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Clodine Maeva Ndemmeze Kenf / frag.jetzt
MIT LicenseThe name of the app says it all: it stands both for the purpose of the app and for its address https://frag.jetzt
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Mohammad Nour Aldin Almarrawi / frag.jetzt
MIT LicenseThe name of the app says it all: it stands both for the purpose of the app and for its address https://frag.jetzt
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A demonstration of the use of the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) with the BPMN process orchestration platform Camunda 8.
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Anas Aji / frag.jetzt
MIT LicenseThe name of the app says it all: it stands both for the purpose of the app and for its address https://frag.jetzt
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Laeticia Sorelle Tekazam Nono / frag.jetzt
MIT LicenseThe name of the app says it all: it stands both for the purpose of the app and for its address https://frag.jetzt
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Peguy Rusty Kana Donwoung / frag.jetzt
MIT LicenseThe name of the app says it all: it stands both for the purpose of the app and for its address https://frag.jetzt
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Pradelle Dtzameni Wepadjui / frag.jetzt
MIT LicenseThe name of the app says it all: it stands both for the purpose of the app and for its address https://frag.jetzt
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Ashley Nkongni / frag.jetzt
MIT LicenseThe name of the app says it all: it stands both for the purpose of the app and for its address https://frag.jetzt
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Ismail Messaoudi / frag.jetzt
MIT LicenseThe name of the app says it all: it stands both for the purpose of the app and for its address https://frag.jetzt
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Elias Schultze-Rhonhof / frag.jetzt fork ha2
MIT LicenseThe name of the app says it all: it stands both for the purpose of the app and for its address https://frag.jetzt
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