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SWT: New Action Theme

Yannick Braas requested to merge ybrs37/ into staging


The color choices made in this theme are based on Nick Kolenda's Color Psychology. This themes topic is clearly action. So every color choice made in here is based on this thematic choice. After I used the color table do determine which colors I should primary use, I came to the conclusion that I should chose Red, Orange and Yellow. Even though the target group is clearly Men, I think that Blue wouldn't be a good choice, since it's completely contrary to the other colors. The colors I use, should also be low on Chroma and high on Value, which made them dark and clear. I also think, that colors with a clear semantic meaning (red = wrong, green = right) shouldn't be changed at all. Keeping all of that in mind, I came to this new Action Theme:

landing_page Landing Page.

create_question Create a new Question.

answer_options Choose answer Options.

summary_page Summary page after creating a quiz.

quiz_lobby_quizmaster Quiz lobby as a quizmaster.

reading_confirmation_quizmaster Reading confirmation as a quizmaster.

running_quiz_quizmaster Running quiz as a quizmaster.

finished_quiz_quizmaster Finished quiz as a quizmaster.

leaderboard The leaderboard.

readingconfirmation_quizteilnehmer Reading confirmation as a quiz participant.

running_quiz_quizteilnehmer Running quiz as a quiz participant.

splashscreen_quizmaster Splashscreen.

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