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Feature: Ranged questions

Christopher Mark Fullarton requested to merge rangedQuestions into staging

No, you are not dreaming! The update for the ranged questions is finally ready for testing.

Before digging into the details please note that "ready for testing" does not mean "ready for staging"! This branch may eat your hamster so test carefully.

Please also note that the noUiSlider package we were using before was terrible outdated. So the package is removed and instead we have now our own noUiSlider package with the latest available version.

Now what can you expect? Obviously a brand new question type: The ranged question!

But how does this work? Simple:

  • Create a session and choose the new "Ranged question" type
  • Please note that when switching from SC/MC/Survey questions to the ranged question all answer options will be deleted since ranged questions do not contain any answer options
  • Now proceed to the answer option view
  • You will notice that there are two input fields and a slider bar. The input fields represent the currently set min and max values. The left slider toggle controls the min range and the right one controls the max range.
  • Now while sliding around you will see that the slider is not linear. This means when you change the max range the maximum range of the slider will increase by 50. So you can set you're desired max range as high as you wan't (it must be in range of Number.MAX_VALUE obviously - something in the range of 1.79E+308 so the numbers can get quite big). Decreasing the minimum range will decrease the min range of the slider aswell until it reaches 0. You cannot choose values below 0.
  • Please note that in order to prevent nasty state bugs the input's value will only be populated to the slider on the input's blur event (so leaving the input field will do the job)
  • When your done the workflow is as usual. The attendees will see an HTML5 number input field where they can type their answers.
  • Please note that the default countdown value will be set to 0 seconds. You must think yourself how long the attendees will take to enter the value in the active quiz

Known issues

  • Surprisingly currently none

Merge request reports