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WIP: Google's Material Design Blue Note

William Wälde requested to merge william into staging

Google's Material Design Blue Note:

The selection of colors for the chosen theme are the result of Nick Kolendas "Color Psychology" (Colors by Google's material design) For a Quiz, wich is attractive for female as well as for male participants and one that keeps the participants calm an relaxed is, as the Table by Nick Kolenda gives as result a blue colored Layout. For that reason Light Blue is chosen.Blue activates an approach mindset: “…because blue is usually associated with openness, peace, and tranquility, it is likely to activate an approach motivation, because these associations signal a benign environment…” (Mehta & Zhu, 2009, pp. 1) Nick Kolenda describes the meaning and association of the color with words like succes, intelligence, calm, comfort competence, relaxiation and logic. The colors also stand for a positively accepted color for both sexes, female and obviusly for male as the "Gender Schema Theory" states in Nick Kolendas article about color pshycology. The second color is a green color as the table by Nick Kolenda results in. This color underlines the positive aspects of the color blue with its positive meaning of comfort and harmony. Both colors especially mark the overall impression of a utilitarian type of product.



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