My new theme "MetesTheme"
MetesTheme This theme is made by Mete. The Color Psychology from Nick Kolenda ( was significant and the main reason for this color-selection. This picture shows the main arguments for the choice. Through addition we get max points for blue (5 Points) and as secondary purple (4 Points) also the colors get a high value & chroma. The number of colors should be less with a touch of imaginative. We want to relaxe the customer with that state of mind you are able to learn better. Also it‘s some part of practice to take the time to learn and not to force knowledge. This is a systematic way of learning by having partial fun. Also we‘re trying to bring the customer making an action. With these colors we want to transmit Competence, Excitment & Sophisticate impression. We want to draw attention and liking on this webapplication, with that we are able to reach more possible customers around the world. The sub message of this application is too gain valuable Knowledge and Skills.
Now here are some examples and views of this awesome new style made with saas (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets).