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  • Paul-Christian Volkmer's avatar
    Added header file defining version number set by build system · 99adab28
    Paul-Christian Volkmer authored
    With this patch the current version will be shown in splash screen on
    application start.
    The version number shows:
    * Major version number
    * Minor version number
    * Patch version number, containing:
      - Unique build number (if using a build server) OR
      - Unique git hash (e.g. dev_<shorten git hash> to identify a git commit)
    This makes a single version unique based on a build, which is based on a
    specific git commit or by identifing a git commit itself if no build
    server is used.
    Since every patch results in a new commit (and propably in a new build),
    every patch/commit results in a unique version.