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Theme - amber inspires

Jonas Schwehn requested to merge amber-inspires into staging

The theme "amber - inspires" is based on Color Psychology: The Complete Guide for Marketers by Nick Kolenda. This theme is meant to be used for a performance oriented quiz. The evaluation of the color table provided by Nick Kolenda was carried out accordingly.color-summary-table

After observing the table, the colors red, yellow and orange are given as possible primary colors. These colors increase the attention, blood pressure, and heart rate which makes sense for a competitive quiz round. Sice the color red is frequently associated with failure in the performance context, and therefore people perform worse on achievement tasks after being exposed to the color red, this is not recommended for use in a performance-oriented quiz.

Furthermore, it can be seen from the table that a color with high chromaticity and low brightness should be taken. The result is that a amber color is best used for the theme. In addition, it can be seen that a monochrome representation with many colors is to be used. Since this statement is somewhat contradictory, a complementary color composition is used. In this case, the background is monochromatic and the elements which take off from it are correspondingly complementary in color accordingly in a blue tone.


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