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IP2WS2324G2-177 Update User Layout

Karla Alkhouri requested to merge IP2WS2324G2-177 into new-develop
  • added updateprofile.component and choose-option.component into the modals directory
  • To check the style of updateprofile.component just click on Daten bearbeiten
  • To check if the choose-option.component works do these steps:
  1. Click on the "profile avatar"
  2. choose an avatar and save it
  3. Click on the profile avatar again
  4. Choose Profilbild ändern and click on weiter
  5. Choose another avatar and save it
  6. Click on the profile avatar again
  7. Choose Profilbild löschen and click on weiter
Edited by Karla Alkhouri

Merge request reports