Feature: Nicks by categories
This update will introduce the ability to choose from a set of allowed nicknames for a quiz.
It is not possible to modify the servers collection which holds those nicknames beside of the configuration file located at /server/nickCategories.js which will be parsed and synchronized with the collection on startup. Note, that the structure of the file contains the displayed nick and a translatable string for the category which must be included in the i18n files.
How to use the feature
The owner creates the quiz as usual. He can navigate to the nickname chooser via a new footer icon. The owner chooses the preferred items from the list and moves to the quiz lobby (the chosen nicknames are displayed in the quiz summary aswell).
Now, if the user want's to join the quiz a different nick view is displayed. He can click on any of the available nicknames and is redirected then to the lobby. This list is live reactive so if a user chooses a nickname the name will become unavailable for other users and will disappear from their nick list.
If all of the nicks are used an error message will be displayed. The owner can then navigate to the nickname chooser again and add some more nicknames.
Additional notes
Since the space in the footer is required the reading confirmation icon is removed for now until the regarding issue is fixed.