[IP2WS2324G2-156] [IP2WS2324G2-157] Profile frontend and backend
- created renderUser() function in profile.component.ts
- created checkTests() function in profile.component.ts and findUserInTest() in TestService
- created redirectToPage() function in profile.component.ts so buttons could redirect to different Pages
- installed ngx-avatar and added it to profile.component.html and navbar.component.html
- created replaceAvatar() function in profile.component.ts and saveAvatar() in UserService
- created renderProfilePic() function in navbar.component.ts
- added a new File named avatars to the asssets Directory to store the avatars and render it in the modal
- fixed checkLogin in navbar.component.ts, so the username avatar appears in the navbar when user is logged in without reloading the page
- created router.get("/personality/:userId"..) in personalitytest.routes.ts
- created router.put('/user/avatar/:userId',...) and router.get("/profile/:userId",...) in user.routes.ts
- added column avatar into table user
Edited by Karla Alkhouri