Room creation - form submission
We need to wrap the room creation form into a form
element and use the ngSubmit
event to trigger the room creation to enable the user submitting the form by pressing enter.
We need to wrap the room creation form into a form
element and use the ngSubmit
event to trigger the room creation to enable the user submitting the form by pressing enter.
Link issues together to show that they're related. Learn more.
changed the description
added ToDo label
created branch 81-room-creation-form-submission
assigned to @lmas60
mentioned in merge request !67 (merged)
added ~1064 and removed ToDo labels
added 15m of time spent at 2018-03-09
mentioned in commit 7707ba70
closed via commit 47eeded4
closed via merge request !67 (merged)
mentioned in commit 47eeded4