user: does not persist showcased badges (as stated in #100 (closed) it's a known issue)
Just Now: Bloc-library updates to 5.0.0 ... => This should get an own MR. Issue open in: #148 (closed)
closes #128 (closed)
Edited by Robert Palm