Resolve "API Anbindung"
Closes #155 (closed)
Proposed changes
- Adjust content-service to API
- choice content
- text content
- Adjust comment-service to API
- Adjust content-answer-service to API
- content-choice-answer
- content-text-answer
- Fix room-service
For testing
In the following steps you also have to check the network activity by using the developer tools in your browser to make sure that the correct requests are sended. Ideally you compare these with those from the ARSnova API demo(
As creator
- Login as creator & join a room, now you should be able to:
- delete a room -> the room should be removed from the room-list
- edit a room -> the room name and/or the description should be updated in room view and room list
- press 'Create content', enter the fields of text-/choice content creation and press submit -> you should get the created content in the response of the post-request
- press 'Comments' -> you should get an empty comment-array in the response of the post-request, later(when fixed in backend) you should get all comments of this room
As Participant
Login an Guest-Participant
- you should see no room if you never have joined a room
- by joining a room with its shortId or by clicking on the 'Join demo room'-button the app should send the roomId and the current date to the users room History -> go back to see the updated room-list of rooms you have joined
Login as participant
- press 'Create comment' -> you should get an empty comment-array in the response of the post-request, later(when fixed in backend) you should get all comments the current user has written in this room
- press 'Create comment', enter subject and comment body and press 'Send' -> you should get the created comment in the response of the post-request and the app should navigate back to the room
- press 'Contents' -> later you'll get the contents of this room, now youre getting two fake contents(one text and one choice) you can answer. If you do that by entering text(text content) or choose the correct answer(choice content) and press Submit/send answer currently you'll get an error: "Request method 'POST' not supported"
Edited by Lukas Mauß