Theme: Material Exsile
This is a brand new design for
It is a calm, but yet inspirating theme for fun learing and gaming sessions.
I chose the colors after Nick Kolenda's "Color Psychology" and out of Google's Material Colors. By choosing the colors, it was very important for me to get some sweet, chill, relaxing colors which will allow the user to relax and therefore concentrate on the given tasks/questions. Yet, it should not be soporific at all. Therefore, I needed a contrast color which will activate the brains activity and also leads to stimulation which will result in fun in answering the quiz-questions.
With this conditions given, I decided to go for a deep indigo blue mixed with a deep orange, which is also favored by Amazon in a very similiar way. Those two colors give a good contrast and work perfectly well on beamers aswell, as I tested at home. Important pop-ups (modals and splashscreens) are highlighted with a brightened version of the backgrounds indigo color, which improves readabilty aswell.
All in all, it is a very modern, plain and neat theme and I hope you like it.