• Douwe Maan's avatar
    Merge branch '35385-allow-git-pull-push-on-project-redirects' into 'master' · adc7178e
    Douwe Maan authored
    Allow git pull/push on project redirects
    Closes #35385
    See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!15670
    (cherry picked from commit 2a181d68)
    37c99562 Allow git pull/push on project redirects
    64811239 Allow group/username transfers:
    4344bba4 Fixes wrong condition on git access
    b6bac528 Wrap ProjectMoved behavior into a class
    70676e3b Fixes permanent migration
    3328950e Moves allowed_path_validation up to Namespace
    54900c4a Addreses ME review comments
    740ed1e0 Add several improvements
    6a0d9261 Add fixes based on MR suggestions
    8a1a257b Ensures validations are only executed if RedirectRoute#permanent column exists
    448f1c54 Fixes broken specs and suggestions on MR
    da789af6 Add fixes based on MR comments
    2bd96f5f Bump GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION to 5.10.2
    75981dc4 Ensure RedirectRoute column information is flushed