Resolve "login screen - login component logic"
Closes #57 (closed)
Proposed changes
- Error handling: check if input is valid
- Service interaction: interact with service
Testing instructions
Check all possible variations of filling the login form. (both unfilled, both filled, one missing, ...). Click Login
Expected behaviour
- Errors should be shown immediatly, but only if the input field got touched
- When trying to log in, login is always successful. You get redirected to /rooms (maybe not implemented, yet). A message should be shown
If you want to try an unsuccessful login attempt, go to authentication.service.ts and change
private mockUser: User = new User(1, 'test', '', true);
toprivate mockUser: User = null;
. You should then be redirected to /home and a message should be shown.
Edited by Lukas Maximilian Kimpel