• Tom Käsler's avatar
    Release version to 1.2 · eac43d79
    Tom Käsler authored
    * Adds a counter for the comments
    * Adds a badge in the comment view that counts comments / filtered comments
    * Adds a guest login for speaker role
    Performance improvements:
    * Enables Angular Ahead-of-Time compiler
    * Improves loading strategy for Service Workers
    General improvements:
    * Optimizes dark theme for better readability
    * Only shows the toolbar for the comments when there are more than 3 comments
    * Pins the searchbar for the comments to the top
    * Adds ID and local time to the header component in the comment view
    * Improves overall wording
    Bug Fixes:
    * Closes presentation view for comments on pressing ESC when in browser fullscreen
    * Fixed not being able to scoll in room settings
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