• Jochen Sprickerhof's avatar
    Add F-Droid build flavor (Closes #128) (#162) · d195e1ce
    Jochen Sprickerhof authored
    * Move getSafeNameForSensor to StardroidApplication
    It's only used there and allows use to make Analytics an interface
    * Cleanup build script
    - Add -e to error on build failures.
    - Use subshell instead of cd ..
    - Manually fix classpath because gradle has problems with flavors
    * Extract Analytics.java content into an interface
    * Add AbstractGooglePlayServicesChecker.java
    This adds an abstract class for the gms independent parts of
    * Add support-v4 compile dependency
    This is used in GooglePlayServicesChecker.java
    * Add AbstractDynamicStarMapModule.java
    This adds a base class for the gms independent parts of
    * Separate build flavors for gms and fdroid
    This adds two build flavors. One using gms (analytics and location) and
    one without for F-Droid. All classes using gms are moved to the flavor
    source path and a version without gms is added or the fdroid flavor.