diff --git a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/deep-ldialog/deep-ldialog.component.ts b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/deep-ldialog/deep-ldialog.component.ts
index df77ec4f0b719af90b159d2a4eef17c2e9dfcc40..3f18d73fd46f226e8395da1ab794fe147a131d04 100644
--- a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/deep-ldialog/deep-ldialog.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/deep-ldialog/deep-ldialog.component.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import { ViewCommentDataComponent } from '../../view-comment-data/view-comment-d
 import { NotificationService } from '../../../../services/util/notification.service';
 import { LanguageService } from '../../../../services/util/language.service';
 import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
-import { WriteCommentComponent } from '../../write-comment/write-comment.component';
 import { ExplanationDialogComponent } from '../explanation-dialog/explanation-dialog.component';
 import { DeepLService, FormalityType, TargetLang } from '../../../../services/http/deep-l.service';
 import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ export class DeepLDialogComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
       text: this.data.improvedText,
       view: this.improved
-    this.radioButtonValue = this.normalValue;
+    this.radioButtonValue = this.improvedValue;
   ngAfterViewInit() {
diff --git a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/TopicCloudAdminData.ts b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/TopicCloudAdminData.ts
index 42b959a8fb6bccabd7877bcaa4a58e774069cccb..e0cc85d7b401aa39ada5ae2dee8264bcbab9d69c 100644
--- a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/TopicCloudAdminData.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/TopicCloudAdminData.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,26 @@
 import { ProfanityFilter } from '../../../../models/room';
+export interface TopicCloudAdminDataScoring {
+  score: number;
+export enum TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey {
+  countComments = 'countComments',
+  countUsers = 'countUsers',
+  countSelectedByQuestioner = 'countSelectedByQuestioner',
+  countKeywordByModerator = 'countKeywordByModerator',
+  countKeywordByCreator = 'countKeywordByCreator',
+  countCommentsAnswered = 'countCommentsAnswered',
+  summedUpvotes = 'summedUpvotes',
+  summedDownvotes = 'summedDownvotes',
+  summedVotes = 'summedVotes',
+  cappedSummedVotes = 'cappedSummedVotes'
+export type TopicCloudAdminDataScoringObject = {
+  [key in TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey]: TopicCloudAdminDataScoring;
 export interface TopicCloudAdminData {
   blacklist: string[];
   wantedLabels: {
@@ -15,8 +36,65 @@ export interface TopicCloudAdminData {
   minUpvotes: number;
   startDate: string;
   endDate: string;
+  scorings: TopicCloudAdminDataScoringObject;
+export const ensureDefaultScorings = (data: TopicCloudAdminData) => {
+  if (!data.scorings) {
+    data.scorings = {} as TopicCloudAdminDataScoringObject;
+  }
+  for (const option of Object.keys(TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey)) {
+    if (data.scorings[option]) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    switch (option) {
+      case TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey.cappedSummedVotes:
+        data.scorings[option] = {
+          score: 0.1
+        };
+        break;
+      case TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey.countUsers:
+        data.scorings[option] = {
+          score: 0.5
+        };
+        break;
+      case TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey.countCommentsAnswered:
+      case TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey.countKeywordByCreator:
+      case TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey.countKeywordByModerator:
+      case TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey.countSelectedByQuestioner:
+        data.scorings[option] = {
+          score: 1
+        };
+        break;
+      default:
+        data.scorings[option] = {
+          score: 0
+        };
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+export type TopicCloudAdminDataScoringPreset = {
+  [key in TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey]: {
+    min: number;
+    max: number;
+  };
+export const keywordsScoringMinMax: TopicCloudAdminDataScoringPreset = {
+  countComments: { min: -5, max: 5 },
+  countUsers: { min: -5, max: 5 },
+  countSelectedByQuestioner: { min: -5, max: 5 },
+  countKeywordByModerator: { min: -5, max: 5 },
+  countKeywordByCreator: { min: -5, max: 5 },
+  countCommentsAnswered: { min: -5, max: 5 },
+  summedUpvotes: { min: -5, max: 5 },
+  summedDownvotes: { min: -5, max: 5 },
+  summedVotes: { min: -5, max: 5 },
+  cappedSummedVotes: { min: -5, max: 5 }
 export enum KeywordOrFulltext {
@@ -40,33 +118,33 @@ export class Labels {
 const deLabels: Label[] = [
-  {tag: 'sb', label: 'Subjekt', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'op', label: 'Präpositionalobjekt', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'og', label: 'Genitivobjekt', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'da', label: 'Dativobjekt', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'oa', label: 'Akkusativobjekt', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'ROOT', label: 'Satzkernelement', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'pd', label: 'Prädikat', enabledByDefault: false},
-  {tag: 'ag', label: 'Genitivattribut', enabledByDefault: false},
-  {tag: 'app', label: 'Apposition', enabledByDefault: false},
-  {tag: 'nk', label: 'Nomen Kernelement', enabledByDefault: false},
-  {tag: 'mo', label: 'Modifikator', enabledByDefault: false},
-  {tag: 'cj', label: 'Konjunktor', enabledByDefault: false},
-  {tag: 'par', label: 'Klammerzusatz', enabledByDefault: false}
+  { tag: 'sb', label: 'Subjekt', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'op', label: 'Präpositionalobjekt', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'og', label: 'Genitivobjekt', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'da', label: 'Dativobjekt', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'oa', label: 'Akkusativobjekt', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'ROOT', label: 'Satzkernelement', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'pd', label: 'Prädikat', enabledByDefault: false },
+  { tag: 'ag', label: 'Genitivattribut', enabledByDefault: false },
+  { tag: 'app', label: 'Apposition', enabledByDefault: false },
+  { tag: 'nk', label: 'Nomen Kernelement', enabledByDefault: false },
+  { tag: 'mo', label: 'Modifikator', enabledByDefault: false },
+  { tag: 'cj', label: 'Konjunktor', enabledByDefault: false },
+  { tag: 'par', label: 'Klammerzusatz', enabledByDefault: false }
 const enLabels: Label[] = [
-  {tag: 'nsubj', label: 'Nominal subject', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'pobj', label: 'Object of preposition', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'dobj', label: 'Direct object', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'compound', label: 'Compound', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'nsubjpass', label: 'Passive nominal subject', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'ROOT', label: 'Sentence kernel element', enabledByDefault: true},
-  {tag: 'nummod', label: 'Numeric modifier', enabledByDefault: false},
-  {tag: 'amod', label: 'Adjectival modifier', enabledByDefault: false},
-  {tag: 'npadvmod', label: 'Noun phrase as adverbial modifier', enabledByDefault: false},
-  {tag: 'conj', label: 'Conjunct', enabledByDefault: false},
-  {tag: 'intj', label: 'Interjection', enabledByDefault: false}
+  { tag: 'nsubj', label: 'Nominal subject', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'pobj', label: 'Object of preposition', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'dobj', label: 'Direct object', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'compound', label: 'Compound', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'nsubjpass', label: 'Passive nominal subject', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'ROOT', label: 'Sentence kernel element', enabledByDefault: true },
+  { tag: 'nummod', label: 'Numeric modifier', enabledByDefault: false },
+  { tag: 'amod', label: 'Adjectival modifier', enabledByDefault: false },
+  { tag: 'npadvmod', label: 'Noun phrase as adverbial modifier', enabledByDefault: false },
+  { tag: 'conj', label: 'Conjunct', enabledByDefault: false },
+  { tag: 'intj', label: 'Interjection', enabledByDefault: false }
 export const spacyLabels = new Labels(deLabels, enLabels);
diff --git a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.html b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.html
index 222f911ca6e74c857377ccd66b5be3d498e777a8..bc7cb8d6563d74fe1872b5a72f7be745b16748ce 100644
--- a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.html
+++ b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.html
@@ -28,11 +28,43 @@
-        <mat-card style="background: none; margin-bottom: 10px;">
-          <mat-slide-toggle [(ngModel)]="considerVotes">
-            {{'topic-cloud-dialog.consider-votes' | translate}}
-          </mat-slide-toggle>
-        </mat-card>
+        <mat-accordion>
+          <mat-expansion-panel class="color-background margin-top margin-bottom keyword-scoring">
+            <mat-expansion-panel-header class="color-background">
+              <mat-panel-title>
+                {{'topic-cloud-dialog.keyword-scoring-header' | translate}}
+                <mat-icon class="help-explanation"
+                          matTooltip="{{'topic-cloud-dialog.keyword-scoring-header-info' | translate}}">help
+                </mat-icon>
+              </mat-panel-title>
+            </mat-expansion-panel-header>
+            <ng-container *ngFor="let option of scoringOptions">
+              <ars-row fxLayout="row">
+                <label
+                  id="keyword-scoring-{{option}}">{{'topic-cloud-dialog.keyword-scoring-' + option | translate}}</label>
+                <mat-icon class="help-explanation"
+                          matTooltip="{{'topic-cloud-dialog.keyword-scoring-' + option + '-info' | translate}}">help
+                </mat-icon>
+                <ars-fill></ars-fill>
+                <label>{{scorings[option].score}}</label>
+              </ars-row>
+              <mat-slider
+                [min]="scoringMinMax[option].min"
+                [max]="scoringMinMax[option].max"
+                [(ngModel)]="scorings[option].score"
+                [step]="0.1"
+                [thumbLabel]="true"
+                aria-labelledby="keyword-scoring-{{option}}">
+              </mat-slider>
+            </ng-container>
+            <button mat-button class="themeRequirementInput reset"
+                    [disabled]="isDefaultScoring()"
+                    (click)="setDefaultScoring()">
+              {{'topic-cloud-dialog.topic-requirement-reset' | translate}}
+            </button>
+          </mat-expansion-panel>
+        </mat-accordion>
         <div *ngIf="isCreatorOrMod">
           <mat-card style="background: none; margin-bottom: 10px;">
             <mat-slide-toggle (change)="showMessage('words-will-be-overwritten', $event.checked)"
@@ -339,7 +371,7 @@
         <p [ngClass]="{'animation-blink': searchMode}"
            matTooltip="{{'topic-cloud-dialog.keyword-counter' | translate}}">
           {{searchMode ? filteredKeywords.length :
-            selectedTabIndex === 0 ? keywords.size : blacklistKeywords.length}}</p>
+          selectedTabIndex === 0 ? keywords.size : blacklistKeywords.length}}</p>
       <div class="margin-left vertical-center">
         <button [ngClass]="{'animation-blink': sortMode!=='alphabetic'}" mat-icon-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="sortMenu">
diff --git a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.scss b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.scss
index d2d7016945f138f7beb5eee32166f0a01caa6b09..1887a126062e4152b1d0adee851b47de72ad894b 100644
--- a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.scss
@@ -186,3 +186,19 @@ mat-dialog-content {
     color: var(--on-secondary);
+.keyword-scoring {
+  width: 100%;
+  mat-slider {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+.help-explanation {
+  width: 1.2em;
+  height: 1.2em;
+  line-height: 1.2em;
+  font-size: 1.2em;
+  margin: auto 0 auto 0.25em;
diff --git a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.ts b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.ts
index a21c7bce9b54ab2ed9e3a07d073e5c911a8fb2dd..4744be85b9d6509aa19f3e435ddb72ceec9ec197 100644
--- a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-administration/topic-cloud-administration.component.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,13 @@ import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
 import { LanguageService } from '../../../../services/util/language.service';
 import { TopicCloudAdminService } from '../../../../services/util/topic-cloud-admin.service';
 import { ProfanityFilterService } from '../../../../services/util/profanity-filter.service';
-import { TopicCloudAdminData, Labels, spacyLabels, KeywordOrFulltext } from './TopicCloudAdminData';
+import {
+  TopicCloudAdminData,
+  Labels,
+  spacyLabels,
+  KeywordOrFulltext,
+  TopicCloudAdminDataScoringObject, TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey, keywordsScoringMinMax, ensureDefaultScorings
+} from './TopicCloudAdminData';
 import { User } from '../../../../models/user';
 import { Comment } from '../../../../models/comment';
 import { CommentService } from '../../../../services/http/comment.service';
@@ -60,8 +66,12 @@ export class TopicCloudAdministrationComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
   startDate: string;
   endDate: string;
   selectedTabIndex = 0;
+  scorings: TopicCloudAdminDataScoringObject;
+  scoringOptions = Object.keys(TopicCloudAdminDataScoringKey);
+  scoringMinMax = keywordsScoringMinMax;
   keywords: Map<string, Keyword> = new Map<string, Keyword>();
+  defaultScorings: TopicCloudAdminDataScoringObject;
   private topicCloudAdminData: TopicCloudAdminData;
   private profanityFilter: boolean;
   private censorPartialWordsCheck: boolean;
@@ -84,6 +94,9 @@ export class TopicCloudAdministrationComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
     this.langService.langEmitter.subscribe(lang => {
+    const emptyData = {} as TopicCloudAdminData;
+    ensureDefaultScorings(emptyData);
+    this.defaultScorings = emptyData.scorings;
   ngOnInit(): void {
@@ -194,14 +207,14 @@ export class TopicCloudAdministrationComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
    * Returns a lambda which closes the dialog on call.
-   buildCloseDialogActionCallback(): () => void {
+  buildCloseDialogActionCallback(): () => void {
     return () => this.ngOnDestroy();
    * Returns a lambda which executes the dialog dedicated action on call.
-   buildSaveActionCallback(): () => void {
+  buildSaveActionCallback(): () => void {
     return () => this.save();
@@ -313,7 +326,8 @@ export class TopicCloudAdministrationComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
       minQuestions: minQuestionsVerified,
       minUpvotes: minUpvotesVerified,
       startDate: this.startDate.length ? this.startDate : null,
-      endDate: this.endDate.length ? this.endDate : null
+      endDate: this.endDate.length ? this.endDate : null,
+      scorings: this.scorings
     this.topicCloudAdminService.setAdminData(this.topicCloudAdminData, true, this.data.user.role);
@@ -340,6 +354,7 @@ export class TopicCloudAdministrationComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
       this.minUpvotes = String(this.topicCloudAdminData.minUpvotes);
       this.startDate = this.topicCloudAdminData.startDate || '';
       this.endDate = this.topicCloudAdminData.endDate || '';
+      this.scorings = this.topicCloudAdminData.scorings;
@@ -480,7 +495,7 @@ export class TopicCloudAdministrationComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
       if (this.selectedTabIndex === 0) {
         const entries = [...this.keywords.entries()];
         this.filteredKeywords = entries.filter(([_, keyword]) =>
-        keyword.keyword.toLowerCase().includes(this.searchedKeyword.toLowerCase())
+          keyword.keyword.toLowerCase().includes(this.searchedKeyword.toLowerCase())
         ).map(e => e[1]);
       } else {
         this.filteredKeywords = this.blacklistKeywords.filter(keyword =>
@@ -595,6 +610,25 @@ export class TopicCloudAdministrationComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
       return '';
+  isDefaultScoring(): boolean {
+    for (const key of Object.keys(this.defaultScorings)) {
+      const subObject = this.defaultScorings[key];
+      const refSubObject = this.scorings[key];
+      for (const subKey in subObject) {
+        if (subObject[subKey] !== refSubObject[subKey]) {
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  setDefaultScoring() {
+    for (const key of Object.keys(this.defaultScorings)) {
+      this.scorings[key] = { ...this.defaultScorings[key] };
+    }
+  }
 interface Keyword {
diff --git a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-filter/topic-cloud-filter.component.ts b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-filter/topic-cloud-filter.component.ts
index d1422670f2dc924aca61425ba711bec69d1ce5f6..bac19fa7a99d5c893ab1956a506364860e06b40f 100644
--- a/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-filter/topic-cloud-filter.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/shared/_dialogs/topic-cloud-filter/topic-cloud-filter.component.ts
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import { Room } from '../../../../models/room';
 import { ThemeService } from '../../../../../theme/theme.service';
 import { Theme } from '../../../../../theme/Theme';
 import { ExplanationDialogComponent } from '../explanation-dialog/explanation-dialog.component';
+import { ModeratorService } from '../../../../services/http/moderator.service';
 import { UserRole } from '../../../../models/user-roles.enum';
 import { RoomDataService } from '../../../../services/util/room-data.service';
 import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ export class TopicCloudFilterComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
   private _room: Room;
   private currentTheme: Theme;
   private _subscriptionCommentUpdates: Subscription;
+  private _currentModerators: string[];
   constructor(public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<RoomCreatorPageComponent>,
               public dialog: MatDialog,
@@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ export class TopicCloudFilterComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
               @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any,
               public eventService: EventService,
               private topicCloudAdminService: TopicCloudAdminService,
+              private moderatorService: ModeratorService,
               private themeService: ThemeService,
               private roomDataService: RoomDataService) {
     langService.langEmitter.subscribe(lang => translationService.use(lang));
@@ -86,7 +89,10 @@ export class TopicCloudFilterComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
       this._room = data.room;
       this.roomDataService.getRoomData(data.room.id).subscribe(roomData => {
         this.comments = roomData;
-        this.commentsLoadedCallback(true);
+        this.moderatorService.get(data.room.id).subscribe(moderators => {
+          this._currentModerators = moderators.map(moderator => moderator.accountId);
+          this.commentsLoadedCallback(true);
+        });
       this._subscriptionCommentUpdates = this.roomDataService.receiveUpdates([{ finished: true }])
         .subscribe(_ => this.commentsLoadedCallback());
@@ -101,6 +107,9 @@ export class TopicCloudFilterComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
   commentsLoadedCallback(isNew = false) {
+    if (!this._currentModerators) {
+      return;
+    }
     this.allComments = this.getCommentCounts(this.comments);
     this.filteredComments = this.getCommentCounts(this.comments.filter(comment => this.tmpFilter.checkComment(comment)));
     if (isNew) {
@@ -136,7 +145,8 @@ export class TopicCloudFilterComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
   getCommentCounts(comments: Comment[]): CommentsCount {
-    const [data, users] = TagCloudDataService.buildDataFromComments(this._adminData, comments);
+    const [data, users] = TagCloudDataService
+      .buildDataFromComments(this._room.ownerId, this._currentModerators, this._adminData, comments);
     const counts = new CommentsCount();
     counts.comments = comments.length;
     counts.users = users.size;
diff --git a/src/app/components/shared/tag-cloud/tag-cloud.component.ts b/src/app/components/shared/tag-cloud/tag-cloud.component.ts
index 54c9b00f57a357f45ba18bc33fefbcf0ba05f3a9..9515eec1bae969a021716c2d6830d2c4a36b9aaa 100644
--- a/src/app/components/shared/tag-cloud/tag-cloud.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/shared/tag-cloud/tag-cloud.component.ts
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import { SmartDebounce } from '../../../utils/smart-debounce';
 import { Theme } from '../../../../theme/Theme';
 import { MatDrawer } from '@angular/material/sidenav';
 import { DeviceInfoService } from '../../../services/util/device-info.service';
+import { SyncFence } from '../../../utils/SyncFence';
 class CustomPosition implements Position {
   left: number;
@@ -70,6 +71,9 @@ const transformationRotationKiller = /rotate\(([^)]*)\)/;
 const maskedCharsRegex = /[“”‘’„‚«»‹›『』﹃﹄「」﹁﹂",《》〈〉'`#&]|(\s(lu|li’u)(?=\s))|(^lu\s)|(\sli’u$)/gm;
+const CONDITION_ROOM = 0;
   selector: 'app-tag-cloud',
   templateUrl: './tag-cloud.component.html',
@@ -113,6 +117,7 @@ export class TagCloudComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterContentInit {
   private _calcFont: string = null;
   private readonly _smartDebounce = new SmartDebounce(50, 1_000);
   private _currentTheme: Theme;
+  private _syncFenceBuildCloud: SyncFence;
   constructor(private commentService: CommentService,
               private langService: LanguageService,
@@ -138,6 +143,8 @@ export class TagCloudComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterContentInit {
     this.question = localStorage.getItem('tag-cloud-question');
     this._calcCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
     this._calcRenderContext = this._calcCanvas.getContext('2d');
+    this._syncFenceBuildCloud = new SyncFence(2,
+      () => this.dataManager.bindToRoom(this.roomId, this.room.ownerId, this.userRole));
   private static getCurrentCloudParameters(): CloudParameters {
@@ -215,6 +222,7 @@ export class TagCloudComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterContentInit {
             this.authenticationService.setAccess(this.shortId, UserRole.PARTICIPANT);
+          this._syncFenceBuildCloud.resolveCondition(CONDITION_ROOM);
@@ -231,7 +239,7 @@ export class TagCloudComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterContentInit {
   ngAfterContentInit() {
     this._calcFont = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('tagCloudComponent')).fontFamily;
-    setTimeout(() => this.dataManager.bindToRoom(this.roomId, this.userRole));
+    setTimeout(() => this._syncFenceBuildCloud.resolveCondition(CONDITION_BUILT));
     this.setCloudParameters(TagCloudComponent.getCurrentCloudParameters(), false);
@@ -384,6 +392,7 @@ export class TagCloudComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterContentInit {
       admin.minUpvotes = data.admin.minUpvotes;
       admin.startDate = data.admin.startDate;
       admin.endDate = data.admin.endDate;
+      admin.scorings = data.admin.scorings;
       data.admin = undefined;
       this.topicCloudAdmin.setAdminData(admin, false, this.userRole);
       if (this.deviceInfo.isCurrentlyMobile) {
diff --git a/src/app/services/util/profanity-filter.service.ts b/src/app/services/util/profanity-filter.service.ts
index 73045faea036f26f3e2854f0ce53f4ffad7f5bc9..abf28369532eab09f468ca218f89e5bb6004e69f 100644
--- a/src/app/services/util/profanity-filter.service.ts
+++ b/src/app/services/util/profanity-filter.service.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,16 @@ export class ProfanityFilterService {
     badNL.splice(badNL.indexOf('nicht'), 1);
     const badDE = BadWords['de'];
     badDE.splice(badDE.indexOf('ische'), 1);
-    this.profanityWords = BadWords['en']
+    badDE.push('frage');
+    badDE.push('antwort');
+    badDE.push('aufgabe');
+    badDE.push('hallo');
+    badDE.push('test');
+    badDE.push('bzw');
+    badDE.push('muss');
+    const badEN = BadWords['en'];
+    badEN.push('more to come');
+    this.profanityWords = badEN
@@ -65,7 +74,7 @@ export class ProfanityFilterService {
-  filterProfanityWords(str: string, censorPartialWordsCheck: boolean, censorLanguageSpecificCheck: boolean, lang?: string){
+  filterProfanityWords(str: string, censorPartialWordsCheck: boolean, censorLanguageSpecificCheck: boolean, lang?: string) {
     let filteredString = str;
     let profWords = [];
     if (censorLanguageSpecificCheck) {
diff --git a/src/app/services/util/tag-cloud-data.service.ts b/src/app/services/util/tag-cloud-data.service.ts
index 2e4e038f25ce664a4ef8b47e965ef12406a151c2..f4ddb4012a1a4232e7c5f1f2cb47b88d1dfa8aaa 100644
--- a/src/app/services/util/tag-cloud-data.service.ts
+++ b/src/app/services/util/tag-cloud-data.service.ts
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { SpacyKeyword } from '../http/spacy.service';
 import { UserRole } from '../../models/user-roles.enum';
 import { CloudParameters } from '../../utils/cloud-parameters';
 import { SmartDebounce } from '../../utils/smart-debounce';
+import { ModeratorService } from '../http/moderator.service';
 export interface TagCloudDataTagEntry {
   weight: number;
@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ export interface TagCloudDataTagEntry {
   generatedByQuestionerCount: number;
   taggedCommentsCount: number;
   answeredCommentsCount: number;
+  commentsByCreator: number;
+  commentsByModerators: number;
 export interface TagCloudMetaData {
@@ -71,7 +74,6 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
   private _metaDataBus: BehaviorSubject<TagCloudMetaData>;
   private _commentSubscription = null;
   private _roomId = null;
-  private _calcWeightType = TagCloudCalcWeightType.byLength;
   private _lastFetchedData: TagCloudData = null;
   private _lastFetchedComments: Comment[] = null;
   private _lastMetaData: TagCloudMetaData = null;
@@ -80,10 +82,13 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
   private _adminData: TopicCloudAdminData = null;
   private _subscriptionAdminData: Subscription;
   private _currentFilter: CommentFilter;
+  private _currentModerators: string[];
+  private _currentOwner: string;
   private readonly _smartDebounce = new SmartDebounce(200, 3_000);
   constructor(private _tagCloudAdmin: TopicCloudAdminService,
-              private _roomDataService: RoomDataService) {
+              private _roomDataService: RoomDataService,
+              private _moderatorService: ModeratorService) {
     this._isDemoActive = false;
     this._isAlphabeticallySorted = false;
     this._dataBus = new BehaviorSubject<TagCloudData>(null);
@@ -98,7 +103,10 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
     this._metaDataBus = new BehaviorSubject<TagCloudMetaData>(null);
-  static buildDataFromComments(adminData: TopicCloudAdminData, comments: Comment[]): [TagCloudData, Set<number>] {
+  static buildDataFromComments(roomOwner: string,
+                               moderators: string[],
+                               adminData: TopicCloudAdminData,
+                               comments: Comment[]): [TagCloudData, Set<number>] {
     const data: TagCloudData = new Map<string, TagCloudDataTagEntry>();
     const users = new Set<number>();
     for (const comment of comments) {
@@ -121,7 +129,9 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
               lastTimeStamp: commentDate,
               generatedByQuestionerCount: 0,
               taggedCommentsCount: 0,
-              answeredCommentsCount: 0
+              answeredCommentsCount: 0,
+              commentsByCreator: 0,
+              commentsByModerators: 0
             data.set(keyword.text, current);
@@ -133,6 +143,11 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
           current.generatedByQuestionerCount += +isFromQuestioner;
           current.taggedCommentsCount += +!!comment.tag;
           current.answeredCommentsCount += +!!comment.answer;
+          if (comment.creatorId === roomOwner) {
+            ++current.commentsByCreator;
+          } else if (moderators.includes(comment.creatorId)) {
+            ++current.commentsByModerators;
+          }
           if (comment.tag) {
@@ -155,12 +170,17 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
-  bindToRoom(roomId: string, userRole: UserRole): void {
+  bindToRoom(roomId: string, roomOwner: string, userRole: UserRole): void {
     if (this._subscriptionAdminData) {
       throw new Error('Room already bound.');
+    this._currentModerators = null;
     this._currentFilter = CommentFilter.currentFilter;
     this._roomId = roomId;
+    this._currentOwner = roomOwner;
+    this._moderatorService.get(roomId).subscribe(moderators => {
+      this._currentModerators = moderators.map(moderator => moderator.accountId);
+    });
     this._lastFetchedComments = null;
     this._subscriptionAdminData = this._tagCloudAdmin.getAdminData.subscribe(adminData => {
       this.onReceiveAdminData(adminData, true);
@@ -212,7 +232,9 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
           lastTimeStamp: new Date(),
           generatedByQuestionerCount: 0,
           taggedCommentsCount: 0,
-          answeredCommentsCount: 0
+          answeredCommentsCount: 0,
+          commentsByCreator: 0,
+          commentsByModerators: 0
@@ -226,17 +248,6 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
     return this._dataBus.value;
-  set weightCalcType(type: TagCloudCalcWeightType) {
-    if (type !== this._calcWeightType) {
-      this._calcWeightType = type;
-      this.rebuildTagData();
-    }
-  }
-  get weightCalcType(): TagCloudCalcWeightType {
-    return this._calcWeightType;
-  }
   get demoActive(): boolean {
     return this._isDemoActive;
@@ -306,7 +317,6 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
   private onReceiveAdminData(data: TopicCloudAdminData, update = false) {
     this._adminData = data;
-    this._calcWeightType = this._adminData.considerVotes ? TagCloudCalcWeightType.byLengthAndVotes : TagCloudCalcWeightType.byLength;
     if (update) {
@@ -330,20 +340,17 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
   private calculateWeight(tagData: TagCloudDataTagEntry): number {
-    const value = Math.max(tagData.cachedVoteCount, 0);
-    const additional = (tagData.distinctUsers.size - 1) * 0.5 +
-      tagData.comments.reduce((acc, comment) => acc + +!!comment.createdFromLecturer, 0) +
-      tagData.generatedByQuestionerCount +
-      tagData.taggedCommentsCount +
-      tagData.answeredCommentsCount;
-    switch (this._calcWeightType) {
-      case TagCloudCalcWeightType.byVotes:
-        return value + additional;
-      case TagCloudCalcWeightType.byLengthAndVotes:
-        return value / 10.0 + tagData.comments.length + additional;
-      default:
-        return tagData.comments.length + additional;
-    }
+    const scorings = this._adminData.scorings;
+    return tagData.comments.length * scorings.countComments.score +
+      tagData.distinctUsers.size * scorings.countUsers.score +
+      tagData.generatedByQuestionerCount * scorings.countSelectedByQuestioner.score +
+      tagData.commentsByModerators * scorings.countKeywordByModerator.score +
+      tagData.commentsByCreator * scorings.countKeywordByCreator.score +
+      tagData.answeredCommentsCount * scorings.countCommentsAnswered.score +
+      tagData.cachedUpVotes * scorings.summedUpvotes.score +
+      tagData.cachedDownVotes * scorings.summedDownvotes.score +
+      tagData.cachedVoteCount * scorings.summedVotes.score +
+      Math.max(tagData.cachedVoteCount, 0) * scorings.cappedSummedVotes.score;
   private rebuildTagData() {
@@ -353,13 +360,14 @@ export class TagCloudDataService {
     const currentMeta = this._isDemoActive ? this._lastMetaData : this._currentMetaData;
     const filteredComments = this._lastFetchedComments.filter(comment => this._currentFilter.checkComment(comment));
     currentMeta.commentCount = filteredComments.length;
-    const [data, users] = TagCloudDataService.buildDataFromComments(this._adminData, filteredComments);
+    const [data, users] = TagCloudDataService
+      .buildDataFromComments(this._currentOwner, this._currentModerators, this._adminData, filteredComments);
     let minWeight = null;
     let maxWeight = null;
     for (const value of data.values()) {
       value.weight = this.calculateWeight(value);
-      minWeight = Math.min(value.weight, minWeight || value.weight);
-      maxWeight = Math.max(value.weight, maxWeight || value.weight);
+      minWeight = Math.min(value.weight, minWeight === null ? value.weight : minWeight);
+      maxWeight = Math.max(value.weight, maxWeight === null ? value.weight : maxWeight);
     //calculate weight counts and adjusted weights
     const same = minWeight === maxWeight;
diff --git a/src/app/services/util/topic-cloud-admin.service.ts b/src/app/services/util/topic-cloud-admin.service.ts
index eea4ab450faf91e970d0c232a52a3142a674aeeb..9875cef1ac7c0c23f1525b932f98f0cc7f7c7bbd 100644
--- a/src/app/services/util/topic-cloud-admin.service.ts
+++ b/src/app/services/util/topic-cloud-admin.service.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
 import {
+  ensureDefaultScorings,
@@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ export class TopicCloudAdminService {
       minQuestions: admin.minQuestions,
       minUpvotes: admin.minUpvotes,
       startDate: admin.startDate,
-      endDate: admin.endDate
+      endDate: admin.endDate,
+      scorings: admin.scorings
     room.tagCloudSettings = JSON.stringify(settings);
@@ -120,9 +122,11 @@ export class TopicCloudAdminService {
         minQuestions: 1,
         minUpvotes: 0,
         startDate: null,
-        endDate: null
+        endDate: null,
+        scorings: null
+    ensureDefaultScorings(data);
     return data;
diff --git a/src/app/utils/SyncFence.ts b/src/app/utils/SyncFence.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bbe6079a65f6badff2f81e7c4fd6b533f7a9b576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/utils/SyncFence.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+export class SyncFence {
+  private readonly _conditions: boolean[];
+  constructor(public readonly conditionCount: number,
+              public readonly satisfyCallback: () => void) {
+    this._conditions = new Array(conditionCount).fill(false);
+  }
+  resolveCondition(index: number) {
+    if (!this._conditions[index]) {
+      this._conditions[index] = true;
+      if (this._conditions.every(condition => condition)) {
+        this.satisfyCallback();
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/creator/de.json b/src/assets/i18n/creator/de.json
index e0e01240dcb5f5c9f6dc9070c56749594eb5400e..8478bd9d4e5b0f847258520a4124ed519182e679 100644
--- a/src/assets/i18n/creator/de.json
+++ b/src/assets/i18n/creator/de.json
@@ -416,7 +416,28 @@
     "question-count-plural": "Fragen",
     "edit-keyword-tip": "Neues Thema",
     "no-keywords-note": "Es gibt keine Themen.",
-    "consider-votes": "Bewertungen der Fragen berücksichtigen",
+    "keyword-scoring-header": "Bewertung der Stichwörter",
+    "keyword-scoring-header-info": "Einstellbare Multiplikatoren für die Gewichtung der Schlüsselwörter",
+    "keyword-scoring-countComments": "Anzahl Kommentare",
+    "keyword-scoring-countComments-info": "Anzahl der Kommentare, aus denen die Schlüsselwörter extrahiert wurden",
+    "keyword-scoring-countUsers": "Anzahl Fragensteller*innen",
+    "keyword-scoring-countUsers-info": "Anzahl exklusiver Fragensteller*innen, die dieses Schlüsselwort verwendet haben",
+    "keyword-scoring-countSelectedByQuestioner": "Anzahl verifiziert",
+    "keyword-scoring-countSelectedByQuestioner-info": "Anzahl der Verifizierungen eines Schlüsselworts durch einen Fragesteller*in",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByModerator": "Anzahl Schlüsselwörter von Moderatoren",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByModerator-info": "Anzahl der Verwendungen dieses Schlüsselworts durch Moderatoren",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByCreator": "Anzahl Schlüsselwörter vom Ersteller",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByCreator-info": "Anzahl der Verwendungen dieses Schlüsselworts durch den Ersteller",
+    "keyword-scoring-countCommentsAnswered": "Anzahl beantwortete Kommentare",
+    "keyword-scoring-countCommentsAnswered-info": "Anzahl der Kommentare, die dieses Stichwort enthalten und beantwortet wurden",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedUpvotes": "Anzahl aller Upvotes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedUpvotes-info": "Anzahl aller Upvotes, die auf den Kommentaren mit diesem Schlüsselwort gemacht worden sind",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedDownvotes": "Anzahl aller Downvotes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedDownvotes-info": "Anzahl aller Downvotes, die auf den Kommentaren mit diesem Schlüsselwort gemacht worden sind",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedVotes": "Summe aller Votes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedVotes-info": "Summe aus den Up- und Downvotes, die auf den Kommentaren mit diesem Schlüsselwort gemacht worden sind",
+    "keyword-scoring-cappedSummedVotes": "Summe aller Votes (>= 0)",
+    "keyword-scoring-cappedSummedVotes-info": "(Siehe Summe aller Votes). Die Summe kann nicht unter null fallen und wird minimal 0",
     "profanity": "Vulgäre Wörter mit »***« überschreiben",
     "hide-blacklist-words": "Themen aus der Blacklist verbergen",
     "sort-alpha": "Alphabetisch",
diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/creator/en.json b/src/assets/i18n/creator/en.json
index bdd01c3c69a22db64f32a77ddd8e5d41ee4c520c..3c0a3983993b6705eb691ee9b5b8793705b5d6fa 100644
--- a/src/assets/i18n/creator/en.json
+++ b/src/assets/i18n/creator/en.json
@@ -426,7 +426,28 @@
     "question-count-plural": "Questions",
     "edit-keyword-tip": "New topic",
     "no-keywords-note": "There are no topics.",
-    "consider-votes": "Consider Votes",
+    "keyword-scoring-header": "Keyword weighting",
+    "keyword-scoring-header-info": "Adjustable multipliers for the weighting of keywords",
+    "keyword-scoring-countComments": "Number of comments",
+    "keyword-scoring-countComments-info": "Number of comments from which the keywords have been extracted",
+    "keyword-scoring-countUsers": "Number of questioners",
+    "keyword-scoring-countUsers-info": "Number of exclusive questioners who used this keyword",
+    "keyword-scoring-countSelectedByQuestioner": "Number verified",
+    "keyword-scoring-countSelectedByQuestioner-info": "Number of times a keyword has been verified by a questioner",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByModerator": "Number of keywords from moderators",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByModerator-info": "Number of times this keyword has been used by moderators",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByCreator": "Number of keywords from creator",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByCreator-info": "Number of times this keyword has been used by the creator",
+    "keyword-scoring-countCommentsAnswered": "Number of answered comments",
+    "keyword-scoring-countCommentsAnswered-info": "Number of comments that have this keyword and have been answered",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedUpvotes": "Number of all upvotes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedUpvotes-info": "Number of all upvotes made on the comments with this keyword",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedDownvotes": "Number of all downvotes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedDownvotes-info": "Number of all downvotes made on the comments with this keyword",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedVotes": "Sum of all votes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedVotes-info": "Sum of the upvotes and downvotes made on the comments with this keyword",
+    "keyword-scoring-cappedSummedVotes": "Sum of all votes (>= 0)",
+    "keyword-scoring-cappedSummedVotes-info": "(See the sum of all votes). The sum cannot fall below zero and becomes a minimum of 0",
     "profanity": "Censor profanity",
     "hide-blacklist-words": "Hide blacklist keywords",
     "sort-alpha": "Alphabetically",
diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/participant/de.json b/src/assets/i18n/participant/de.json
index 2dd52369fb210779bbd27fdb4312d73d381b9047..e9e12de312d487a699f8f140c96bf195fb21dde6 100644
--- a/src/assets/i18n/participant/de.json
+++ b/src/assets/i18n/participant/de.json
@@ -321,7 +321,28 @@
     "question-count-plural": "Fragen",
     "edit-keyword-tip": "Neues Thema",
     "no-keywords-note": "Es gibt keine Themen.",
-    "consider-votes": "Bewertungen der Fragen berücksichtigen",
+    "keyword-scoring-header": "Bewertung der Stichwörter",
+    "keyword-scoring-header-info": "Einstellbare Multiplikatoren für die Gewichtung der Schlüsselwörter",
+    "keyword-scoring-countComments": "Anzahl Kommentare",
+    "keyword-scoring-countComments-info": "Anzahl der Kommentare, aus denen die Schlüsselwörter extrahiert wurden",
+    "keyword-scoring-countUsers": "Anzahl Fragensteller*innen",
+    "keyword-scoring-countUsers-info": "Anzahl exklusiver Fragensteller*innen, die dieses Schlüsselwort verwendet haben",
+    "keyword-scoring-countSelectedByQuestioner": "Anzahl verifiziert",
+    "keyword-scoring-countSelectedByQuestioner-info": "Anzahl der Verifizierungen eines Schlüsselworts durch einen Fragesteller*in",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByModerator": "Anzahl Schlüsselwörter von Moderatoren",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByModerator-info": "Anzahl der Verwendungen dieses Schlüsselworts durch Moderatoren",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByCreator": "Anzahl Schlüsselwörter vom Ersteller",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByCreator-info": "Anzahl der Verwendungen dieses Schlüsselworts durch den Ersteller",
+    "keyword-scoring-countCommentsAnswered": "Anzahl beantwortete Kommentare",
+    "keyword-scoring-countCommentsAnswered-info": "Anzahl der Kommentare, die dieses Stichwort enthalten und beantwortet wurden",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedUpvotes": "Anzahl aller Upvotes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedUpvotes-info": "Anzahl aller Upvotes, die auf den Kommentaren mit diesem Schlüsselwort gemacht worden sind",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedDownvotes": "Anzahl aller Downvotes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedDownvotes-info": "Anzahl aller Downvotes, die auf den Kommentaren mit diesem Schlüsselwort gemacht worden sind",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedVotes": "Summe aller Votes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedVotes-info": "Summe aus den Up- und Downvotes, die auf den Kommentaren mit diesem Schlüsselwort gemacht worden sind",
+    "keyword-scoring-cappedSummedVotes": "Summe aller Votes (>= 0)",
+    "keyword-scoring-cappedSummedVotes-info": "(Siehe Summe aller Votes). Die Summe kann nicht unter null fallen und wird minimal 0",
     "profanity": "Vulgäre Wörter mit »***« überschreiben",
     "hide-blacklist-words": "Themen aus der Blacklist verbergen",
     "sort-alpha": "Alphabetisch",
diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/participant/en.json b/src/assets/i18n/participant/en.json
index 7ae49a217986f530b6919a89667a1a0620c3861b..a3fbef81d5d1c897b18aac267b8a972f8c03038c 100644
--- a/src/assets/i18n/participant/en.json
+++ b/src/assets/i18n/participant/en.json
@@ -327,7 +327,28 @@
     "question-count-plural": "Questions",
     "edit-keyword-tip": "New topic",
     "no-keywords-note": "There are no topics.",
-    "consider-votes": "Consider Votes",
+    "keyword-scoring-header": "Keyword weighting",
+    "keyword-scoring-header-info": "Adjustable multipliers for the weighting of keywords",
+    "keyword-scoring-countComments": "Number of comments",
+    "keyword-scoring-countComments-info": "Number of comments from which the keywords have been extracted",
+    "keyword-scoring-countUsers": "Number of questioners",
+    "keyword-scoring-countUsers-info": "Number of exclusive questioners who used this keyword",
+    "keyword-scoring-countSelectedByQuestioner": "Number verified",
+    "keyword-scoring-countSelectedByQuestioner-info": "Number of times a keyword has been verified by a questioner",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByModerator": "Number of keywords from moderators",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByModerator-info": "Number of times this keyword has been used by moderators",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByCreator": "Number of keywords from creator",
+    "keyword-scoring-countKeywordByCreator-info": "Number of times this keyword has been used by the creator",
+    "keyword-scoring-countCommentsAnswered": "Number of answered comments",
+    "keyword-scoring-countCommentsAnswered-info": "Number of comments that have this keyword and have been answered",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedUpvotes": "Number of all upvotes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedUpvotes-info": "Number of all upvotes made on the comments with this keyword",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedDownvotes": "Number of all downvotes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedDownvotes-info": "Number of all downvotes made on the comments with this keyword",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedVotes": "Sum of all votes",
+    "keyword-scoring-summedVotes-info": "Sum of the upvotes and downvotes made on the comments with this keyword",
+    "keyword-scoring-cappedSummedVotes": "Sum of all votes (>= 0)",
+    "keyword-scoring-cappedSummedVotes-info": "(See the sum of all votes). The sum cannot fall below zero and becomes a minimum of 0",
     "profanity": "Censor profanity",
     "hide-blacklist-words": "Hide blacklist keywords",
     "sort-alpha": "Alphabetically",